Aaron Hernandez, dont drop the soap

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by dcm1602, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Learn to red numbnuts. I was pointing out that he has an axe to grind! The fact he is a plagiarist was just a biographical note...

    He's wrong because he is always wrong! He's been predicting the Pats downfall for 10 years!
    #261 CJLang, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2013
  2. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    The unraveling is really starting to show. Bill, just doesn't have a good pulse of his team these days, or his owner. It's really sad seeing It end this way :sad:

    Extra one for Champ :sad:
  3. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    LOL. This is priceless!!!
    A Pats troll who can't spell, punctuate and form cohesive sentences is calling me numbnuts :breakdance:

    First, here are some comments to his article. Are those people also long-term haters?
    I gotta say that shows some level of honesty among NE crowd, something to be revered:
    So BB is right because he is always right? You dumb brainless sucker, enjoy the circus, enjoy media attention, enjoy the scrutiny. This author might be a hack indeed, he might hate the NE organization and might be just a garden variety asshole. But even a blind squirrel can sometimes find a nut, and this is his. Maybe he didn't write anything worth reading ever, but in this piece he is right.

    And you know what the worst part is? This is just the beginning, there will be more like him, only others might not rely on facts, but start making up their own shit. Keep dreaming about BB just shoving reporter out during the pressers, soon enough the topic will be "What BB is hiding behind his non-answers?"

    I know what you meant in your original post. You got so accustomed to the untouchable status of Holy Bill, to media constantly sucking your collective balls, that someone daring to criticize the holy grail of football MUST be blasphemy. How dare they talk down about our Godlike coach, how dare they bring hard FACTS and make independent and unpleasant conclusions about the best thing in sports?!

    Get used to it... and loosely quoting someone's post, "I hope you die happy chocking on BB's anal beads".
    #263 RuJFan, Jun 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
  4. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    Yeah, just like he "found his nut" back in November 2011, right?

    Oh wait, the Patriots ended up with a 13-3 record, won two playoff games, and went to the Super Bowl that year. So I guess he didn't "find his nut" that year. Oh well, as the saying goes "If at first you don't succeed..."

    And posters here were just as quick then as you are now to jump on the "Patriots are collapsing" bandwagon:

  5. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    As a Jets season ticket holder, I have seen Brady act as classless as any player in the NFL and never get called out on it. Every time he has lost the Jets in NY, he runs off the field the minute the game ends without shaking hands or even talking with anybody. I have never seen another NFL "Superstar" act this way after a loss. And in his press conferences following a loss to the Jets he never ever credits the Jets and puts the blame on how badly the Pats played. That is the definition of classless. And he is starting the same BS with the Ravens.

    As for Tebow, the ONLY reason his signing and presence on the Pats is off the back pages and has stopped being the lead daily story for the national football media is Hernandez. I will guarantee that the Tebow experience will not be any different for the Pats than it was for the Broncos or the Jets. The stories and the questions and the speculation and the the microscope on everything he does will not go away and can't be avoided, no matter how "different" you think the Pats handle things. Good luck this season, and welcome to the inside of the NFL circus tent. You are going to love it here.
  6. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    http://www.google.com/trends/explore?q=tebow#q=tebow&date=today 1-m&cmpt=q

    According to Google Trends, the online interest in Tebow has returned to pretty much the same level it was at before the Patriots even signed him on June 10, and the Hernandez stuff which started on the 19th has not had any noticeable effect at all. We'll see how much of a circus there is in NE this year, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.
  7. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Lang, Borges isnt taking a cheap shot in THAT article. Heck, theres some editorializing, but hes pointing out that the Pats, and...pretty much, ESPN and the NFL on the PATS behalf, portray a public image that is betrayed by theor actions.

    PS. If you think Borges has an axe to grind, google Mike Freeman.

    Guy got canned from a job in Indy for lying on his Resume, and now covers sports for See B.S.

    Claimed an unnamed Jet said Sanchez has lost 80-90 pct of the lockerroom. Been strangely silent, since Mangold and Holmes say otherwise. Guy is so freaking terrible, other writers were taking shots at him in theor columns, immediately after his went public.
    #267 Hobbes3259, Jun 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Aaron Rodgers also loses like a pussy.
  9. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    It's funny how you avoid addressing the real issue, but let's try to simplify it, shall we?

    So your point above is that Borges is a dumb fuck who never wrote anything worth reading in his entire life. I'll tell you right now to make this whole "argument" go away: I never heard of him before and have absolutely no reason to doubt your assessment. So to cut this line, let me state right off the bet: for purposes of this discussion, I agree with you that Borges is a worthless fuck with no credibility.

    Now forget about the name of the author & look at what the article actually say.

    Moss -- quit on Pats as soon as the going got tough
    Fat Albert -- amounted to absolute zero; came a lazy bum & left a lazy bum
    Ochocinco -- another mister zero achievement
    Gronk -- drunken asshole
    Hernandez -- known drug and gang affiliation

    Now please tell me
    1. How those people got into such a high-class organization as your Pats? I was told by media that such scum as Gronk and Hernandez could be drafted only by classless circus like Jets, but Pats would never lower themselves to this level.

    2. I was told that Belichik is a motivational genius, a leader capable of bringing the best from his players.

    3. How come THE PATROTS WAY!!! didn't fix off the field issues of its players? I thought only low-lives like Rex would allow his players run unchecked.

    The point is -- again! -- that Borges might be the scum, but in THIS one article he is right.
  10. GoldenShowers

    GoldenShowers Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    The four pillars of the Patriots way:

    - buy a video camera
    - get lucky on a 6th round QB
    - illegally tape opponents practice
    - lose to the Giants
  11. coloradojet

    coloradojet Active Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    You were being too kind. Like JetsVilma pointed out you left out spygate.What a circus that was. And Goodell tried to end it by destroying the rest of the tapes because he said there was nothing there. We believe him!

    Belichick not shaking Mangini's hand at the end of the game and the next game when everybody was looking for the handshake, he shoves the photographer or camera man and slaps Mangini's hand. Very classy.

    Belichick refusing to come out for the interview after he lost the AFC championship game to the Ravens. Was called out by Shannon Sharpe. Very classy.

    Belichick takes one million dollar from Leon Hess with the expectation being that he was going to be the Jets HC, goes to NE instead and never gives back the money.
  12. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You forgot this...

    yeah, the jets are a circus....good taste in hookers, not so much.(notice the striking similarity in the photo below, a little used up and haggard, but tall and blond..do these two work craigslist together?)

    (p.s. word has it that the ultra classy Kraft, that is screwing someone young enough to be his granddaughter, said that Putin actually planted the she-devil to discredit the patriots classy reputation,while stealing his ring...)


    Stay Classy Foxboro....
    #272 Hobbes3259, Jun 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
  13. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Lots of good posts here. Classless Pats.
  14. Don't forget Kraft/Pats using the city of Hartford as a stepping stone to get the public funding he needed to build another stadium in Foxboro.

    Patriots have a long record now of smugness on the field & controversy off. Yet the national media shuns it. The Patriots have become the Duke Blue Devils of the NFL.
  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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  16. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    If you look at everything through a negative lens, you are sure to come out with a negative opinion of something.

    Moss - might not have given 100% effort at times, but he never became a problem off the field, never became a cancer within the locker room (based on everything that has been reported), and his production on the field speaks for itself. The Patriots system kept him in line just as much as any other team's system did, and more than most of them. Also, isn't the fact that they traded him away as soon as his effort became an issue a perfect example of the "Patriot way" in action?

    Haynesworth - Agreed. The Patriots gave him a chance, realized that his effort and character continued to be an issue, and dumped him immediately. You can focus on the fact that they gave him a chance, and try to spin that as a negative, but the front office's immediate response to the issue and the overall effect on the team (which there really was none) seem like a better indication of how well the system worked to me.

    Ochocinco - Another guy who didn't produce much. Don't all teams have a million players like that? Ocho was an angel while he was in a Patriots uniform, but his inability to understand the offense kept him on the bench. This pick up was a mistake, but not because of any of the reasons you and Borges are making up. It was a mistake because we got poor value in terms of cost and production.

    Gronk - The only bad things anyone has to say about Gronk are that he occasionally parties, gets drunk, and makes a fool of himself. Oh. No. If the "Patriots Way" produces a million players exactly like Gronk, then I won't have a single complaint.

    Hernandez - The information on this case still seems a bit inconsistent and sketchy, but it certainly has the potential to make the Patriots look bad for ever drafting him. If his only known problem coming out of college was marijuana use, then I don't see how any reasonable person could blame them for failing to predict the current turn of events. If he had known gang affiliations and has continued to be involved in violent gang activities, then it was definitely a considerable failure on the Patriots' part. One mistake in this regard hardly defines a teams' system, though.

    1 - Lol. Calling Gronk scum just shows that your argument is based on emotion, not fact. You can't possibly substantiate the idea that his character is any worse than 90% of the league. Are you some christian extremist who expects everyone to abstain from alcohol and pre-marital sex? If yes, then you probably aren't going to find any players in the NFL who aren't scum. If no, then Gronk is just another upstanding guy, no worse than anyone else.

    2 - Umm... generally he is pretty good at getting the best from his players. Obviously no one is going to succeed at that 100% of the time. Count the number of undrafted FAs, late round picks, and other teams' cast-offs who have been productive in the Patriots' system, and I think that number will be pretty telling about how well Belichick is able to get the most from his players.

    3 - Hernandez is the only example you provided who has had off the field issues while a Patriot, and it's technically too soon to even say anything definitive about him.
    #276 gopats88, Jun 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
  17. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    You just don't get it, do you?

    This article and my post is about the same thing: the so-called "Patriot's way" is a myth. Pats are just like any other team in NFL, has its good moments, has its bad. Getting lucky from time to time, sometimes drafts questionably characters and sometimes makes great decision. There is nothing special about the way Pats operate.

    Yet when you listen to the media, Pats are the special, the chosen ones, the masterfully managed clean magical place where all character flaws are getting corrects and the integrity and honesty is the cornerstone of operations. You get used to being pampered by the media, by being praised for th same things that others are being criticized for.

    This what that article was about -- your team not being anything special. And yes, as a Jets fan being constantly compare and contrasted, it is emotional to me an I very much enjoy reading BB and Kraft being exposed for the worthless hypocrites they are.
  18. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    No. The article does make the point that the Patriots were never anything special and just acted like everyone else, but it is clear that Borges' main points are that they Patriots "lost their way" by changing their behavior:

    And that it has hurt them, and eventually will be their undoing:

    And you read all this and said that the Ron Borges squirrel found his nut.

    None of this is true. The Patriots made the same type of decisions with Dillon and Rodney Harrison during their dynasty years as they have made more recently with players like Haynesworth and Ochocinco. Those decisions helped us win Super Bowls back then. More recently it has been a mixed bag. But that drop-off has nothing to do with the Patriots "losing their way" by taking more risk with players with character flaws, like Borges wants you to believe. They were the same types of moves, just with different results.

    And the example that he uses to demonstrate a difference in behavior is laughable. Christian Peter was a 5th rounder. He was basically expendable once the Patriots realized that his character concerns were greater than they initially realized. It isn't comparable to signing guys like Moss and Ocho.

    Borges wants you to believe that Belichick stooped below his normal standard in an attempt to grab greater talent, and that it has bitten him in the ass. It is an entirely unsubstantiated claim. Some of these moves haven't worked out from a football perspective, but none of the character issues have manifested to hurt the team.

    And the idea that it will eventually be the Patriots undoing is equally unsubstantiated. As I demonstrated in my other posts, he has been predicting and wishing for this to happen for years, but there aren't any signs of it yet.
    #278 gopats88, Jun 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    that was funny.

    can i get a cliffs notes on the last 3 posts?
  20. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    ... and to add on to my last post, the media treats the Patriots as being special when they are consistently winning games. As soon as they lose a couple games in a row, the "Has Belichick Lost His Genius?" stories start to flow. There is nothing notable about that. It's just the natural order of things.

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