2023 Jets QB

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by blackssmagic, Jan 8, 2023.

  1. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Yes, Zach has continued to struggle. No surprise since MLF continued trying to force fit him into an offense not well suited to his strengths, and the other problems that affected all the other QBs too. I've never denied his issues, but the false narrative comes from you and others who refuse to see ANY positives from him. Simply look at these stats, particularly the box comparing 2021 to 2022, and you'll see a number of areas in which he improved:


    Did he prove himself completely? Nope, and I never said that, but he has improved. As far as:

    "I think that’s a false narrative…and clearly so do the actual coaches on the team as evidenced by their actions…benching him multiple times because he continued to do the same crappy shit, shopping for a new QB, etc."

    The actual coaches opinions apparently indicate that they still think Zach has a lot of potential and they aren't talking about getting rid of him. If he were as awful as you and others make him out to be, there would at least be rumblings that they were looking to trade or dump him, which AFAIK there hasn't been. He certainly needs more time to learn, and would be helped immensely by sitting behind a proven QB like Rodgers (or even Carr or Tannehill), and playing under an OC who has shown flexibility in working with QBs over many years like Hackett, which is what should have happened from Day 1. But he's still only 23 years old, and still has only played 22 pro games. How often in sports have we talked and witnessed the "sophomore slump"? I'm not claiming that's what the problem is, but this happens so often to so many good players - in all sports - who then bounce back and show their true ability once they get straightened out. Often this "slump" is due to a loss of confidence as their league figures them out and shuts down what they used to be able to do well before they finally regroup and learn how to deal with things. Zach's confidence has obviously been shaken.

    My continued belief in Zach isn't a "guarantee", it's simply an assertion that he still has potential, and while he didn't make the "big jump" we all expected and wanted, there was improvement despite difficulties.

    And finally (for now), take a look at the evaluation of Will Levis who some are chomping at the bit for the Jets to draft:


    Top Reasons to Buy In:

    • High-octane arm talent
    • Prototypical mold at position
    • High-ceiling/upside
    Top Reasons For Concern:

    • Slow processing
    • Turnovers
    • Decision-making
    See anything that looks similar to ZW? The only thing that you can say Levis has an edge in is his physical attributes, about the same height but about 10 pounds heavier. And in college Zach's stats/attributes were rated much higher. And keep in mind, he's already 23 - Zach was 21 when drafted. But for the sake of argument let's say they're about the same as far as potential - Zach has already put in 2 years work as a pro, Levis will need at least that much, if not more, and that's assuming the Jets commit to giving him the support they've never given any rookie QB since Namath.

    Zach may not pan out. I've said it many times, but no one here has the credibility and/or experience to make that assessment at this point. I too have applied the "eye test", and what my eyes tell me is that Zach has the talent to be a top 10 QB. But what my eyes can't tell me is: is he working as hard as he can? Is he really getting the support he needs? Is he being asked to play in a system that isn't compatible with his strengths? Just to name a few things that no one else here can answer either.

    Bottom line: If Saleh and Hackett (as well as JD and Woody obviously) feel that Zach can't be a FQB, or even a good backup, and they trade him away and go in another direction, I'll accept their professional assessment. I'm also happy to have them get a proven winning QB to play ahead of him for a year or two, so I'm not a Zach Wilson ball washer. What I am is a guy who has watched a lot of QBs over the 60+ years I've been watching football, and I think that qualifies me to make an honest assessment of Wilson and the Jets and their QB problems. I'm not claiming to be absolutely right, or an expert, but until I see proof otherwise, I'll continue to believe Zach has a chance to be a FQB.
  2. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    If I were Zach I would be hiring the best QB coaches I could find yesterday to improve myself.
    blackssmagic and LAJet like this.
  3. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I agree. And we don't know if he's done that or planning to. But he did hire his own QB Coach while he was in college and paid for that by working Door Dash (or something similar), and driving himself in a well used second hand compact car to California to work him. Frankly, I'd be surprised if he hasn't been doing this.
  4. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I did say get Kurt Warner in the bldg.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Just envision Kurt Warner forcing Zach to his knees and begging forgiveness of the Lord!

    A little bit of that action and ZW might bolt for the West Coast no questions asked.
    Cman68 likes this.
  6. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Unfortunately there's no upside for Warner to do this. He's secured his "bag" and his reputation, and doesn't need the headache of dealing with a team like the Jets. But maybe if Zach hired him to be his QB mentor he might do it, IDK.
    LAJet likes this.
  7. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    The good news is that whichever of Ryan Tannehill and Jacoby Brissett we end up with is absolutely an upgrade from any quarterback on our roster. The bad news is they probably won’t be here for more than one year. Those types of quarterbacks tend to sign one year “prove it“ deals.
  8. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Might make MILF Mom a bit uncomfortable too... :)
    Br4d likes this.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The Jets could probably get Tannehill on a 2 year deal with some real guarantees. This would pair nicely with a 2nd or 4th round developmental QB pick with a plan to have them ready to go by 2025.
  10. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Reading this makes me want to vomit
  11. JetFanInNE

    JetFanInNE Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2022
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    Again I ask: where are people getting it from that Tannehill is even available?
  12. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I was tired when I posted, so I gave you a quick answer.

    I understand that It hasn't happened but like you state, It needs to. All those FO and CS members of the past, didn't get It done. I'm not sure this current staff can either after the Zach Wilson pick. I had a lot of faith In them, It's losing traction fast for me though. I can't let you know because I don't work In that building. I do know, It's unacceptable and I think most of us fans would work harder at solving that very puzzle, with no exceptions, every year, until It's right. That's why I think we should draft a QB In this draft, I don't care which round. I don't know how they do It but eventually, they got to find a way. Quitting on It, certainly leads to failure In this department, so that should never be the option.

    I listed many, many, many reasons why I was a non-believer In Zach Wilson leading up to the draft. It's not about a new toy, It's about getting the RIGHT new toy.

    Zach Wilson, we can't have this debate because It Is very known that I was very ANTI-Zach Wilson leading up to the draft. I seen he wasn't going to be a good NFL QB through all the studying I did.

    I see a potential NFL stud In Levis through all the traits he has at QB. I felt the same about Josh Allen coming out. This doesn't mean Levis will turn Into the next Josh Allen, It doesn't mean he won't either.

    With, Zach Wilson. You had to peel away layers to see the truth, especially with the cupcake COVID schedule he had. Zach Wilson just wasn't a good pick. Not everyone that plays the position Is worth drafting. That Is obvious. Zach Wilson never should've sniffed the first round, let alone the #2 overall pick.

    For me. If we do get a solid VET QB to lead the way for a few years, I don't mind drafting a QB at #13, let him develop, do It right while sitting behind the VET.

    I doubt this Is going to happen but I wouldn't hate It.

    Regardless. It needs corrected. I do not know If the right people are In place to make that happen, I am not going to bat for them anymore on a lot of things, however, It still needs fixed. You can't just hide In a hole, avoid all QBs, and expect the result you want either. Wont happen.
  13. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    With the potential Levis has, a team will likely invest a first round pick on him. Hopefully he goes to a team where he can be patient, develop, and blossom Into a stud. Obviously, not many first round picks get that luxury anymore though. So I'm sure some team will draft him In the 1st, throw him to the wolves, and ruin him. He does have a TON of potential though, he'd be worth It, In the right hands.

    Not sure that would be us, considering our track record at developing QBs. :(
    Cman68 likes this.
  14. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    On Zach we have to just agree to disagree. You saw him - see him - one way, and I see him another. As I've said many times there are too many variables that we fans don't have info on to be certain of our assessments. It's not productive for us to continue to argue about ZW.

    As to drafting a QB, yeah Levis sounds like a Josh Allen-type QB, but lets not forget that what enabled Allen to transform himself was an unheard of off season dedication to that purpose, and having a CS that believed in him and did everything they could to ensure his success. Whether you think Zach is any good or not, can you say the Jets did the same for him? Can you say the Jets would do the same for any QB they draft? Until they do it once, I won't believe it.

    That said, maybe taking Levis at #13 (I don't even know if he falls that far despite the mixed reviews on him) is worthwhile, but they HAVE to get an experienced QB to be QB1 for this coming season. I think Rodgers would be perfect for that but I don't think the Jets get him. So then we're looking at guys who are all distant seconds to him. Still, unless Zach shows up and performs a miracle resurrection, we need someone who plays better than he has until, and IF, he ever becomes ready. Meanwhile Levis can sit and learn which is what Zach should've done, and maybe he'd become something worthwhile.
    Pepsiguy5 and westiedog1 like this.
  15. Pepsiguy5

    Pepsiguy5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    Yeah really. If Zach thinks that is anywhere near his biggest problem he's got a serious prioritization issue.
  16. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    There are no variables to discuss for me though. I literally was saying these things before we drafted him, before the Jets got a hold of him. He wasn't ruined, he just wasn't as good as you thought, or wanted to think. That's a fact. Visually, statistically, It's all there. It's not about being productive, It's about the fact that most of the things I proclaimed, came to fruition, right before everyone's eyes. So I can stand on that argument because It's not like I just gave up on him, I didn't think he was the guy to begin with. The Jets had NOTHING to do with that assessment.

    Josh Allen did fix a lot of things but he had A LOT more talent coming out of college than, Zach Wilson. I see Levis as a better prospect coming out of college than Zach Wilson as well. CS surely helped but they had more to work with. They just did.

    As for the Jets ability to help a QB develop. I want to believe they can, however, I have to question the pick In general. If they made that big of a mistake, I don't know how good they actually are at assessing the QB position. As far as the rest, It doesn't matter, It still needs to happen. We as fans hope for that to be the case, we all want It to happen, until It does, they got to keep at It. All there Is to It.

    I do agree they need a VET QB. I don't care who It Is though, I personally think It Isn't going to take us to where we all want to see them go. I do not believe we are a single QB away from the SB. They can possibly get It close this off-season, especially If they hit big on the draft again, but I have my doubts.

    I think they will continue to develop Zach Wilson. It's a bad optic and the contract situation will likely keep him here. It would be AMAZING If he could turn It around and actually be a FQB for this team. I just highly, highly doubt It. I have zero faith In that. Zero.
  17. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I think I’d rather have Anthony Richardson than Will Levis but I like that both of them cut their teeth in the SEC against Georgia’s defense among others

    They had schedules a little more difficult than BYUs
  18. rockyusmc2003

    rockyusmc2003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    It's sad that we have to sell ourselves on the possibility of landing a "Tannehill" and banking on developing a QB again (albeit, a better situation that 2022). I completely agree; something like this is probably "Plan C".

    Personally, I hope they get Carr. I'd love Rodgers, but per reports doesn't sound like he prefers NY as a destination, and they don't need another Favre situation. Carr is a good QB and comes with a huge chip on his shoulder. Hopefully, he wants to be here and JD can get it done for no draft capital.
    blackssmagic likes this.
  19. vokab206

    vokab206 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    My personal preference rankings:

    1. Rodgers. He's the guy and is still a top 5 QB when healthy.
    2. Carr. He's in the "good" tier. Probably middle of the pack in terms of starters but a quality option and has lots of time left as a good QB.
    3. Tannehill. He's going to be 35 but he can play another 2-3 years of good football and I think still has enough left in the tank to be a solid starter. His numbers prove it.
    4. Jimmy G. He's pretty much guaranteed to get hurt from time to time but when he's out there, he's above average and probably as good as Carr.
    5. Draft a guy. I'm not a fan of this option but if there is someone there, I would hope they can play?
    6. Mike White. We'll have a new OC so I am not sure how he fits but he's a smart QB and likeable. He is frail though and gets hurt every other game.
    7. Zach Wilson. If all roads fail and it comes back to Zach, they will give him his last year and then move on from him depending on how he produces.

    These guys like Brisset and Dalton don't really make much sense. Not sure how they help us at all. If they come in, it signals Zach is the guy.
    Nyjets4eva and The Dark Knight like this.
  20. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I know you were opposed to ZW before the draft, and kudos to you for sticking with your assessment. I respect your opinions, but in tis case mine differed - and still does - from yours. I've been disappointed that Zach didn't show more yet, but I stand on what I saw of him at BYU and believe that talent is still there and can be developed. 'Nuff said about that.

    As for a vet QB taking us to the SB, IMO the only one who might be able to is Rodgers. He's good enough overcome the holes that still remain on this team beyond QB. If they don't get him, then I agree, the odds of the Jets going to the SB are infinitesimally small. But playoffs should be achievable and that's no small thing.

    IDK what they're actually going to do with Zach. As I've mentioned in several other threads, it wouldn't surprise me if Rodgers goes to the Raiders soon, the Jets trade Zach there for Carr. It would be a win-win-win-win situation all around.
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.

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