Can't wait for the hopes and prayers group to tell us how it's impossible to stop people who were committed for hearing voices saying to shoot other people can't be stopped from shooting other people. Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
Whatever it is, it will definitely have nothing to do with poorly tested brain-altering pharmaceuticals that are known to cause homicidal and suicidal thoughts when not taken as prescribed. Thankfully that never seems to be the reason.
Well of course...I dont support any gun violence ...who wants criminals on the streets like in Chicago and Philadelphia shooting citizens?? And who's happy with an influx of illegal aliens and potential terrorist at southern border?? I am not At heart I am a Republicans but now fairly Independent So let's ban Assault Rifles!! Go ahead and get a pistol to defend your family/home . Even a shotgun But instruments of mass destruction are out and should be banned
Ok ..yes. Mental Health is a world wide problem. UK Germany Australia Asia ALL have people with mental health problems but DONT have our mass shootings with AR 15s. They do have strict gun laws especially with assult weapons If you don't think banning one type of weapon is the obvious answer(not all guns). How would you "solve the problem"?
Why? Because the voices in this guy head told him to get the rifle they issued in Vietnam>>>the mass killing device called the AR 15!! And being a gun instructor meant he's not missing :/ This is just getting worse in this country year after year
From what I heard on news he had an acute (sudden) break with reality as opposed to chronic long term illness. I would say the family and military should have taken away his guns immediately a soon as he decompensated this badly. That's the first big mistake.
Please at least tell me you know the difference between any rifle issued for Vietnam, and the ar15 available to the public.
I was at a cookout and there was some guy on my in-laws side that clearly is a city guy and a total meathead talking about his AR15 a lot I just have zero respect for these people
Do you think it would have made a significant difference in a bowling alley or bar with dozens of unarmed targets?
Full auto, vs semi auto? Hell yeah I do. If it were a military grade full auto rifle, there would have been many more killed. This trained guy could have done just as much with 2 hand guns, that wouldn’t fall under the banning of the mystical “ar15 assault rifle”
It is rifle hunting season opening day tomorrow in Maine. That's gonna be a shit show if they dont find this dude today. Imagine all the calls the police are gonna get about shots fired
That will be some consolation to the families of the dead. I have heard no reports that the shooter used an automatic or semiautomatic weapon, only that identification from the surveillance cameras made public was of an "AR 15 type weapon." While I'm sure authorities know what was used, and how it was used, I'm not sure it would serve the current purposes of law enforcement to be more specific at this time.
There are some thoughts based on the videos of the shots heard that he many have had a binary trigger. Essentially its a (legal) attachment that fires an additional shot for you upon release of the trigger. It blurs the lines between semi-auto and auto anyway
If it were fully auto, we can’t ban something that is already banned. But as for most of these incidents , it’s a semi automatic. If any of these guns were banned tomorrow, I don’t care. I don’t have one, never planned on owning one. I think this gun should be banned at this point solely on the allure . the reason I argue it, is because I don’t think anything should be banned based on political hysterics from people who dont even have an understanding on what they want banned and why, but more so because it’s what they hear parroted . It always goes straight to the gun, by people who don’t even know what they are talking about, and all the other aspects get ignored.
Okay, feel free to dredge up the same tired old red herring of auto/semi every time one of these malignancies goes on a tear. The families don't care.
So you would be perfectly happy banning one type of gun, while knowing there are more like it that could do just as much damage? And the families? You think they are fixated on the type of gun at the moment? Maybe not the failure of the military and mental health professionals? Are you speaking for them? If you want to tell me from a personal level why you think this one gun should be banned, and how it will change things go ahead. My comments on the gun type is in response to the immediate conversation brought up by many, even in this thread. Don’t want my opinion, take it up with those who first brought it up
I think its kinda like this if there was a new fast scooter and a bunch of people started dying on it, we would ban the scooter. We know it wouldn't solve all recreational moving equipment injuries & deaths, of course not. And if someone said in the aftermath of a major scooter tragedy "you could die just as easily on a skateboard" we would find that argument to be odd