Adam Gase Thread (Merged)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Longsuffering88, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. grkmanga31

    grkmanga31 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Manish is a hack most of the time, but throughout the game I was wondering why Gase refused to give Beachum help with Garrett. IMO, Gase seems stubborn to the point of not wanting to change his gameplan.

    Gase is already looking like a bust at HC
    SOJAZ and ColoradoContrails like this.
  2. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    It was a very high % play and could have given the Jets a chance to get into field goal position.
  3. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Here’s the thing: all summer, me and many other fat dumb drunks are sitting on the couch watching the Jets new hire Crazy Eyes Hirsch. We say “cool, offensive guy. He’ll fix the offensive line”. We hear him say “blah blah dynamic offense blah blah” and we go “offensive line”. We watch him fire and hire various members of the organization and we say “offensive line”. We hear him praise Darnold and we say “offensive line”. He goes on about the new “offensive minded philosophy,” and we say “offensive line”. He signs a guy out of the rest home and we say “no, really, offensive line”. In the third week of pre season we watch Belicheat pen three FA O lineman, and we say “offensive line?” And he just looks at us with that crazy stare.

    Cause you see, with an even halfway competent O line, that kid they took out of the stands to play QB at least keeps us in the game last night. So you can make all the excuses you want for him - injuries, mono, voodoo curses - the simple fact is our fat drunk couch sitting asses saw the main problem with this team and either he didn’t or did and chose to ignore it. And that fact in and of itself makes me begin the count down to him joining the unemployment line.
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I disagree. The fans and the media aren't entitled to know why the team does every single thing. I don't blame Gase. Why should he he always have to explain himself? The media and fans haven't been there at practice day in and day out. They don't know the game plan, or why the CS decides on certain strategies and approaches. He didn't play except at the end of the game, and then only because Hairston got hurt. Since he was able to play and didn't look hobbled, it should be self explanatory. It doesn't matter if he was benched for poor play, lousy work ethic, being late or whatever. Providing answers to everything just provides fodder for the media and fans to second guess every decision. If I were in Gase's shoes, I'd be the exact same way or worse. I'd probably say something like, "It's none of your business. It's a decision the CS and I made for the good of the team."
    dmw and Pepsiguy5 like this.
  5. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    He was decent last year, but at least so far this year he looks like he's done. I don't know if it's his age/body or if he just doesn't fit the new OL coach's schemes/philosophy, but if he doesn't improve markedly, Sam is going to be running for his life all season.
  6. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Some quick passes were called, and when they were, the Jets moved the ball. At times, Falk even had time to stand there in the pocket for a pretty long time. The OL play was wildly inconsistent. At times the Jets were in max protect, and Siemian and Falk had little or no chance the Browns were on top of them so quickly. What I don't get is not blocking Garrett at all, especially after he already had a sack or two. When it was obvious that Beacham couldn't handle Garrett, I would have put Griffin or Wesco on Beacham's left every single play or even put Edoga in as a TE and just had him block.
  7. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    After 2 games I'm in the Gase sucks camp.

    He doesn't know how to game plan. We don't have the personnel to run the formations he seems to be in love with. Our o-line isn't good enough to spread the offense - especially if the RB isn't blocking. We cant pass protect well in that situation and everyone knows Bell is our only weapon - yet we try to run him out of spread formations constantly. Honestly I feel bad for Bell. I've also come to realize that our wideouts kinda stink. They are servicable at best and terrible at creating space or getting open after 5 yards. What we are doing on offense makes no sense with our talent.

    Gace is slow to adjust what isn't working. In fact, I'm not even sure he ever adjusts anything during the game. We just keep doing the same thing that failed the series before. This is a joke because his play designs are bland and predictable.

    He doesn't know how to light a fire under the players and it seems the players don't like him.

    Gace being an "offensive genius" is laughable. His offensive schemes are offensive. They stink and if they don't change our offense is going to stink the whole season.
    Ralebird, SOJAZ and ColoradoContrails like this.
  8. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    But it was clever as the Browns knew he would definitely hand it off to our start RB and throwing it was catching them on the hop.

    Oh wait... :confused:
  9. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    I don't think Kalil forgot how to play football.

    I'm putting his shitty play on the coaching staff.
  10. Kuech

    Kuech New Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Gregg Williams is not going to stand for Gase's incompetence for too long. With us, Gase promoted useless Matt Burke who was lucky to score the DC job. No threat!

    Now Adam has a cutthroat DC the Jets told him to hire who's been known to undermine head coaches. Gase also crowbarred his anachronistic father in law, Joe Vitt onto the defense and I can see both Williams And Gase campaigning to rid themselves of the other, with Gase advocating Vitt taking over the D. Williams is the better coach

    Gase is exactly what you see and perceive, down to his pressers; he's still drafting off Peyton Manning's fumes.
  11. Pepsiguy5

    Pepsiguy5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    I'll be a black sheep and say I'm still good with Gase for now. I think he probably is an "offensive genius" per se but lets not forget that NFL defenses have all raised their games as well with technology, innovation, attention to detail etc.

    The real problems here are that we for some reason got a little cocky about paying Meyers and entered the season with no kicker, lost Avery Williamson, Enunwa, Mosley Darnold and for good measure your #1 draft pick to injury/illness, and as an organization have just utterly failed/ignored on the offensive line for some time now.

    This really isn't too damn hard to figure out. You can't win in the NFL without a good offensive line. The end. The Patriots, for all their bells and whistles and Brady's nutrition plan and all the rest of it at the core have an excellent offensive line, the best OL coach ever, and its a constant point of emphasis. Even though he's also out with injury I believed all along that Jonah Williams should have been drafted and I feel pretty confident that if he were healthy and playing in Beachum's spot last night things would have been tangibly better. And throughout the Bills game the constant problem was play after play after play Darnold was harried, hurried, under pressure, and dealing with a collapsing pocket.

    Once the OL is fixed Gase will suddenly and magically get a lot smarter.
  12. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    There's one thing that Gase has got to fix pronto and it has nothing to do with personnel, play calling or schedule.

    He's got to improve his demeanor.

    His body language fucking awful.
    HomeoftheJets likes this.
  13. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    But that is exactly what he said, just in nicer coach speak.
    dmw likes this.
  14. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Due to the Jets' history, I get posters' frustration, anger and lack of patience. It is insane how owners change, regimes change, and yet little changes on the field. It is truly as if the Jets are cursed. You can't make this stuff up. You have a team with holes in crucial positions and your previous GM just ignores them. We have a young QB who showed signs of becoming a FQB at the end of last season. We add some big name FAs. We get hope and excitement for this season and the future, and yet again Lucy snatches the ball up as we run up to kick it. 2/5ths of our starting OL gets injured in TC and our starting OL gets little practice time together and zero time in preseason action. Our starting TE and 1-2 other players get suspended. Our young exciting QB gets mono. Key players who are playing well start dropping like flies with injuries. If this isn't Karma for some past transgressions that enabled us to win SB III, then it is a sick, sadistic joke.

    The thing is, it is irrational to take 20-50 years of frustration out on Gase when the deck is stacked against him. It may become clear later that he was a lousy hire, but it isn't clear at this point except to those who have hated Gase since day one and never wanted him here as HC and aren't willing to give him a fair chance. Everything he's done for those posters has been under a microscope and they're looking for any and everything to criticize him about. At least some of them are honest or not delusional and can admit that they're biased against him, while some cannot be honest or are delusional about their mental state/fairness.

    Gase is trying to run an offense behind a OL that would have been shaky at best even if Kalil had been here since OTAs, there had been no injuries and the OL had seen significant action in 3 preseason games. It should be no surprise that they can't consistently open holes for Bell or block for the QB. I don't think Bill Walsh and the Niners would have had any success with the way this OL has been playing. Montana would probably be on IR by now. IMO there aren't any plays that are going to work with any consistency until the OL gels, and with that crew, it may not be even possible for them to "gel" into a cohesive unit. Beacham has been a decent, serviceable LT up until this season. Now he's awful. Is it Beacham's age catching up with him? Is it the blocking scheme? Supposedly, we have one of the best OL coaches in the game in Frank Pollack, and he hasn't been able to get them to play worth spit. Where's the criticism for Pollack? The OL is making the blocking calls. Why isn't Pollack taking grief for not blocking Vernon and Garrett last night instead of Gase?

    When the OL does hold up on a play, the WRs can't get open or drop the ball or someone commits a stupid penalty. Griffin is a 2nd string TE at best. Wesco is a raw rookie. Gase is getting little or no help from the TE position.

    Siemian is an experienced NFL QB. He has played well in the past, but he looked like absolute dog shit last night. He looked like he doesn't even belong in the NFL. The team had no spark, no leadership while he was on the field. It's easy to blame Gase's play calling and lack of creativity, but where's the criticism of Siemian for being awful? He had a full week of practice with an extra day to get ready to play last night, and shit the bed. Falk, who had never played a down in an NFL regular season game, and who probably didn't get a single snap with the starting offense in practice the last two-three weeks, entered the game, and he immediately looked the part of an NFL QB, and he helped get the team moving the ball, and if not for a great play by the DB causing Bell to fumble, and poor execution on 3rd down earlier when the Jets were in position to score a TD, he would have led the offense to at least one, if not two TDs. If Falk had looked like crap and things hadn't improved then one might be able to blame Gase for his game plan or for not getting Siemian prepared, but that isn't what happened. With Falk coming in and playing at a much higher level than Siemian, you can't blame Gase for Siemian's abysmal play.

    Many posters have clamored for more playing time for Montgomery, but when he has played, what has he done? He stutter steps and is hesitant. He can't make anyone miss. I can't blame Gase for not playing him more with the way Bell is playing even with this sorry excuse for an OL.

    I see comments where posters expect Gase to just panic and throw his offense out the window and start drawing up plays in the dirt and trying things, that they may not have even practiced. That isn't reality. No coach worth a darn, that has any confidence at all in his scheme, play design, game plan, etc. is just going to scrap it in wholesale fashion when the team isn't even executing basic plays with any consistency. The only way to improve execution and consistency is to keep running the same plays. That's what Vince Lombardi and the Packers used to do. Heck, they only had about 5-6 plays, and they ran them over and over and over. Everyone knew what was coming, but the Packers still executed successfully and they won. Can Gase make some adjustments and tweak things a little? Yes, and I think he has some, and hopefully, we will see more of that in coming weeks. Perhaps he hasn't done that enough or been creative enough with his play calling, but with all the players out and those playing not playing well/executing consistently, it would be hard to have any confidence that anything else he tried was going to work either. Gase has run schemes and the team can't execute them properly. Perhaps the plays have faulty design, but I think it's probably more a matter of the players not executing and selling the play, but I'll admit that perhaps Gase isn't calling them at the right time or setting them up to succeed with his other play calls.

    The bottom line is that we are where we are because of Mac's horrific drafting and FA decisions. I don't think any NFL coach short of Belicheat and maybe Reid or 1 or 2 other HCs in the NFL would be able to do any better with this hot mess than Gase has. I see Bieniemy's name thrown out there. What has he done? This is only his 2nd season as OC, and we know that is Reid's offense and that Mahomes is what's making that offense thrive, not Bieniemy. McCarthy? LOL Come on, his play calling was predictable, boring and awful with Aaron Rodgers at QB, and the Packers lost a lot of games under his "leadership" that they should have won. I'm certain that neither McCarthy, Bieniemy or any other rookie HC would probably have the team playing any better than Gase has. For certain, the team probably wouldn't have as good a CS as we have, and almost certainly we wouldn't have Greg Williams as DC or the defense playing well. The quality CS and Williams are here because of Gase.

    To be clear, I'm no fan of Gase. I'm just trying to look at the situation rationally without emotion. What has happened with this franchise over the last 50 years has nothing to do with Gase. Gase has nothing to do with all the injuries and the players getting suspended. He had nothing to do with assembling this joke of an OL. If it weren't for Gase, we'd probably still have Mac as our GM and have zero hope for the future, and Chris Johnson's mind wouldn't have been opened at all. So far, there is one thing I think I can fairly criticize him on. That is his WR routes on 3rd down. He looks too much for WRs to get YAC. On 3rd down, at least some of the receiving options need to be past the 1st down marker, and those receivers should be the primary read/option.

    Unless Crowder was sick/injured, I am puzzled why Bellamy was in the game at the end of the 1st half. Also, was he the primary receiver on that play? If so, why? I get that he's a veteran NFL player, is getting paid and should be able to execute the play, but the bottom line is that he has primarily been a STs gunner during his time in the NFL. He hasn't played on offense that much or been targeted that much as a receiver. The most receptions that he has ever had in an NFL season is 24. Why in the heck was the ball thrown to him? Maybe that was Falk's decision or perhaps Bellamy was the only one who got open, but it seemed to me like he was the intended receiver on the play. Maybe Gase thought it would catch the Browns by surprise and would give the Jets a spark and some confidence, but it failed.
    johnny and dmw like this.
  15. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Miami had a decent O'line last year and Gace's genius really shined through...

    Forget the "he doesn't have the talent" BS. Offensive genius' build a strong game plan around the talent they do have. Not shoehorn their gameplan into a squad that is not built for it. I don't even think the guy can adjust our gameplan to our strengths (which is Bell).

    You gameplan to your teams strengths. Gase gameplans to his imagination of what he thinks we should be.
    #215 ouchy, Sep 17, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2019
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  16. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    He's working with a lot of back ups and 3rd string QB, it's not like he's using the full playbook. The only thing I didn't like about Gase last game was the going for it on 4th and 2. If that was the plan they should have run it on 3rd and 2. The rest you can't really blame him for.
    NYJFOREVER likes this.
  17. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Sadly I realized this during game 1. It's like they promoted Schottenheimer to head coach and gave him less talent to work with. What a disaster
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  18. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Of course you can't, but many on this board are "balls deep" in the Fire Gase mantra and will ignore every other fact to support the claim.

    You can be unsure of Gase or claim that he has shown you nothing to think he is our guy, but to point blame at him for the roster and offensive play at the moment, is ridiculous. If he is fired, it will be a disservice to him. I will reserve my judgement until Darnold is back and he has no more excuses.

    Until then, he is turning to Luke Falk to lead an offense with a horrendous offensive line and virtually no big time wide receiver or starting TE.

    If this piss poor play continues when Darnold is back and Herndon has served his suspension, I will be the first to admit he needs to go.

    Until then, blaming him for this mess is not accurate
    johnny and Sam Hammer like this.
  19. I have no allegiance to Gase bc if hes dog doo which he maybe i want him gone ASAP.Team held on to Bowles & MAC for 2 more years longer than they needed to.Im not getting any younger.


    Installing a complicated new system w a starting 5 that literally never played together before & isnt that great to begin w, down to your 3rd string QB & already down 2 major receiving targets(Enunwa & Herndon)? Sorry.There are way too many moving parts to place blame squarely on one person.

    The “offensive genius” mockery is just a sounding board for anti gase sentiment. Hot air.We dont even need an offensive genius..we need a winning head coach.
    HomeoftheJets, NCJetsfan and Falco21 like this.
  20. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    This has been my point this entire time.

    Like him or hate him, you can not simply put blame on him and ignore every other issue this team has.

    As I mentioned before, he is attempting to make silver out of horseshit.

    I liked the Gase hire but I can not make my judgement simply based on the offense he has. It is a joke when you look at the people he has to scheme around on paper.
    Sam Hammer and KurtTheJetsFan like this.

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