Poll Results: Well Ok then , WYHI ???
Members who voted for 'Yes I'm a horn dog'
- Spike_D
- matt robinson 17
- hoobash
- The Waterboy
- Kentucky Jet
- mr nyjet
- Zach
- jetzfan
- BigGorilla
- BamaZeus
- fenwyr
- James Hasty
- LockDown24
- nyjetsrule
- ollie
- MillerTime#22
- boozer
- InChadWeTrust
- ihatethedolphins3
- 4jetfans
- Paddock
- devilonthetownhallroof
- BadgerOnLSD
- JetFanInMiami
- The Predator
- fggrimes
- Wolfe Tone
- jetbugga
- #28Martin
- F Miami
- soh_vet
- sunnygs97
- Slagan7
- SydneyDon
- Twombles
- -MC-
- fozzi58
- Imagesrdecieving
- Scruggy
- ToonWalker
- WhiteShoeWillis
- JetsRangersYanks
- 24McNeil
- neid92
- SackExchange69
- harts24
- Bennybob of Florida
- HardHitta
- German Jets Fan
- Leicester Jet
- NYJetsMan7
- joeyg94
- Harpua
- greenbeanz
- jgangstahippie7:18
- MBGreen
- afternoondelight
- flajetfan
- cuty suzuki
- ace_o_spades
- 624
- CleanFernandez
- Big Blocker
- Jetsfan 128099
- firemanedjr
- AJayJay
- Highbridge
- Colintes
- nycarl
- rico college
- honestcl
- GatorGar
- DMSMaven
- snipes824
- LeonNYJ
- Kerley Shuffle
- DHarris52
- BigGreenGangBang69
- Freeman_McNeil#24
- Chrebet Fo' Ever
- Inafalcs
- jets_fan_in_fishtown
- MadBacker Prime
- steves850
- Jam.
- no psls
- GreenIsGood
- JPLink80
- Vorrecht
- bucknasty
- Rockefella
- Revis is your daddy
- neonleon
- RevisNWash
- milo
- dawinner127
- the99
- franzman9
- BingoJetsFan
- sbx213
- BleedJetsGreen1981
- thatisjetsfootball
- shaiydyjet
- lost4566
- bloke911
- porkman
- Rascio
- Foreign Alphabet
- jetsons
- nycgoons
- PatsFan2003
- The Rexecutioner
- Brick
- jets fool
- osully55
- NYJetsfan56
- SoulFood
- NickD
124 total votes.