I want to know which person in charge of the show decided that The Walking Dead should become Meet Joe Black and punch him in the face. asshole, somber and calm does not equal dramatic.
I am looking forward to seeing if Hershel Walker gets around on that obviously flawlessly constructed prosthetic leg as a zombie as he does now, because you know he is next to go; he talked too damn much and too philosophical last night.
This season has been stellar thus far...I like the direction the show is going in, even though its getting crazy like the comics it feels like Walking Dead
That scene was the Walking Dead writers paying homage to a scene in the comics for Tyresse where he went beast mode against every zombie alone
So what's the deal with Darrell & Co.? If the road they took leads all the way back to the prison, the zombie horde is en route. They said the trip was like 50 miles away so they have to walk 50 miles back to warn everyone of the horde. Clearly the gates won't hold them out so they have no choice but to move again. Also, inserting the plague in the story line was a genius move. Forces them to not be complacent and comfortable in the prison.
Walking Dead has been much better this season, although it still has some silly continuity problems. First 2 episodes zombies won't stop crowding the fences and it is a constant struggle to keep them away/out. Everyone gets sick and suddenly we don't have to worry about that anymore. Either way, I think it has picked up and I'm excited to see how long it takes Daryl to get back to the prison. I'm not sure the characters left at the prison are interesting/healthy enough to be terribly interesting.
Won't happen. He is too popular of a character. However, the illness has to kill someone of significance or it will be meaningless. The safe bet would be Sasha (Tyreese's sister). I also think that Hershel is a possible victim. His death would have a huge impact (personally, I'd be bummed)....big plot implications for Maggie, Beth and Rick. That would be the biggest loss to the show yet.
I think Herschel is on the chopping block. I don't think that anyone significant will die until mid season though.
considering what the writers and show runner actually think passes as drama, I don't think they have a clue what would be meaningful and what wouldn't be.
In all fairness, Carol has stepped up because Rick is still butt hurt and acting like a weak Bitch. She's making the hard decisions and has gone full survivor mode..
Being popular doesn't mean anything in the Walking Dead universe (except maybe if you're Daryl) I see Glen biting the bullet at the end of this season, if not season 5. Him or Maggie, maybe even both (though I don't think so).
I thought for a second that might happen, but it is doubtful. Rick just hands guns out like candy and doesn't even bother to get them back. Guns don't grow on trees Rick! Go kill those two zombies and get your pistol back from that dead gimpy girl! I'm interested if the blonde boy shows up at some point. He sort of disappeared with a pistol and his watch.
Finally the governor makes an appearance. Something tells me that he's been the one who's responsible for the herds of zombies pushing down the fence. Realistically that whole concept is silly. So these dead people all have the strength and mind to work together to push down a fence? Yeah right. I like the show, but every zombie scene is absurd this season, especially the one where all the zombies are falling through the ceiling and suddenly overwhelming folks. The one where they all pop out of the bushes was equally dumb.