cool, should I stop trying to make an AdoptAJet background for use or should I continue to modify it in case you guys want to use it?
Too much bevel. Need to figure out a different effect on the text. Might want to lighten up the background a bit, so the text is readable.
Anybody wanna make a Leonard Peters one for.... might be time to retire the St. Provo Girl This is the pic I'd like used
Thanks GM i just passed the 100 posts and can post by myself now. I made some changes and 2 more. I?m still not 100% Happy with my Fonts somone got an idea, which one i could use? Does anyone Like them? Cuz if not i stop wasting my time. Or maybe try something else.
try adding a black border around the image (new layer, select all, edit>stroke>1px>inside) as for font, just keep trying different ones.