Adam Gase Thread (Merged)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Longsuffering88, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I don't follow the NHL at all, so don't know about their lottery. If there were some sort of protection built in, that would help, but I still don't like the idea where the worst team could wind up getting the worst pick from the top 10 or whatever every year. The worst team should get the #1 pick. There should be NO luck involved in the draw.

    I agree that the strength of schedule thing in the NFL is dumb. Your point about teams being given the schedule, and having little to no input (AFAIK) is spot on. Head-to-head competition should be the most important, and then things like how many points they scored, how many points they gave up, point margin in losses, etc.

    I don't think that tanking is the problem that you think it is. Teams do tank in the NBA, or so I've heard on sports radio. But to my knowledge few teams tank in the NFL. Sometimes teams that already have their division sewed up and are in the playoffs rest starters to prevent injury and so their legs will be fresh. I can't blame teams for doing that, and they should be able to do that. In a situation like the Jets, where they've had horrific drafting for a decade, and they need a ton of help, Douglas should be able to institute a tank. That's the smartest and best way to turn things around quickly if he drafts well. Parcells didn't tank but having the #1 pick in '96 is how he was able to turn things around quickly. EDIT: I was mistaken. It was in '97 that Parcells traded down after not being able to take Peyton Manning. To Parcells' credit he took two WRs in '96 (Keyshawn Johnson and Alex Van Dyke) in anticipation of adding a QB in '97. He missed on some picks, but added Ray Mickens, Marcus Coleman, and Chris Hayes all of whom were pretty big contributors.. If he had been better at grocery shopping, the team would have been even better. He missed out on a LOT of great players in that draft.

    If the Jets weren't drafting in the top 2-3 in 2021, it could take Douglas or any competent GM 5 years or more to turn things around. With one #1 draft pick and getting that elite FQB, or a bevy of draft picks, he can change the fortunes of the team within one offseason.
    #5701 NCJetsfan, Oct 17, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
    Jets79 likes this.
  2. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I don’t think trading down helped Parcells at all, I think changing the culture and FA is what made the difference. He brought in some veterans and the team bought in to the win culture. That’s what the current jets really need! Actually the team had some decent talent to begin with. His drafting and trades were hindrance because none of them turned out the way he thought. I think he was getting too cute for his own good. Should have stood pat and took best available. We would have had better team overall. But can’t argue with the results though.

    I think there would be a way to ensure the top 3 teams are guaranteed a top 3 pick. And the order determined by odds after with worst team having best chance. Usually top 3 stand out as worst. This way one or two game doesn’t determine the picks, thus the desire to tank last couple games.

    Jets drafting top 3 is not guaranteed because of my stated issues, the giants may tank worse than jets! But jets worse team.

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    #5702 Sack exchange, Oct 17, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2020
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  3. Bellys Lies

    Bellys Lies Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    What scares me is the moves that the Jets are making feel like the moves Gase made in Miami. I said Gase would get rid of Adams and Bell. The o-line moves feel just like the bad moves made in Miami. Get rid of best rb Ajayi,bell. It feels like Gase is in charge of the Jets and not JD. I could see Gase and JD convince Christopher that Sam was not the answer and not their fault. With the right qb and their vision the Jets will compete real soon. Gase for yr three.To me jd seems to answer to Gase.When we hired JD ,Gase had total control of the team. Knowing Gase would he allow the Jets to hire someone he is not in control of. No way We are not even at rock bottom yet. They both must go. Everyone needs to go
    barfolomew and Sack exchange like this.
  4. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    That’s my biggest concern with JD, Gase should have been long gone, any GM would know he is not the answer, but not JD. What’s stopping him? If it is CJ, I get that, and fine with it. Cause not his call. But it is concern. That said too early to grade JD, he needs more time.

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    barfolomew and Jets79 like this.
  5. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I just re-checked the 1997 draft. You're right it didn't help except for Leon Johnson. Parcells blew the rest of the picks, but in his defense, it was a lousy draft outside of the first couple of rounds.
  6. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Forgot Leon. He was versatile. Standing pat would have landed Pace, he helped STL to SB. Would have been nice, a franchise LT. But like I say we were game away regardless.

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    barfolomew likes this.
  7. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    It’s like watching the same movie, different team. Looks like phins in right direction now. At least they hard for their coach.

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  8. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    couldn’t agree more...a lottery is the stupidest fucking idea ever

    and it doesn’t even result in what it’s trying to do...if the goal is to say don’t tank because there’s no guarantee that the worst record will get the first pick, well isn’t it weighted by number of ping pong balls anyway? So yes there’s no guarantee but the odds are still better if you have the most ping pong balls.,.so the incentive to tank still remains.

    also,isn’t the ping pong ball picking done behind closed doors? I’m not sure as I don’t follow basketball because (a) the games have too many timeouts at the end, and (b) regular season is meaningless because half the league makes the playoffs anyway....

    but the point is that having the ping pong ball picking behind closed doors screams of cheating...

    and finally, even the idea of stupid balls is asinine...

    ugh that would be the stupidest thing the nfl could do
  9. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Did you see the ridiculous beef between gase and GW. Seems like they didn’t speak all week then had it out in front of people. Idiotic, maybe it was planned, then jets come out with rebuttal of GW publicly. What a joke! Gase and Jets! GW might be gone after the game. Lol.

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    blackssmagic and HomeoftheJets like this.
  10. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Yeah this one idk about. I gotta believe Gase is smarter than to have it out with GW on the sidelines when he had 2 days prior to! I saw the clip, the announcers coulda said something g line “they’re talking strategy” and I wouldn’t ha e thought anything of it.

    Maybe I’m wrong though!
  11. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Read the NYDN tomorrow to find out!!!!
    HomeoftheJets and Sack exchange like this.
  12. Shea Jet

    Shea Jet Member

    Sep 17, 2020
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    I mean, Gase HAS TO get fired tonight, right? I mean, doesn't he...?
  13. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Can you just admit your Manish Mehta dude? The people appreciate honesty.
    HomeoftheJets and Stevied like this.
  14. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I guarantee it was about the words that GW said. maybe a warning not to badmouth the offensive guru! how dare him, adams, bell, for that matter the whole fanbase. then right after I read post that the jets not happy in a statement... we will find out tomorrow, the story behind it, could be good laugh.
    Stevied likes this.
  15. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Or GW...

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  16. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I hope not, we need em here until we lock things up
  17. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I tell ya I wish I was, he’s sooooo inspiring! If only America had a few more people like him!
  18. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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  19. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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  20. mattyd99

    mattyd99 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2012
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    Who cares? They both should be fired on incompetence.

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