What's with the 420 thing? Is there a significance or is this something that blew past me somewhere along the line, like Hale Bop?
^ its probably something abyzmul thought of while he was high. (Weed) You think of alot of shit when your high. (Weed)
On XM radio channel the Bone Yard they have a segment everyday covering all 4 time zones saying east coast its 4.20 followed by someone yodeling and the sound of someone sucking on a bong -- did not get the meaning til now
umm bump hey guys ...fun night...spring break yes uh i'm tired :lol: so i guess i'll go to bed..bump:grin:
I'll say it again: What do I know from 420. Holy Cr*p, sometimes ignorance really is bliss. Me, I'm just some clueless non-internet jargon cracka. I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, I don't drink much to speak of, I don't smoke weed. I get high on life, and I like my pain unclouded. How else can I feel the pure torture of Jets fandom? Tell you what though. When my husband was ill years ago, they prescribed him Medical Marijuana. He didn't want to smoke it, so the Dr. gave him Marinol, which is pure THC in a pill. I took some with him for laughs after he was past chemo, and let me tell you.... I said, "I'M TRIPPING, AND I CAN'T GET DOWN." HOLY, I was so motherfarking high, I forgot what my name was. :lol: My drug of choice is chocolate.
Personally I like to smoke up after passing a test or a major assignment. I try not to drink/toke when I have something important going on. Prices are pretty bad here, 60-65 for an eighth or dank (dank is the best you can get, probably hydro if not some special cannabis cup blend. I pay 40 in atlanta). I can get drunk for 25 bucks--a bottle of captain morgan's tattoo (the new 70 proof rum) and a 6 pack of Warsteiner (compliments of Dino's top 25 list). So it really is a treat when I smoke.
And this question deserves a new reply in the thread What do you guys do when you're high? Particular music you like? I like to turn on reggae or phish/grateful dead. PS2 games are fun, I play madden alot better. I like to smoke around the time a south park marathon is starting.