He's the american Tim sharky, he needs to cross paths with the real badasses of this world...then we will find out what he is made of, not the internet bloviation interpretation of what he wants us to percieve him as.
Steroids cloud the mind, it was the only way I could get to him. I didn't want to do it but I had no choice. You gonna take on him soxxx? you aren't scared of the famous video?
I'll take on anyone if they try to take something from me or someone I know. I didn't earn my reputation from sitting on the couch or anything..... If I'm the father of this four year old, A.P. would get an absolute ass beating...
You couldn't get to him with intellect or shit talking so you went parents. Nice. Parent jokes stopped being funny in the 5th grade dude. Win your battle by out-arguing him or out-flaming him. Leave loved ones out of it, even if you meant it as a joke. Unless you've not reached the 5th grade. _
Difference between me and you is that I already pm'd faux an article to prove I am who I say, you can't even back up that you're a bodybuilder - you pm'd me a blank ass bb forums profile . So shut the fuck up you troll.
And see the difference between me and him, is I don't need to come on here and bloviate, I know what I experienced, so it doesn't matter what he or anyone else says, because its not going to change anything at all.
Which Australian police academy are you joining to go fight the zetas while you DONT watch the nfl anymore and you're only here for the nba tread?
Don't you find it a little weird that your bringing up something from a very long time ago? That is irrelevant today.
He is not going to jail for two reasons: 1. Texas law permits a parent to use non deadly physical force to discipline a child as long as the parent believes that punishment is called for. 2. Rusty Hardin.
Not Guilty - the first grand jury got it right with its "no bill." Why it was put before a second grand jury probably reeks of politics. "From Texas Penal Code Sec 9.61 PARENT-CHILD (a) The use of force, but not deadly force, against a child younger than 18 years is justified: (1) if the actor is the child's parent or stepparent or is acting in loco parentis to the child; and (2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is necessary to discipline the child or to safeguard or promote his welfare." We are a nation of laws, even when "the law is a ass."
I know that i'm only arguing with the dumbest among right now but fuck it i'm bored and drunk this here ... Is assault. With a weapon. If one of you (too lazy look up all your dumbasses names) were at a party and acting your dumbass self and someone took the authority to beat your ass with a tree branch cuz you deserve it (and you do), you would have the right under United States court of law to prosecute who ever assaulted you... but this defenseless 4 year old is 'just taking an old school lesson'... Bullshit If this picture comes out to be false, then I've been duped....but this is not acceptable no matter what part of the country you live in. The mother of this child was absolutely right to bring this to the police. This is not along the lines of spanking, smacking, or even 'switching'. This is an assault, beating, bludgeoning aka attack on a defenseless child... Yes my mom has smacked me more than a few times in my young days. She used to pinch the nerve in my shoulder until i dropped to the ground. I've been spanked with a spoon on my ass. But this is too far. /rant
Physical punishment of children is a pretty big grey area. Theres gonna be a group of people would never lay a hand on their child and finds the idea appalling, thats their prerogative. Theres another thats okay with spankings and such in moments where a child isn't listening to any verbal warning, thats their prerogative as well despite the unsavoriness of that to some. But even the latter group will acknowledge that theres a line not to be crossed, drawing blood, leaving marks, thats not acceptable. AP's crossed that line in this instance, no matter how you feel about physical punishment children, thats not okay.