3 way trade going down, probably not, but whats the deal over at JI?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RobA, Apr 21, 2006.

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  1. NY2MD_FS

    NY2MD_FS Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    argh, can't wait for the draft to get here already, am done with all this speculation crap. I think it's pretty safe to say that the jets will be involved in something come draft day, like making a freaking pick.
  2. F Miami

    F Miami Active Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    don't buy this for a sec. too convoluted. These draft rumors are getting out of hand.
  3. DGrab

    DGrab New Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    Man you people who follow these draft charts like the bible...these GMs may be dumb but they're not stupid, I honestly think that some on this board believe that the Saints should take the same player at 2 that they could get at say 4 rather than be "ripped off" and trade down to that spot and take the same guy. Hilarious.

    I'm not saying I believe this rumor as stated because I think it got convoluted, but the following makes perfect sense...

    Raiders want Leinart, and figure they need to get to 2 to get him.

    Saints want Brick or Mario but Brick makes more sense need wise and they'd be dumb to just take one of them at 2 when they can clearly get one of them at 4.

    Jets, want Mario and if they can get him and something else all the better.

    Thus the following makes sense...

    Jets trade from 4 to 2 and give the Saints a 4th rounder (maybe a 3rd). Those saying we'd have to give up AT LEAST our first to make that move again are blinded by the chart and not actually analysing the situation.

    Jets than trade from 2 to 7 with Oak and get Oak's 2nd and 3rd.

    Oak takes Leinart. Saints can take Mario or Brick, up to them. Presumably they take Mario.

    Jets hope Brick slides to 7 but if not they pick whoever (say Davis or Cutler) and they have an 2 and 3.

    If Brick does slide to 7, they can keep him or trade him to Saints with Oak's 2 or 3 for Mario.

    People ask why wouldn't Saints just trade with Oak to begin with. easy, because at 7 they likely don't get one of the guys they want, Jets take Brick at 4 and Mario goes 5 or 6.

    And if this all goes as I've described look what happened for all 3 teams...

    Raiders get the guy they want and paid a reasonable price (a 2 and 3) to get him.

    Saints get the guy they want and needed and picked up the Jets 4 and either Oak's 2 or 3.

    Jets, get the guy they want and effectively trade their 4 for Oak's 2 or 3.

    Sounds like it makes a whole lot of sense to me.

    If the last part of it doesn't happen, say Brick doesn't make it to 7, then Jets have been nicely compensated (give up a 4 for a 2 and 3) to move down 3 spots and Saints got they guy that everyone thinks is the #2 player in the draft and they get a extra 4th rounder, not to mention they pick him 2 spots lower and pay him less.

    Not sayin any of this will happen but people dismissing it because of the stupid charts gotta open their minds.
  4. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    LMAO Yea trust AL Davis to take M Leinart at 2. What did he swear on some bibles that he would. Raiders get up to two and I don't care what anyone says mario williams will be the choice. Most likely no team going to let raiders get up to 2 if they believe M williams is their desire. They might if they think your going to go QB. Than with second pick in draft raiders select De mario williams.
    Again Raiders aren't giving up that much for a rookie QB. Al Davis wants a pick that going gto pay off now.

    BTw There a reason why AL davis dosen't like to trade down.(back) You like the player enough than take him now because he might not be there later.
    #104 Raiderjoe, Apr 23, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2006
  5. NJRaider

    NJRaider New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    I like Andrew Walter but I don't think that scouting report is from me!...

    Is that Shane McGowan?
  6. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Just spent some more time reading the thread over at JI, which has now reached 31 pages. Apparently, it seems that bongo does infact work for the titans and that he has called numerous moves in the past and always been right. He reports now that the saints and raiders are looking for a 3rd team in their trade, which is either the jets or titans to make this thing work. Also, he reports that SF could ruin the whole thing because they offered 3 first rounders the texans for bush.
  7. NJRaider

    NJRaider New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    That last sentence ruins the whole story for me. San Fran has a million holes, they're trying to rebuild, and they're offering three first round picks for a running back who's name is not Jim Brown?

    Sorry I just don't buy it. If it's true, the Niners deserve to lose for at least two more decades.
  8. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Jeaux, I'm having a harder time than usual deciphering your . . . umm. . . . logic. Are you saying that teams won't want to help that young, effervescent defense become any younger or more effervescent? Is that what you're getting at?
  9. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Ok so what are the actual chances this goes down?
  10. Pennythetowelboy

    Pennythetowelboy New Member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    wait so the jets would get the 7th pick and a second rounder?
  11. drnyjets

    drnyjets New Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    It's the dumbest rumor I have ever heard in my entire life. The NFL has a draft value chart for a reason.
  12. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    no they dont, its not like the commissioner can veto it because they chart says it isnt good
  13. Out for the Season

    Out for the Season New Member

    Nov 11, 2005
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    It makes sense to me, GM's sometimes don't think about any others needs and holes when they hear the media say "franchise player" so they risk everything for it.
  14. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    The saints should be getting atleast the second rounder, if not both from the raiders. The only way I see this happening is that the saints reallllllly don't want to get #2 money to anybody in the draft.
  15. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    A user over at JI (Darth Vader) made a post of a transcript of all of bongo's posts in and all responses to questions asked to him in the thread over there. Here is what he wrote. Part 1

    "1. The activity around the top has become white hot in the last 48 hrs...............Titans turned down an AFC west team twice in the last week about moving up.....................now there is a new trade propsal between an NFC south team, the jets and they need a third team to make it happen....................The Titans are one of three teams that have been asked to be considered in this blockbuster.................I wish i could say more but i cant.............i do some work for this NFC South team............but if anything happens i will let you know..................

    2. just a little more for you..................ML dumped Steinberg because Condon told him he could broker a deal for slot two money........very similiar to Manning escapade................Condon did infact make that deal happen...............he is now trying to do the same thing for ML and he needs a third team to make it happen.................The Titans were offered two ones by the Broncos but they would not give up another pick................so now they are listening to the brokering being done by Condon..................the Jets are in this game as of 60 minutes ago...................

    3. look i wish i could say more......but i am on a payroll of one of these teams...................suffice to say...............you will hear soon that TN turned down two moves up by the broncos to stay in a three team swap................there are a total of 5 teams in it...............but only three will eventually be able to consumate it....................Tom Condon is the broker.

    4. Originally Posted by joemusgo: Would it be fair to say that the Jets are considering moving down?

    all i can say is that i am in midtown NY right now..............and the Jets are involved.

    5. i got to go...........i'll try to get back here tonight after dinner............

    6. From PFW..............................."The same source who tipped us off over the weekend to the looming termination of agent Leigh Steinberg by USC quarterback Matt Leinart tells us that the driving force behind the change was the lack of interest that the Titans were demonstrating in the 2004 Heisman winner."

    that got that from me.............listen..........i am going to smith and wollensky's...............i promise i will get back to you guys after we get done.....it is a business deal and football related.........................

    7. ok..........................i am back....................the Jets are looking to move down still get there guy and they may get multiple picks................the problem is they need a third team to get this done.............and they really want Reese to be in on this deal because they can still get the guy they covet................D'Brick..............at 7 I think this deal has legs but alot of the principles have to agree..............Especially Al Davis..............he is going to be giving up a ton to get this done...............

    8. Originally Posted by jr17892
    Could be that Condon is trying to broker a trade by NO so that Leinart can be #2 pick. It's been widely reported that Super Mario is the guy NO really wants so they wouldn't be willing to drop out of Super Mario range, enter the Jets. So NO could be going to #4, we would drop down to the 3rd team's slot, with additional picks of course, and the other team would move up to #2 and take Leinart.

    this is precisley what is being worked on as we speak..............the Jets FO is working it huge..................

    9. Originally Posted by Bradyback Mountain
    Ok so Jets Raiders and who?

    Titans...................Saints and another team................

    10. Condon is attempting to stack picks 2-7...............and guarrantee all the teams the player they want will be there..............but Davis wants ML and he is willing to pay up to get there............but teams below two want picks or guarrantees..............several other agents are so hot about this because it is going ot cost them millions if their guy falls,.................but the Jets could get the second highest rated prospect and only have to pay him slot 7 cash................funny thing is REese wants to be in that slot.................to save cap...............there is a ton of issues to work out.............

    11. Did you say the Jets want D'Brick and at #7?

    SAR I

    partially true..............they will slect Brick there but the Saints will eventually get him and the Jets will get Mario...............but the Jets may have to sweeten the pot.................right now they need to throw in a 3 to get it done............but Tanny is offering a four....................still a great deal for the Jets.........................but this deal is so complicated i am sure it will be fluid................i am on this one hot..............anything that crops up i will let you all know..................got to go..................

    12. Originally Posted by Penny2Coles
    Who is this reese person you speak of?

    Titans GM................

    13. Originally Posted by JetsFanatic
    Well, let me ask everyone a question, if the Broncos don't own 2 picks, doesn't that make what he is telling BS? Or am I missing something?

    they did own two picks this week before we turned them down twice and GB turned them down.............we wanted another pick and they would not do it................

    14. Bongo said "The Jets select Brick who will eventually go to the Saints in a trade for Mario Williams".

    The Saints really want Brick and the Jets really want Mario, but this way, the Saints can nab an extra pick, the Jets get 2 extras, and the Raiders (3rd part Bongo was talking about) get Leinart.

    It's really not that hard to udnerstand if you just sit down and read it.
    this is very close to how the principals are but there are some issues................the Raiders want to keep a pick and throw Porter into the deal instead.....................the Titans like that but they want Porter..............and not the pick but so does another team...............so it will need to be worked out................guys like i said this trade is being orchestrated by Condon on behalf of ML..................ML wants number two money and Condon said he could do it...............he did it for manning and he is attempting to try it again...............problem is GB and SF could really blow it up....................he has to fix all picks 2-7 to get it to fly................the Raiders will have to give up a ton to get their guy...............and ML loves that he is staying in Cali and Al Davis does not have to worry about moving Gallery to LT any longer............he can stay at RT and protect ML backside.......................

    15.Originally Posted by jetswinbaby!
    This is worse than the Abe to Denver rumor for the #22 pick.

    Mr. Bongo why do you torture us!!

    trust me i am not doing this to torture anyone..................the top 5 is very hot right now.............and teams have pretty well established who they want and who they would consider in a contingency situation................the Broncos were trying to get up to get VDavis ........................but TN and GB wanted more..............SF was not talked too because everyone knows they want Davis...................so Denver had to get up infront of them..................they offered the Jets a deal but the Jets wanted three ones....................

    16. Originally Posted by Bradyback Mountain
    How is Condon going to fix the GB and SF picks? Is he the agent for Hawk and V Davis? What can he say to GB or SF to keep Brick away from them?

    that is becoming the issue..............SF wont get in on it.............they want VDavis.............and if this deal went through they know their pick would be worth a fortune to a team between 8-12 who covet the top 5 guys.................no one can trust Nolan.................

    17. kerry this deal will be worked on alot...............there is alot of options available..............but one thing is for sure...............2-4 slots are up for bids....................5 and 6 dont appear to be in play but the Raiders are willing ot put the gas on any deal....................they really want up to get ML......................

    18. Originally Posted by jetschamps69
    Bongo, must be we trade more than just brick for mario? Or is it straight up?

    its in negiotiation..............but the Saints have Mario and Brick rated as equals................so they would take either one...................but the Jets think they maybe able to get their guy a pick and save cap all in one fell swoop...................but they need to help the raiders to make it happen.......................

    19. look guys trading is a fluid situation...............things evolve and change..............but i think this activity already guarrantees a top 5 trade.................just listen to all the national media outlets the next 48 hrs when the NFL grapevine gets this from their own sources................we have 6 teams with reps in NYC tonight working on trades.................most teams are stacking 3 ways now..............O and D and positions..............I know the JEts and Saints and Titans are finished on their boards.............I am told the Raiders only have positons to sort through.............but they have ML with the top grade..................the Texans are trying desparately to get anyone to beleive they will grab Mario but no one is buying it..................the Saints and Titans are controling this draft.............not the Texans................only way they can is if they really pass on Bush.............and if they do.............i expect a complete change..............then you can bet SF will move up.................."
  16. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    part 2
    "20. Titans have D'brick behind ML..............and the Jets are worried Reese takes their guy............and they would have to surrender alot to get him back from 7..................so things need to be worked out there...............and i hear we may infact pass on him if we are guarranteed our guy and Porter...................

    21. the titans have all three QB's with equal grades..............from my sources...............so they would be happy with any one..............but they have Brick as number two...........and that is where the Jets have issues..............the Jets have only one QB rated high..............ML and they really dont want a QB at 4.................will they take one if both brick and Mario are gone yes...............but then VDavis and Hawk are also next.........................for them.

    22. Originally Posted by Chorzz
    Just thinking about contracts, if we trade D'Brick who we select 7th for Mario Williams, who was selected 2nd, wouldn't we be stuck with the 2nd picks contract and not the 7th picks contract. Meaning the saints would be the ones saving cap room and we would be forced to dole out more money

    but your not taking the other pick in consideration and your not paying for the transaction to go from 7 to 2 to get Mario....................it is complicated but things have to be worked out with GB and SF...............it really appears GB is going to go LB................SF loves VDavis but they have Bush number one and if he falls to two they have told loomis they will give him two ones and this yrs two and next yrs three to get him

    23. Originally Posted by Bradyback Mountain
    Ok one more question and I am spent. Since you have told us they are interested in Brick and Mario could you rank their top 3 or 4 preferences in the draft (asssuming nothing goes down ) at #4. Mario, Brick,another guy lie Hawk, or trade down?

    Jets board from infering from my sources..............Mario Brick ML and hawk/davis......................

    24. Originally Posted by chrisc8585
    alrite, I've been goin through this for awhile now, I can't see any reason why the Raiders and Saints can't do this without the Jets. Why can't the Raiders just move up on their own to 2?

    My basic breakdown of this:

    The Raiders move to 2, giving up alot
    The Saints move to 4, but basically move to 7 with the Williams/Ferguson swap... that would take a ton of compensation, and seemingly more compensation than is brought up on this post
    The Jets moved down to 7, but really stay at 4, and accumulate a bunch of picks, which sounds great to me, but doesn't really make sense in the realm of reality

    bongo, Jonathan, anybody that understands this, can you tell me what I'm wrong in thinking?

    simple...............to go from 7 to 2 will take 2600 points............the raiders would have to give up their 07 one to do so................Davis wont do it............but he will give up Porter and 3 other picks..............Porter interests the Titans...............and if we get in on it............the Saints may go for it because if you follow this deal..............they get their guy and they get him real cheap slot wise............and they clean up in picks..................they are loaded at WR so they have no interest in Porter................but they really would take the 07 one and make it simple................Al is the one who is making it tough..........bu the is the one who told condon he was willing to help get ML to Oak.............and condon is very tight with the FO involved..................

    25. Originally Posted by Chorzz
    couldn't the titans then trade their pick to the raiders and still get Vince Young or Cutler. It seems like there are a lot of contingencies to this proposed deal and I don't think we will really find out what is happening till Next week

    I know he has not been mentioned in a while but couldn't the Jets trade down a little further and get Winston Justice who is receieving a lot of hype and not worry about d' Brick, or in the case that someone takes him...just a a thought

    yes.............but if we fall to 7 and two QB's are gone ............it opens us to det and Az from moving up to SF spot.................and we have no QB and mcNair...............not good for us..............and Reese wont let that happen.................

    26. remember at three the Titans are guarranteed right now of a choice of two QB's and more likely a choice of all three................making us the most likely team to trade with Oak...............to do it straight up..............Al has to give us his 07 one and he is not apt to do so....................

    27. Originally Posted by jetsman51
    bump? this is the one thing im not clear on, if u have to keep it under wraps Bongo, I understand, but just tell us if u have to keep mum.

    the titans ultimately want a QB and are flexible on any one...........but they also want to recoup a pick for the THenry deal too..................but we will get a QB no matter where we go..................

    28. Originally Posted by djc
    If I've learned anything from watching the Pats the last few years its that they take the best football players available - guys that are multi-dimensional. Williams can rush the passer, tie up blockers, and even stand up and play a lb type role. Mangini NEEDS a guy like that.

    Plus - don't be fooled by all this switching to 3-4 talk - this defense will run multiple fronts in every game and attempt to create mismatches.

    Mangini looks at MArio as the only DL who is like Seymour............he can play in a 3-4 or 4-3 and still dominate.............he wants his D to be flexible and getting Mario is that start...............the Pats dynasty on D was based around the emergence of Seymour..............and he clearly views Mario in the same light...............Brick is carrying the same grade Bosselli had to several teams because he is the best pass blocker to come out in a long time.............his run blocking is not as good but he is already pro bowl caliber in pass blocking......................

    29. Originally Posted by escamoter2
    Bongo....are you not simply a medical consultant, if anything????? Stick with your back examinations.....I think you are bogus my friend. You have no knowledge of the current draft situation....

    i am who you want me to be......................just remember where you heard this...................

    30. the only guy who can get this done is condon..............he has the contacts and he can broker a deal...............he did it before with Rivers Manning and the Giants....................I will keep my ears open..............i got to go...................

    31. Originally Posted by escamoter2
    BTW bongo, if you are who you say you are, why the hell are you even on this message board????? And if you are involved in what's going on in NYC, how can you find the time to be on this message board and why would you want to be on here?

    i been doing this a long time..................17 yrs............and trust me no one has a clue who i am..............i cover my tracks well.............my job counts on it...............................I do this because the media buries stuff for teams and the fans never get to see how things really are.......fans are the essence of this league.............they pay alot of money and they deserve to know alot more than they get from local or national coverage...................I used to live in NYC and work with Joel Buschbaum............rememeber him..............I got him much of his info.............he was well connected but never left his house in Brooklyn.................wonder how he did that? I live in NO and TN now...........................i have posted info 6 months before it happened............ask any Titan fan who predicted EG being cut on Feb 28th of 2004...............or if i said Kearse was going to be let go for nothing.............. and JMac would be traded as a result to the Jets for a cap saving move.................in Oct of 2005 i told all at my site Mac was going to be cut...............trust me................if i tell you it is going to be be awfully close..................I dont post garbage...........i only post what i hear...........is it always 100 percent correct.............nope..........this business is fluid.............but here in TN the posters at my site know i give it to them just how i hear it...............and many times i hit the bullseye........................ask kerry about why i said last yr here in preseason the jets would bomb........when you where all drinking th e2004 Jet koolaid.......................it was the OL and Pennys shoulder................i let you you grade that one.......................

    32. Originally Posted by Long Suffering Jets Fan
    Earlier Bongo said there was concern on the Jets side that the Titans taking Brick could create the scenario I spelled out. Then he also said the Titans had all the QBs rated equally, and Brick behind them. Bongo can you verify? Is Titans taking Brick a concern, if they do who do we pick at 7.

    davis or hawk.....................

    33. Originally Posted by Long Suffering Jets Fan
    In this scenario Hawk and Davis are gone:

    4-M. Williams
    6-V. Davis

    Who do the jets pick (young/cutler?)

    i would expect a trade down.............and they would take Huff or Justice................they like Jay but not that high................. "
  17. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    part 3

    "35. guys i have to sleep..................i got a 6 AM meeting at 56th street..................

    36. titanscentral.net..............

    37. Originally Posted by Conkboy
    My guess here is that the Saints and Raiders are looking for either the Jets or the Titans to make the deal work. My guess is that whoever blinks first will be the third team in the deal. Looks like they want the the third team to get the least.

    we have a winner................

    "Bongo's own words, his OWN WORDS, are the Titans are a big part of this deal. I've been trying to ask him where the Titans and the Jets both fit in, and I get no answer."

    Guys, this aint brain surgery............it is a three team deal that will require the team left out staying put and recieving something from the raiders for doing so.......we dont know if that will be the Titans or jets...........not likely to be GB or SF.............but SF would love to screw big AL............... The titans Jets and a third team with serious ammo are vying to be the third team................but Condon has to make sure 3-4-5 and 6 stay put and stay true to their boards............otherwise its a mess............and the Saints have to have the gumption to select a guy they really dont want...............just like he got SD to do when they took Manning......................this deal is still not dead, and no i would never BS about this type of deal.......it shopws you precisely how this league really works and how stealth teams can be.......go over tot he Raider board and read the oakland tribune.......they are following this story on th enet because Davis shut them down yesterday when their beat writer asked about it.........................

    38. Originally Posted by jetstream23
    Bongo, what will the stock market be at in 6 months?

    buy hal and cop..............book that.

    39. Kerry Al Davis has an issue.............he has a bad lease...........and a democrat infested city that wont give him a big stadium deal.......he also wont tell his own press shyt...............they are all in th edark so he gets no free PR...........he needs something to bring them to him on his terms........ML will put alot of rich USC alums in the black hole dam fast........and he will get his stadium deal done and he may even be the tenant in LA once again with captain ML..................that is his plan....not VY................al marches to a drum of one........his own.

    40. Originally Posted by chirorob
    ... and what is hal and cop?

    halliburton and conoco phillips.............they are my market calls and my leaps i bought in 2003 on both have made my a nice some............................stay long baby.

    41. Originally Posted by Titanic
    Titanic from Titanscentral here.

    This thread is typical Bongo. It happens all the time on our board. Noone knows exactly what he does, or how he gets stuff, but he posts something, it has a 900 page response, and a lot of the time it turns out to be correct. At any rate, it makes for interesting conversation.

    My question is this Bongo. I gather from this long thread that the Titans are interested in dropping to seven, primarily because we have all three QBs rated similarly and we are interested in Jerry Porter. That sounds perfectly feasible. The problem I have with this, and the reason I don't think any mega trade gets worked out is twofold:
    #1 Can the Titans fit Porter and their rookie class, including a top ten QB, under the cap, assuming Mac goes the way of Al Gore and is no longer welcome in Tennessee?
    #2 With this many moving parts why would any four way deal ever go down, when it's much more likely for teams to simply wait until draft day and pull off smaller one on one deals when someone is actually on the clock? Why try to work out this huge megatrade, which will take four Crays and one of those Pakistani kids from the national spelling bee just to keep straight, when you can just make your moves individually on or the night before draft day and maybe keep from mucking everything up. It seems way too simple for Arizona or someone else in the low teens to move up and blow everything to kingdom come.

    It's entertaining nonetheless however...


    1. no question......................2. it is not a four team deal......it is a three team deal with a team saying to the others they wont select certain players....for passing they get a parting gift..................Condon is the guy cooking this goose right now........best part is no one in Oak or NO has a clue waht is happening behind the scenes...................

    42. Originally Posted by Darth Vader
    now who could this be? ammo meaning draft picks, or picks/players?

    the only team within range of all the dynamics would be Houston, no?

    {As we've already stated that GB and SF {SF has ammo....} are staying put...}

    no there is a team willing to give up three number ones for the right guy.......and the Texans are talking to this team..............if that deal goes down it will kill this one we have been discussing.................and yes it does involve Bush."
  18. Wah

    Wah Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The NFL doesn't have a draft value chart... each team may have their own, and it is really just a guide.
  19. Big Derty

    Big Derty Active Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    I think you have been blinded by Madden buddy. No way that we can move from 4 to 2 with a fourth or a third rounder
  20. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    All of that is too long, BUt I believe and hope this is true......

    Our pick and a third rounder does equally the saints second...... anything after that is frosting. And it does make sense the saints want DBrick, but not at that dollar amount.
    #120 ANJI, Apr 23, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2005
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