Am I the only person left with faith in Ryan/Sanchez?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by SyracuseJet, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    It may not be good enough for you but I'm sure it is good enough for Rex and it may be good enough for Gamble.
  2. WillyBeaman

    WillyBeaman New Member

    Jan 1, 2013
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    Harbaugh is insane but no dummy. He knows you can't win a SB with a training wheels QB like Smith. That's why he benched him.
  3. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    That right there is the problem: settling for "good enough". I don't want good enough. I would rather have a couple of crappy 3 and 4 win seasons and get it right than to constantly strive for "playoff contender". I would ABSOLUTELY continue to support this team through a semi-rebuilding process where they made the right moves, got the cap situation straight, and laid a foundation for sustained success. Think 1997 when the Jets were a complete joke with no hope, and Parcells came in here, made us competitive in one year and then laid a foundation that lasted for quite some time. Did you know the Jets haven't had back to back losing seasons since 1996? That's because Parcells was the guy who REALLY put us back on the map.

    The band-aid approach we've used for several years didn't get it done, only helped to create this mess. No more "good enough".
  4. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't believe in the tandem anymore. I do believe that seperately, both of them could be successful in different roles than the ones they're in now. Rex will make a helluva DC for some team once his time here is over. Sanchez, with a different team and coaching, might just be salvageable if he hasn't already turned into Joey Harrington.
  5. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    I hear you but a "good enough" QB doesn't have to mean a "good enough" team. Though I am not in favor of acquiring an Alex Smith, I still think that you can win with a non-elite QB such as Smith provided your defense is elite.
  6. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    He had Holmes, Keller, LT, Greene, Plax and a rookie Kerley, not the best receiving corp per say but not terrible either. The Jets took the training wheels off and allowed him to throw more.
  7. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    As Homer Simpson would say.....Done and Done !!!
  8. BTC

    BTC New Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    Since your from syracuse too I'll say I love how Marrone bailed on us and went to the Bills and now we have to start over AGAIN heading into the fucking ACC this year. I also would like to see the Jets pick up Nassib as a project.

    I'll say it again....I dont think Sanchez is Drew Brees....But Brees got benched in his 4th year for awful play. Then in year 5 started to become the Brees we now know.
    If you get rid of that piece of shit Sporano and that piece of steaming QB coaching shit Cavanaugh THEN....get an OC that can completely be independant of Rex without him bumbling in the offense......In this case yes....I believe its possible to get Sanchez rehabilitated.

    ....and I dont care what anyone says...buddies or not.....When they announced Tebow coming to NY Sanchez went "what in the fuck is this shit!!!!!" It fucked with Sanchez hard core. Hell I could see it in training camp every day I went. Sanchez 2012 was not the same Sanchez.
  9. Jets1035

    Jets1035 Active Member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Sanchez should have manned up and proved he was the starting QB. Maybe babying him, and patting his ass would have made him warm and fuzzy inside. Fuck that! He makes big money, he should be content with that and play no matter what. Lets get Brunell back, then Marky can have his security blanket back.

  10. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Do you really want a QB who is that mentally fragile that bringing in a guy like Tebow could screw his psyche up so bad that he never recovered - even after it was plainly clear that he wasn't getting benched no matter what?

    Look, I defended Sanchez until about the middle of this year. I think there's a small chance he can be helped, but there is a chance. But please don't ever put him and Drew Brees in the same comparison ever again - that's just silly.
  11. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    all these qb's you guys are naming like Brees and A Smith didn't suck as bad as Sanchez did.
  12. BTC

    BTC New Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    Sorry....let me clarify. Those things could make a turn around. I personally do not want that. I want him gone. GONE....

    Also....yes...coddling Sanchez from day 1....color coded ball security ect...its a recipe on how to build a pussy. NOT an NFL QB. If you dont take the reigns off and let them learn then they will never learn.

    For the record...again...fuck Sanchez.
  13. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    And we, as fans, pay the salaries of those 2 guys (assuming Gamble gets hired). Woody Johnson is not siphoning money from J & J to pay Rex's salary.

    And as others have said, good enough does not win championships. And Sanchez will never win a championship.
  14. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I do agree with all of that....especially the fact that they created the blueprint on how to build a

    But I think they did try to take the reigns off him - more because they wanted to see what he could do than because he was ready. But they never really prepared him properly for it.

    Fuck Sanchez is right. But fuck the front office just as much if not more.
  15. yanks9596

    yanks9596 Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Sanchez supporters are seriously deluded.
  16. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I have plenty of faith in Rex.
    I have plenty of faith that Sanchez, given time and guidance, can be better than Kellen Clemmons. Who knows, with a great OC, maybe he can actually be decent, like better than average. Maybe.
    I'd hate to think what my job performance would look like if my first bosses were Schotty and Sporano. As much as I think his psyche is destroyed at this point, I HOPE he can turn it around. I don't, however, have any faith that it will happen for him.
  17. VaBchJet

    VaBchJet Active Member

    Oct 1, 2006
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    If Rex would actually have a QB competition in TC, and an NFL caliber QB to compete with Sanchez; Then I would have a little more faith in Rex.

    Russel Wilson had a chance to compete and won the job. Bradway who is still on the Jets payroll is quoted as wanting to draft Wilson really bad.

    It looks like he was right.

    I have no faith in Sanchez, he is done.
  18. BTC

    BTC New Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    Yes...he absolutely is.
  19. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I still belive in Rex, but it is very hard for me to still belive in Mark Sanchez after he invented the butt fumble
  20. CasinoBlitz

    CasinoBlitz Member

    Jan 2, 2013
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    I am still 100% behind Rex Ryan. No coach has given Tom Brady more fits than Rex Ryan has over his career. Brady just never looks comfortable against Rex's defense and aside from that 45-3 game, has never really just chewed Rex's D in a way that only Peyton Manning could.

    You give Rex a top 15 QB and he probably wins the Super Bowl in at least one of his first two years here. He makes the playoffs in year 3 and is a dangerous wild card team a la Baltimore every year.

    Even with the lack of great talent on defense, Rex's units are always in the top 10. The guy has absolutely no pass rushers. Pace and Thomas are trash. The D-Line is young and still developing. And the offense continually puts the defense in bad positions with turnovers, bad field position, and going 3 and out constantly. It tires the defense out and it deflates/dejects them. You're playing your ass off holding a team to a FG at halftime and you're still losing.

    Sanchez is the absolute killer. He HAS to go. I would take Mike Vick even though I've never been a huge fan. At least he will ignite the offense and give you some explosive plays.

    I wish Rex would get back to his old brash/big talking ways. I think the team fed off his trash talking. I hate that he's tried to morph into a Belichick-type of guy where he's praising the other teams and not saying outlandish things, using cliches. Be true to yourself Rex

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