I will make an exception if someone requests one of the bottom five teams instead of there randomly selected team. So you're more than welcome to choose the Lions.
but..... :rofl: free online gaming, more reliable console, better controller, and great games....yea I'd say PS has the edge here... Good luck with your Franchise, guys.... EDIT: making a response to a very ironic post....
And, by the way, the PS3 has the two (and soon three) games that reviewers have stated contain visuals never before seen on a console in MGS4 and Killzone 2. Expectations for Uncharted 2 are that it will set a new bar for all adventure games in the way it uses movie-like camera angles combined with bar-raising graphics. I have a 360 and loved Gears of War 1 and Bioshock (and am currently playing and enjoying Fallout 3). I was disappointed by GOW2, not because of graphics, I just felt it wasn't enough of an improvement over GOW1. You can be partial and use the higher sales and larger game library to claim the 360 is better, but in reality the Playstation 3 is more powerful and uses more advanced technology. That's just the truth. Whether the PS3 will ever reach its full potential is anyone's guess, but what they say is in it is actually there, you can take it apart and see if you really want to.
maybe I am a little biased, but the majority of video games I play is for online use, and even you can't deny that LIVE >>> PS3 Online.
Sure, it's more reliable and easier to navigate. Less disconnects, easier to hook up with friends, etc. Most people are biased in some way though. That's what Sony and Microsoft need though...then they can own us, their loyal customers (ie. servants).
the ps3 vs 360 debate is old, annoying, and just really dumb. now on subject. assuming my application is accepted when are we looking at starting this thing up?
It all depends on how long it takes to get enough players. I figure we need at least 8 to make it interesting.
sounds good. i'm in no rush since the next two weeks will be hard for me to play consistently anyway with school starting up and such. i'll be able to get at least the one game a week in no problem, but my practice time will be very limited to start.
On a side note, I hope you guys really have a successful league, regardless of how my comments have been interpreted. Anyway, I noticed you guys are going to be simulating the preseason. Have you guys even seen the inside of a Online Franchise yet, because there is no preseason on the PS3 version. It just goes straight to the regular season.
I haven't started one yet. Not a big deal. If there's no preseason, that's one less step to set it up.
I haven't even gotten madden yet, but once I do I think I'll catch up pretty quickly. Like Ukilledkenny said, we should start this like 2 weeks from now, I think we'll have enough players by then.