Oh I understand, I feel for McCown who seems a really good guy and we gave him a career year but those mistakes at crucial times are the difference between average and good+ I wouldn't be worried if they choose not to start Darnald but what if Teddy does the business and we get no rookie QB all season, it would be pleasing to win a lot of games, say 10-6 and a playoff berth, but in the long run Teddy isn't who we really want in the team, unfortunately for him, so what would Darnald do if he doesn't get the gig all season and we go with Teddy next year (I say this will be unlikely and it is a hypothetical question.) PS good to hear that Teddy was moving okay in the pocket, thought another poster said he looked like he was limping when walking, think it was Brooks mate (name escaping me atm, sorry)