Bubble? Where? Chad kicked his butt all over the Meadowlands on 01/04/03 to the tune of 41-0 and Peyton choked and goes home in 2005 from where I'm sitting. A shocker. If Peyton doesn't advance the team, he doesn't advance the team. In fact, I think Peyton LOOKS worse because he's SUPPOSED to be better. Yes, you have to get your team to the Playoffs first, and yes, Chad folded against Oakland, but how in the final analysis has Peyton really fared any better as far the end result? More wins? Big whup. Peyton hasn't lined up in the SB as of yet as far as I know. I EXPECT Manning to do better, and he never delivers once the Colts are primed for the kill. Oh, and nothing's ever his fault. Now that malformed of his, that certainly isn't his fault. I'll give him that. ^To that, you said... Er, doesn't 25-16 mean with Chad the Jets were winning more times than not? Not to mince words or anything.
Are you his agent? Because if you are, you already robbed us for $22 million which divided by the 16 games we got for the money he was paid close to $1.5 million a game. At that price I would expect about 13 wins out of the 16 possible. Chad is done in NY, let him swindle another team. I'm sure some dumb GM will give him the money. Don't let the door hit you in the ARS!
Chad being done in New York puts us in a very very sorry situation.I for one hopes he takes a pay cut and comes back better than ever.The talk of Cutler Rivers Schaub Ramsey Brooks Bollinger makes me ill.
Maybe Chad will come back and be like that kid in "Rookie of the Year"? You know, the one that banged Tara Reid in American Pie....