lol, thats half true. You have the option to place any player on any team so some including myself have put him on the assassins team. there also is a dog team n people have created Vick and put him on that team as well. These vids are pretty classless but check them out: Vick vid: OJ vid:
Those vids are ridiculous... Amazing HD graphics. This game kiks ass. Those who like arcady/easy to control games would like NCAA. 2k is more in depth and X's & O's so it's not for everyone. Check these out: NCAA vs APF APF goes NFL Films
they need to make the graphics better and have off-field stuff, and i wish they still had rights to current nfl players too...............™
I haven't played APF or the new NCAA, but i don't see how you could say that ncaa is soo much better. APF looks soo much better, but considering i haven't played it, it would be hard for any control issues to really make NCAA that much better.
I played both games tonight. NCAA looks nice, but is filled with ridiculous plays and animations. On one play Pat White was going down. Two Gamecocks were bringing him down for a sack which would have been a 15 yard loss. Inches from being down he threw a perfect spiral behind his back to an open receiver 20 yards down the field resulting in a touchdown. Me and the guy I was playing against couldn't believe it. Then there are all sorts of bad animations where a ball bounces in impossible ways and passes where the QB didn't even have a good grip on the ball (pass should have gone straight to the ground). Shitty game. EA Sports really turned that game into crap. It's unplayable. APF2K8, on the other hand, is much better. I don't even see how one can debate it with a straight face.
Well, seeing as i've never played it, i can't believe how many people totally hated it! Even people on this forum have said that their returning it because it's soo bad. I couldn't believe it, the game looks so fricken good!!! The realisticness of the WR's for one, is amazing. They change speed, arm motions, the lengths of each step, and everything looks so realistic and smooth. What makes this game bad??
No franchise mode, but you really can't have a franchise mode with players from different eras. Also no NFL license. The actual gameplay is much better than the EA games. Also, the games are way more realistic. I played an 18-17 game against a human opponent tonight in 2K8. Do so with Madden or NCAA and you get 60-55 type games.
There's not a soul on this forum save zonebuster that could put more than 30 let alone 55 on me in Madden.
one other more realistic feature in APF 2k8, is that in order to throw accurate, u need to be balanced on your feet....................™
if you can have a game with players from different eras playing against each other, you can have them play against each other for multiple seasons. horrible oversight on 2k's part and the reason I won't buy this game.