A Pats fans breakdown of the Jets v. Pats

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MikeDevito, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    I can't find much to disagree with here.

    I don't think that the Holmes and Burress duo is so much of a threat now that we have two solid corners (McCourty and Bodden). I'm not saying that neither one can be beat, but at least Sanchez will have to take some time and find the open receiver out of the two, which is more than can be said last year with Arrington and/or Butler in coverage. This will give our pass-rush an opportunity to show life.

    Mason and Keller both have the potential for big games in any of these matchups, but I got the sense that Sanchez often overlooked Cotchery and Keller when they were open last year... he will either have to make a concerted effort to look at those options, or perhaps that will happen through natural development. I can't see him thriving mainly on his #3 and #4 receiving options for a whole game, as Brady is sometimes known to do.

    idk what your knock against Gostkowski is, but obviously not a big impact here anyways
  2. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    i am a Jets Fan. I look forward to every game and I think we will win every single one. I don't need to find a bunch of stats that can up my hopes, ignore the ones that don't fit, and compare match--ups to try to justify this. It's probably the same reason I don't like fantasy football. Real football is a lot more interesting.

    I'll be nice and suggest that maybe you're obsessive compulsive.

    You seem like a nice person. That doesn't mean reading the same junk over and over gets tiresome. You made your opinions clear several pages ago, and I doubt you are going to convince anyone here of anything, no mater how often you say it. It's not just you- there are at least a dozen other pats fans that post here that do the same thing. It's probably not fair to you, but after a while they all seem like the same person.

    #242 James Calvin, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  3. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    Actually BJGE DOES have one unique quality that Greene lacks in abundance. He has NEVER fumbled the ball. Not in his 3 years in the NFL, but also not once in college either.

    BJGE is what he is. He is a hard running back who gets what the defense gives you. He is a better than average back on the GL and in short yardage and he pass blocks well. In the true sense Of the "Patriot Way" he just "does his job"

    He also might be the 4th best RB on the Pats roster this year.

    Listen, I'm not going to tell you that its an undisputed fact that the Pats have better RBs that the Jets. but you can't deny that its a debatable issue.Well I guess you can

  4. Professor Frink

    Nov 18, 2010
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    On January 16th the Jets played better football than the Patriots and won in impressive fashion, this is not up for debate. However, calling it domination from beginning to end is pretty delusional. The FACT is, it was a one possession game for the majority of the game, and the Jets never lead by more than 11 points. That's being the better team, that's not dominating.

    Also, if I have this right, according to people in this thread the Jets have the better O line, better receivers, and better RBs. But the Patriots had one of the best offenses in NFL history, while the Jets had a fairly middle of the road unit. The only area where the Pats are better is QB, but you guys all say Sanchez is a pretty good player. Well, wouldn't that make Tom Brady basically a god?

    If you think so.....well, I agree :up:
  5. Run_N_gun10

    Run_N_gun10 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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  6. Run_N_gun10

    Run_N_gun10 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    OK...Pats have better QB, but what really hurts Jets is ther play-calling. Thats where Pats beat Jets & most other teams. Pats run alot of pick plays for there WR's. Jets are not as creative as Pats on offense. Hopefully the addition of Tom Moore to the offensive coaching staff will improve that. ALso Brady is such a great passer, he can throw any pass & he has great velocity on his throws. Also he is extremely accurate. Gotta chase Brady from the pocket & hit him as much as possible. Brady's one flaw is he doesn't throw well on the move or run.
  7. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Gee and I thought only the Patriots signed old, decrepit players who might have something left in the tank... Plaxico Burress making like a young kid.

    The Patriots and Jets have been pretty competitive for the last several years within the division. Splits are pretty common. I don't see anything to really buck that trend.

    Yeah I do think the Patriots will prevail this year but then I am a fan.
  8. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Can you not understand that the Jets Red zone offense sucked in TOTALITY, no matter if they ran or passed, this has more to do with offensive scheme and execution in the red zone specifically more than who has the best running game. If you wanna debate who has a better red zone offense I am not going to do that because its obvious the patriots have it, and it is obvious that the Jets have a better running game the patriots and to think otherwise is bordering on a dangerous level of homerism. I get the feeling you Pats fans won't be content unless you mark the Patriots better than the Jets one every category.. some of you are even claiming McCourty is better than Revis lol.

    I never said a running back needs a distinguishing characteristic in order to be considered talented; everyone at this level is talented to be even playing in this league, but BJGE brings nothing to the table that can scare opposing defenses. When I look at the patriots offense as a fan and think about who I am worried about I think about Tom brady throwing the ball all over the field, I think about Wes Welker converting 3rd down after 3rd down. But there is nothing about BJGE that scares me, there is nothing he does exceptionally well that teams need to be concerned about, and that is because he is a system running back and would not be having similar success anywhere else. Greene at least has some inherent size and strength that can be used anywhere no matter what team or system.

    What are you talking about? How has Greene not fit in? Im beginning to wonder if you have ever seen him play besides when he's sleeping in your end zone. If you are talking about him not starting last season, that had more to do with a resurgence of LT than anything deficiency in Greene.

    Greene lost all of 2 fumbles last year, I am really not concerned.

    And BJGE barely has a better avg ypc with 4.4 to Greene's 4.1, but when you consider playoff stats Greene is the better with 4.5 to BJGE's 4.2. So I do not see this as a significant advantage either way.

    He did fine in the playoffs against the Colts 82 yards on 16 aTT with 2 TDs

    he is still faster than wood head, better receiving option than wood head, just an all around better football player even at this age than woodhead is, who as I said is a purely system driven running back, you can't put him on any other team (except maybe the colts) and hope for him to succeed, on other teams he would actually have to grind it out instead of having the luxury of getting wide open 5 yards off the ball because the defense was worrying about other players on the pats O.
  9. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Brady >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanchez

    QB's drive the offense.

    and Belichick >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Schotty

    having a good offensive game plan, philosophy, and play calling is kind of important.
  10. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    The Jets defense destroyed the Patriots offense. The Jets offense destroyed and easily moved the ball on the Patriots defense. And our Special teams played better than theirs.

    Thats the real breakdown.
  11. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    It doesn't, I would say the backs you guys have are good for what you guys do. I don't see either BJGE or woodhead being very succesful on the jets but being compliments to the pats passing game they do very well. You can get mad that we poin to Brady but it does have truth to it. How often are teams really selling out against the run against the pats?
  12. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I bet you were the marquee guy on your high school debate team.
  13. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    You are creating three categories of offense, and acting like they are unrelated: Passing, Rushing, and Redzone.

    Redzone offense is a combination of power running, redzone specific passing plays, and some trick plays/combinations of the two (e.g. the bootlegs that you guys use).

    I am focusing on the power running portion. If your passing offense is TERRIBLE in the redzone (it was), then a 'good' running team should be giving their RBs more of those opportunities. A 'good' power running team should be piling up TDs in this situation. Maybe 'piling up' is unrealistic given your offense's struggles to GET TO the redzone, but 3 TD in 10 games is just abysmal.

    The Jets last year didn't do that. When they tried they were unsuccessful. The Jets were great at gaining yardage on 1st down, but when most people think of 'dominant' running teams, they envision a team that is able to exert its will at the LOS and push for a couple yards when needed. The Jets could not do that last year. If Shonn Greene lived up to his expectations, that should have been easy with your OL.

    I never said that. I think you have advantages at OL, CB, and probably LB. I am just arguing one particular point that I disagree with.

    Greene was expected to be a starter going into last year. Ok, so LT's resurgance may have limited that opportunity... but LT's 'resurgance' only lasted 6 weeks. After that, NO ONE took over. My point is, when you have a big, powerful RB who is good at playing the 'power back' role, you should be using him in short yardage situations. You should be using him at the goal line.

    The fact that you guys didn't obviously means something. The fact that he was unsuccessful when you did might mean even more. Your failure to score on 4 straight rushes at Pittsburgh's 2-yd line is one example that 'highlights' these struggles.

    We are just going to have to disagree here, and see how the season plays out. LT slowed down a LOT last year, and he didn't look particularly good last night. That's not the end of the world, but at this time I would much rather have Woodhead as a change-of-pace back.

    Like I said, if you think the Jets have the better RB corps, then I understand that. I just don't think there is the world of difference that many here seem to believe.
  14. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    I think Brady breaks it down better than you amatuers.

  15. RevisCromartieisland

    Apr 13, 2010
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    did you even watch the game?
  16. Johnny English

    Johnny English Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Ha, I missed that before. What he meant to say was that the Jets never led by more than 11 points, except for the bit where they did.
  17. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    I seriously doubt LT is faster than Woodhead at this point in their careers. Their combine 40 times were essentially the same at 4.38 / 4.39, and LT has many more miles on him.
    #257 felker, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  18. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Speed isn't everything.

  19. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    This is a post I agree with. Greene clearly was expected to do more and you have to think the drafting of a RB on the first day of the draft was in some way both a recognition of that but I also think they did it to send a message to Greene who apparently came to camp in great shape. Time will tell on Greene.

    LT was over used for lots of reasons. He is a terrific blocker and a great safety valve for Sanchez in the passing game. He was very productive for the Jet last year.

    One thing we haven't seen at all in the preseason is the Jets OL get off the ball in the running game. We haven't had all our starters in together yet but clearly until we see what our running game is we can't assume it's going to be dominating the LOS like it did the last couple of years.

    We also don't have a the big target TE. We have a quick TE but he isn't a guy that blocks out the sun on the goal line when he turns to face the QB.
  20. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    #260 felker, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011

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