I got annoyed with his response at first... I mean, who wouldn't? But when you really look at the way the quotes are depicted, you know that some weasel beat writer heard Rex's comment in the presser and couldn't wait to corner a tired Amaro at his locker with that question. Maybe it's time for fans to stop being easily manipulated by journalist assholes that wouldn't know a skinny post if it was run over their soft little bodies while they tried to scarf down a bagel shmeared with crab salad.
Amaro tweeted last night "don't believe everything you hear or read." But has deleted it for some reason. Anyway this sounds like something that got completely blown out of proportion. Amaro could have been frustrated if he said it, he could have been misquoted.
I'm inclined to believe he was joking. Honestly who hasn't seen that old footage? If he said it with a smile and a laugh the intent of his words would be obvious. It's really easy to take out of context. I think it's just another manufactured pile of bullshit.
Forgive me if I take 99% of the NY beat writers selective quotes, often taken out of context for personal enhancement and even more frequently truncated to make a point without substance, with a huge grain of salt. I missed the whole point of Rex's message. Can we agree that in todays environment Ditka could at best be some back up TE/FB with good blocking skills and the speed of a pregnant elephant.
Those quotes don't sound out of character for Amaro based on what I've read about him, interviews, twitter comments…etc. He seems to possess an ornery type of personality along with a massive chip on the shoulder, which is not necessarily a bad thing for the sport he plays. I can foresee him being a media favorite for quotes regardless of how he plays.
Dude, he's 74 years old. I just met him a few weeks ago and while he's still in good shape for and old man, he'd get crushed out there. _
Plus he's under contract with ESPN...though it'd be great PR if they let him play. That prick Goodell would probably make him sell his restaurants though... I hear Ditka's got a big sausage.
He's a lot bigger then he looks on TV. He would have been a superstar TE had he been a contemporary today. Back up pppffffttp. _
He'd have to... in order to fit in. He is the only Super Bowl head coach to score a touchdown in a Super Bowl....but that only goes so far in today's NFL. Is it strange that Rex is hyping Ditka? The man wasn't exactly spending Thanksgivings at the Ryan household.
When I saw the quotes from Jace I was already picturing some reporting running over to him after hearing Rex's quote and trying to stir the fire.
The kid was a 2nd round pick who hasn't played a real game NFL snap yet and the media is sh*tting all over him. Unwarranted. Those media hacks like to pick one rookie every year to really bash. It's WAY too early to be killing Amaro. I would at least expect a few poor regular season games from him before this kind of scrutiny.
His entire professional body of work consists of one game. Rookies are going to be evaluated for every snap. It's not just someone being down on Amaro. His standard is currently set at what the preseason game showed, because that was his entire body of work at this level. Next week you can judge him on 2 games, then 3, then 4, then a real game, etc. He is what he is right NOW. Nothing says he can't or won't improve, but you can either judge based on whats infront of you or hold judgement for the future. Very rarely does the latter happen. Amaro doesn't have an NFL career behind him to say that the preseason game was just an anomaly, right now its what he is, and beat writers will either use it or hold judgement based on their style. Neither one is incorrect, it's just a limited sample size if you read the formers article and you need to remember that's all he's judging it by.
I wish Amaro would've told Rex to watch film of Ditka as a coach chewing out his QB that threw an INT. And maybe suggest that Idzy joins the fun and watch Ditka trade his entire draft and show up wearing dreads to the presser...
My point was that making an evaluation like that after a SINGLE preseason game is stupid, and in reality just shows shoddy reporting. I'm well aware that it's his body of work. An assessment like that shouldn't even be written until at the very least the end of the preseason. It's like flipping a coin once getting heads, and then reporting about how heads is far superior to tails thus far. It's pointless and stupid. Typical NY Post type shit.
Trust me, I agree that it's stupid. But that's what it is, he'll have a new opinion of him every single game just because he's a rookie, something you'll have to deal with, I'm sure you went through it with Geno last season, and honestly, this season will probably be even more brutal on him the instant he struggles, because he's had a year. It's not JUST the New York media, though they do play a part, its just media in general.