Yea I think the clock is so big because they always have to pray at a certain times during the day. Like when I go to the corner store sometimes I see homeboy in the back kneeling on his little carpet muttering some shit. Then he glares at me and come up to ring me out but he keeps muttering quietly to himself. I heard that you're supposed to point the carpet towards mecca but I wonder where you point it if you're in mecca already.
Once again I may be showing my ignorance but, I thought America was evil in the minds of the fundamentalists for this sort of thing. Why does Saudi get a pass?
When the Saudi's have a pluralistic society that respects the rights of women they'll get the same treatment from the fundamentalists that we do. This will happen even though they are an Islamic society. Islamic fundamentalists don't hate us for our religion, they hate us for our beliefs. Edit: and of course the fundamentalists do hate the Saudi's they just hate us a lot more. The Saudi's are the enemy within and we are the greater enemy without.
I had an idea this might be the case. Or that maybe they thought we had a hand in "corrupting" the Saudis. Thanks for clearing that up
They're a bit behind the rest of the world. Don't forget that for over a thousand years Christians did the same thing but worse, torturing and burning people alive for even suggesting something against their religion. Not saying it's right, but almost every major religion was founded and spread by the sword. Religion + peace doesn't go in the same sentence.
That's okay, go to Bahrain and you will see plenty of "practicing" Muslims getting wasted and picking up hookers.
Impressive. Looks like they stuck Big Ben in San Francisco (Pacfic Heights in foreground Mt. Davidson [with TV towers] in background). Amazing, a city with a red velvet rope VIP admissions policy. Whatever. Nice clock though. Reminds me of the one - back before that clock tower was built - about these two tourists at a marketplace in Mecca who decide to go their separate ways and to rondezvous back at the marketplace at noon. Later, one of the tourists loses track of the time and asks this merchant who was grooming his camel for the correct time. The merchant, an Arab who was down on his knees brushing the beast puts his brush down, cups the camel's balls in his hands and gently raises...then lowers them and replies: "It is 10:30." The tourist thanks him and walks away, amazed. A while later, the tourist returns to the marketplace and again asks the merchant for the correct time. The Arab gently cups the camel's balls in his hands, manipulates the camel's nutsack then replies: "it is 5 minutes before noon." The guy thanks him and rushes off. Moments later, the tourist meets his companion and tells him about the amazing Arab merchant who can tell time by manipulating his camel's balls. The other tourist is skeptical at which point his friend says: "c'mon, I'll show you." The tourist apologetically asks the Arab again for the correct time. The slightly annoyed Arab says to him: "come, kneel down here next to me" .....the tourist does as he is told whereupon the Arab cups the camel's balls, raises them upwards and peering underneath them says: " see that clock over there?...."
Here's a guy who filmed his pilgrimage (Hajj) to mecca : [YOUTUBE]q7q_LcqbvKI[/YOUTUBE] The guy is muslim but works for, which happens to have giant bottles of vodka plastered on its home page and a "NSFW" section
This is fukin HILARIOUS! Think I have to start a new thread for this lmao: Ghetto Doll Brothel Yep, a place I'll never go....
Its not the second highest building in the world. It's like 4th on the list.