Agony of Da Feet: Deadspin announces Ryan Family Foot Fetish

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GreenMachine, Dec 21, 2010.


What's your take on the foot fetish videos?

  1. I'm fine with it/whatever/it's awesome!

    272 vote(s)
  2. Embarrassing/not cool

    109 vote(s)
  1. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    A Woman's take: written by Pats-Hater...... I mean Jane McManus:


    Saving Ryan's Privacy: Let's leave Rex alone
    Dec 23, 09:10AM ET | By Jane McManus
    Jane McManus

    What landed Jets coach Rex Ryan's wife on the cover of a New York tabloid? It was a little video short that was the adult entertainment equivalent of buttered toast.

    Unless, of course, the headline was that a man could still have the hots for his wife, even after 23 years of marriage. That's kind of news.

    Said YouTube sensation has been unearthed and put out there so that everyone can point and laugh. And boy have they. Anybody with a Twitter account, armed only with the knowledge that the sport Ryan coaches contains the word "foot," has made attempts at humor, often with disastrous results.

    It did not help that wide receiver Santonio Holmes was diagnosed with turf toe today.

    Please, leave the jokes to the professionals.

    Giggling aside, Ryan is a public figure, but should his wife be subject to such scrutiny? She shouldn't be, and neither should their children. Even if it was bad judgment to make the video and put it on the Internet (and, oh, in hindsight that's an affirmative) it wasn't a criminal act.

    Say it is them in those videos. They are consenting adults. And married, to each other. There were no babysitters, call girls, drug dealers, hijacked airliners or acts of international terrorism involved, as far as we know.

    Criticize Ryan for not knowing what was going on with Sal Alosi and the walls on the sideline. Call him out for not putting the kibosh on inappropriate behavior around a female reporter. Or wasting a challenge in the first drive against the Patriots. Those are all things that happened in the context of his football team.

    Used to be that Mickey Mantle could go out after a game and engage in "Mad Men"-type bingeing and womanizing with all his sports writer friends and mum was the word. Not sure that golden age did much more than allow sports writers to feel really cool about their jobs, and I don't want to go back there.

    But there's such a thing as the opposite extreme. Put this firmly in the not-sure-I-need-to-know category.

    Go ahead, get the chuckling out of your system, and then let's all move along.

  2. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    From National Football Post

    1) The New York Jets at the Chicago Bears…both teams have been considered among the NFL's "best teams" or "biggest disappointments" depending where on the calendar you caught them. The Bears have done a great job of bouncing back from getting "Shebachacled" (thank you for the new word Deion) by the Patriots and claimed the NFC North title Monday night. How they handle the pressure/man/"face" packages of the Jets will determine their ability to function anywhere near normal. Normal is a word that doesn't exist right now for the Jets, their coach is having an embarrassing week thanks to some YouTube footage, their QB has a tear in some shoulder cartilage and Sunday promises "Bear Weather" in Chicago. Sounds like the perfect combo for a strong Jets performance to me, I like the Jets 20 Bears 16.

    Truer words have never been spoken. When shit starts to get...strange with the Jets is when I'm most confident in this team
  3. Bob R

    Bob R New Member

    Dec 18, 2010
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    I voted that I was fine with this.

    But, the whole topic is full of win!
  4. inSANITy

    inSANITy Banned

    Mar 14, 2006
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    I dk if this has been mentioned or not because I am not about to read 32 pages of forum posts but imagine how much this sucks for Rex Ryan's Kid.

    He must be being made fun of so much at school
  5. benhamean

    benhamean Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    Jason Whitlock (fox sports):

    Bozo the Clown can’t survive for long as an NFL head coach.

    So all the sympathy in the world won’t save Sex Ryan, the F-bomb-dropping, fun-loving, foot-worshipping New York Jets coach.

    It’s going to take an extreme makeover and some playoff victories for Rex Ryan to recover from the dirty little secrets exposed about Rex and his wife.

    Leaders don’t get to double as punchlines, and Rex has turned himself and the Jets into jokes the old-fashion way — one controversy at a time.

    He was busted on camera giving an MMA fan the finger. He turned HBO’s "Hard Knocks" into an Andrew Dice Clay standup routine. Ryan created the meat-market environment that tried to carve up Ines Sainz. He turned his weekly press conferences into "SNL" skits spoofing his brother and teasing Tom Brady.

    Rex Ryan is the popular class clown. He’s not the class president or team captain.

    He’s Ochocinco trying to play quarterback. It’s not going to work.

    Woody Johnson, owner of the Jets, needs to have a long, serious discussion with Rex at the conclusion of the season and find out if Rex is willing to make the necessary personality sacrifices to be an NFL head coach. Johnson also must learn what other easy-to-expose skeletons are lurking in Rex’s closet.

    If Rex is unwilling to adjust, it’s just a matter of time before there are additional controversies and embarrassments. Will there be a conga line of Larry the Cable Guys speaking to Deadspin, the National Enquirer and TMZ about their wild night of foot-rubbing and toe-sucking with Michelle Ryan?

    Seriously, Sex Ryan could make Tiger Woods wholesome again.

    Sorry, Rex’s alleged foot-fetish, amateur YouTube videos and swingers’ message-board posting are not “personal matters” that require privacy.
    They’re reckless lapses in judgment that call into question his maturity, common sense, professionalism and ability to lead for a sustained period.

    Look, I pass no judgment on how Rex and Michelle Ryan get their freak on. That’s their business, their happiness. I’m not the morality police. As far as we know, they’ve done nothing illegal or without each other’s consent.

    My point is you have to know your role. It appears Rex Ryan spent very little time preparing for the role of NFL head coach. Larry Flynt can’t be the face of a football franchise. And neither can Bozo the Clown.

    A football locker room is a vicious place. The players currently rallying around their embarrassed football coach are laughing at him, too. How could they not? The jokes are too easy.

    But it’s not the laughter that will undermine Rex Ryan. It’s the pervasive lack of trust and military-style leadership found in professional football. There is no equality between the players and coaches. Football coaches are bully dictators. There is always an uncomfortable tension between player and coach.

    In a league with an arbitrary “personal conduct code” and a trigger-happy commissioner ready to punish any player (not named Brett Favre) for embarrassing The Shield, Rex Ryan is going to be a line in the sand for some players.

    You add all the Ryan-involved controversies together and you can make a pretty compelling argument that Rex is the league’s most embarrassing, non-criminal employee.

    The exposure of his lifestyle undermines his ability to lead. NFL players will have no problem privately ripping Rex Ryan even as they sympathize with him and recognize their own hypocrisy.

    Just as a quarterback has to work harder, study more film and carry himself in a way a receiver/defensive back doesn’t, so does a head coach. The standards are higher. This wouldn’t be a big deal if Rex was the Jets defensive coordinator.

    He’s not. He’s the head coach. Under his leadership, the Jets have become football’s "Animal House." They’re constant back-page fodder for the New York tabloids. Rex’s lack of discretion and judgment are a license for the players to lack discretion and judgment.

    And we haven’t even pondered how Rex’s exposed lifestyle will play with the Jets’ corporate sponsors. Image is everything.

    I’m not calling for the Jets to fire Rex Ryan. I’m demanding they make him take off the clown suit.
  6. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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  7. cmcm750203

    cmcm750203 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
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    jason whitlock is insane and a racist moron so i take nothing he says seriously
  8. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Whitlock is not racist. And honestly, there was nothing he wrote in that article that is totally off base. Rex has to get a grasp on things before everything spirals out of control. He's a great coach, but at some point all these distractions could end up being too much, and I really don't want it to come to that.

    I love Rex and I love the energy and personality he brings to this team. He just has to scale it back a little bit and not put himself out there quite so much.
  9. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    ^Exactly. The incident in itself is nothing - but posting it on the web shows a lack of good judgement, and if it keeps up, it will outweigh whatever good he does for the team. Woody Johnson is a respected business person and philanthropist - does he want to continue to be associated with stuff like this, and how long will he put up with these shenanigans? Is he so hungry for a trophy that he lets it all slide? Time will tell, unless Ryan shows a little better judgement.
  10. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Here's something off base:

    Rex Ryan loves his wife of two decades. Tiger Woods lost his family by having affairs with every cougar and pornstar in Florida.

    Jason Whitlock can go fuck himself.
  11. Dirty6Sanchez

    Dirty6Sanchez Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
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    Yeah this guy is a fucking clown. Rex made a mistake, he is human. This will all be buried one we make the playoffs
  12. benhamean

    benhamean Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    Rex has made an entire season one enormous media magnet, intentionally and unintentionally. This is just the latest 'thing' in a long line of 'things'. I think Whitlock is right- shit is a little overboard.

    Winning will keep the boss off his ass to some degree, but its got to be pissing Johnson off.
  13. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Well said, David Regan of 363 Fairfield Road, Parsippany, NJ.

    Mod powers, and such.

    Kidding. Fake name and address. Before someone's panties get in a twist.
  14. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Whitlock's article and Peter King's endorsement of same make me a bit sick. Leave the guy alone and talk about the football.

    How can the media attack a "distraction" of their own creation? If nobody asked about it, it's not a distraction. If people were able to act like adults, like Jane McManus in the article atop the page, this would be done already.

    It's any excuse to attack Rex and his Jets because he's different and approaches things differently. It's pathetic.
  15. concussion80

    concussion80 New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    yeah, knew it was a joke cause I have no idea who that dude is.
  16. concussion80

    concussion80 New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Comparing Rex and his wife to Tiger and his ho's is fucking pathetic and totally unprofessional. Whitlock is a cunt. Yep, I said it.
  17. benhamean

    benhamean Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    You think if it were any other NFL head coach, it would just be ignored? No way.
  18. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Yeah, pretty much. It might have been on Deadspin, there might have been a question about it in a press conference, a joke on PTI or an occasional joke reference here and there.

    The trouble is that the media have constructed this fiction of an undisciplined locker room and are trying to maintain that artificial construct by twisting anything to that end.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Who cares about this shit now, we're likely without our starting QB at the most crucial time of the year.

    Rex loves his wife's feet, great. Thread over-
  20. wexy

    wexy Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    I'm sure they will be playing "Footloose" in Chicago this weekend.

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