Same shit with Saleh, until the D started off playing like crap and Saleh took over playcalling. I give Glenn about 6 games before he takes over playcalling duties.
Except Saleh was a top notch defensive coordinator in San Fran, Aaron Glenns defenses have been historically bad. So he definately needs to get someone more qualified than him as a defensive coordinator.
Interestingly enough Saleh like Glenn also inherited the worst defense in NFL when he started with 49ers. His scoring rankings where then as follows: 25, 28, 8, 17. Glenn similarly inherited #32 defense, and his rankings were: 31, 28, 23, 7. So, yeah, Saleh may have been better, but not by a huge margin. It is wrong to say Glenn's were historically bad or that Saleh was a top DC. Saleh was a solid DC, and Glenn it kinda looks like jury is still out whether he would maintain the strides he made this year as a DC. But still finishing 7th this year, he is not terrible. Maybe OK/decent is a better description. Wilks would definitely be a welcome addition, hoping this gets confirmed.
After a couple of decades asking for a head of football operations is not just beating a dead horse, it's waiting for the horse to die, sending it through a dog food cannery, shipping it and beating the poor guy who is putting it on the shelf in Shoprite. Another day has almost passed and still nothing has come out about the org chart. There is always plenty of real stuff going on in Florham Park to arouse your ire so in the interest of sanity I see no reason to jump the gun on this, even in one's own imagination.
I read all 12 pages of this thread before hazarding a comment. At the end of the day, Woody Johnson still runs this "bitch" so...need I say more? I expect this team to get it's ass kicked, teeth kicked in and out of the playoffs by Halloween until they are not. NOTHING, in any hire, will alter that factual reality. There is well over a decade of PROOF that this is what the team is and WILL happen. For those that got suckered into the bullshit offseason hype, yet again, I feel sorry for you. Shit, it's not even the offseason! There's still THREE m'fer football games to be played yet and here they start. I have way too much respect for Glenn to trash him but I do question his decision making already. Anyone, with designs on being a HC in the NFL longer than a couple years, SHOULD avoid the Jets like the plague. I've said it 1,000 times before and I'll say it 1,000 times more, until the Johnson clan is removed from ownership, this is where coaches come to die. Insult to injury, when you have incoming players, i.e. Sanders, who are instructed to AVOID this team...well...that says more than anything I ever could say by a factor of 1 million. Make NO mistake about it, I'd be willing to bet millions I don't have that a LOT of players entering the draft are given the same advice. Hell, wouldn't surprise me if someone is doing a Voo Doo dance to make sure their client isn't picked by the "Gangrene!" I wonder if Glenn got written, in blood, in his contract if that lil' fucker "Brick" shows his ass up in that locker room, with a game ball, Glenn can turn that little bitch over his knee and administer some Ole' Skool PUNISHMENT!!!
nah. only those who assumed that DiscountDoubleTwat's last year in GB was an anomaly and the he'd play like an ALL PRO. never liked the idea of getting this dude....