Allen has played well enough to take his team to the playoffs last year and most likely will take the AFCE this year. Darnold has not taken this team anywhere. Again, if the idea is to win games and not the stat sheet, Allen is the better QB. Allen apparently knows when to throw the ball away. Darnold doesn't. Allen runs and gains yds. Darnold runs and barely makes it to the sidelines. I'm willing to give Darnold the benefit of not having a competent coach staff to develop him whereas Allen has. Allen was blessed to be drafted by a team that was good enough to allow him to develop. Darnold was drafted by a team that still has its head up its ass when it comes to offense. Allen is in a far better situation than Darnold. Allen will have a far better career than Darnold if Darnold decides to re-up and stay with the Jets when his contract is up.