Those texts from Lloyd are pretty chilling, I've also heard something about there being a stop at a local gas station with Hernandez buying some rolling papers and chewing gum. That chewing gum was found chewed and spit out next to the body. Based on what I've seen and hear the police have done a very thorogh investigation and have more than just circumstantial evidence. They took 9 days to make an arrest and the swift action by Kraft lead me to believe this is just the tip of the iceberg.
thats exactly right.....the idea today was to get bail denied. I guarantee you guys, Hernandez will be convicted of murder. Guarantee.
When it comes to high profile cases I never think guarantee because it only takes one moron in the jury to free somebody who is obviously guilty but I'm with you. They have a lot more than just text messages. They waited 9 days to arrest this guy. They may not have a weapon but my guess is they will find motives as well as DNA evidence that will place him at the scene. The texts from Lloyd to his family also paint a picture that this guy knew he was going to get it.
AH, thought he was scarface or something. The bullet casing found in the car matches the casings found at the scene and matches the weapon he is seen carrying into his home. Weapon is missing now though.
They need the gun and don't have it. It's theoretically possible to get a murder conviction without the murder weapon but it doesn't happen often unless you have witnesses that can stand up. (Probably not the goons he was with) I also don't know why they haven't been arrested as well unless they don't know who they are.
I'm going to take a guess that they are cooperating. If Hernandez did pull the trigger, he is rightfully fucked. they aren't going to take the fall for him.
As long as they seem credible and not just trying to save their own asses which of course is how the defense will portray them and if they have a bunch of convictions they may as well not even try.
well said. the disconnect between media love affair with the pats and the reality of their depravity drives me crazy
Weapon is just one piece of evidence but not necessary to get a conviction. A conviction will be gotten if the totality of evidence, even without a weapon, points to hernandez beyond a reasonable doubt.
Well, Hernandez's life changed quite a bit in nine days. That look he kept having in the courtroom was creepy. He started from the bottom and is now right back.
I think the prosecutor badly over-charged. From what I have heard, there is not enough for 1st degree murder (assuming the standard is anything close to what it is in New York). So, unless Hernandez strikes a deal (again, assuming there is more evidence than the circumstantial evidence introduced today), the only thing he will be convicted on is the gun charges. He is still looking at some serious time in prison, but is not getting life.
Although I credited the Patriots for cutting this waste of human being, I have to rip them apart to. First off who the fuck did a background check on this guy? If you look at his past for 2 fucking minutes you would realize that this murder is no surprise. So I can conclude either A) The Patriots are run by complete morons who did not even do a background check whatsoever (If they did, they woulda realized that this guy was going to be major trouble) or B) They knew about his past and completely neglected it for the sake of winning football games. Either way the Patriots look like a complete joke right now and the people who drafted him are just as pathetic as Hernandez himself. Anyone with a brain cell that looked at his background woulda seen this coming. And you notice none of the 31 other teams went near this guy only the Patriots did. The "Patriot Way" is forever tarnished in my eyes.
From what you heard from where? The arraignment? Prosecutors, from what I understand, don't have to show all of their evidence until discovery... which happens after the charges are made. Hopefully someone corrects me if I'm wrong. What they did today is give enough evidence to deny bail, as jonnyd said earlier. For all we know, they found the weapon where his accomplices may have told the cops it was, got the arrest warrant, and were doing ballistics on it minutes before Hernandez walked into the courtroom. That wasn't the trial. It definitely wasn't all of the evidence. If those two other guys already struck deals with the DA as witnesses, you probably shouldn't expect Hernandez to be offered anything close to a plea deal. And in that case, that fucker will never see the outside of a prison for the rest of his life. Assuming he did what I think he did.
Never been to prison but I did see that movie "Lets go to Prison". Hernandez will never be lonely again if he ends up behind bars
Its life without parole, no other option. If hes guilty he will remain in a correction facility for the remainder of his life. He will have to escape if he wants to ever get out, no other option, unless the law changes or the United States gets taken over by a foreign entity.
Murder in the First Degree Massachusetts General Law chapter 265 § 1: The unlawful killing of a human being accomplished in one or more of the following modes: (1) with deliberately premeditated malice aforethought; or (2) with extreme atrocity or cruelty; or (3) in the commission or attempted commission of a felony punishable by death or imprisonment for life. I am not familiar with Massachusetts law but it looks like only one of these three qualifications must be met in order for Hernandez to be charged with this crime. It will be up to the prosecution to prove one of these 3 qualifications.