And my Xbox looks to be finished. I went to practice, got the kickoff in, and it shut down. I'll have to sim my games until I get a new one.
God tonight has sucked ass. Poker was a dick, then Akers misses a 47 yard field goal off the crossbar which I had full power on. God damnit.
WOW. My first play on offense I throw a touchdown but Rivers got hurt. It said high chance of re-injury so I have to play Baltimore with Billy Volek. Fuck. Time for some..
Awesome. The computer put Rivers back in, said he was fine. Then proceeded to dismantle the Ravens 59-0. Rivers... 31-48, 378 Yds, 5 TD, 1 int.
damn that sucks. that's why I hate 360, I hate to send mine to MS 3 times in the first year. After the third time I flipped out like a ninja on the phone and demanded a new one that wasn't going to break. It hasn't gone down since. knock on wood
i'm not a fan of gamestop but it has been nice to be able to just bring my broken xbox into the store and walk out with a new one each time instead of waiting for microsoft.
ready to get my ass kicked mack. and the servers lost already. hold up. Mack if u didnt meant to challenge we can restart.
Most of my guys are on the block outside of Chris Johnson if anyone wants to throw some trade requests at me.