What's crazy about this league is if we hit a field goal opening week and win either the first Miami game or beat the Bengals we are in the playoffs hunt....if our coach was MM that probably would have happened .
my point really is the margin of victory is so small in this league a better coach may have squeezed a few more victories out of this season...no one could have watched this season and tell me Gase has coached well.
I won't go as far as to say we're a better offense without Bell but I'll say this ... We'd be just as good without him if we utilized BP and Ty all season and we could have spent the money elsewhere. Never wanted him here. Not because he isn't good, but because we're sooooo bad in other areas.
If we had a good HC that could figure out how to use Bell properly, it would've made a big difference.
How come he only seems to know how to call one run play? Straight up the middle. Did anyone else notice that when we ran to the outside, we were picking up 8 yards at a clip?
I cant stand this coach ... but coming into the season with Powell, Montgomery and Maguire would have been fine. Instead, we have BP and Ty hardly touching the ball while we pay Bell a fortune, and are sub par in 4 or 5 other spots. I would have built the team with RB being my LAST priority.
Falling in love with star WRs and RBs is a mistake a lot of fans and media make...it usually makes little difference unless it's the final piece to the puzzle and even then they are usually drafted not given 20 mil a year.
Fair enough. But first, Powell coming back and being able to play well was not at all guaranteed. Second, if Bell had been used properly, he would've taken a lot of weight off Sam's shoulders. Third, having Bell and Montgomery playing on the field at the same time COULD have made this offense much better, but for some reason the "genius" didn't want to use that look. Fourth, we all thought the OL would be BETTER, not worse, so it did't seem as big a problem as it turned out to be. It was a gamble, trying to make up for years of neglect on the offense in one big signing. The prudent course was thee one you suggest, but desperate teams do desperate things.
If the offensive line was better then yes that's fine. Otherwise you run risk taking out a TE for a RB like Montgomery.
I don't remember a kicker who started off as badly as Ficken ending the same game as well as he did lol
Just finished watching the game... that was stressful. I feel like Griffin getting hurt early was a near-catastrophe for the Jets. That call against Nathan Shepard was an absolute atrocity I thought. Darnold did decent overall and really throws a beautiful ball but he also had more than a few shaky/sloppy plays. Just a few little better reads/decisions on his part and this game might not have even been that close honestly. I'm with WarriorRB Phew!
I also have to admit that somehow in spite of the stress I did notice that somebody did a nice job pant-shopping for the flight crew. Just a fabulous job.
After watching Powell and Montgomery hit the hole as quickly as they did today I am now thinking Bell being traded in the offseason is becoming more likely. I’m not sure exactly what the problem is with Bell but whatever it is something isn’t right. I don’t think he’s out of gas - he just seems hesitant as if he doesn’t trust his blockers. He’s just not a fit for this offense. I can see a team thinking they’re only a piece or two away from a championship forking over a couple of picks. Not a first rounder but maybe a second and a fourth - something along those lines. It would create another hole but if the offense is going to be remolded around Darnold anyway - the draft is deep in RBs also. Just a thought ...
We can only hope so. I think Bell is done. 21 months away from the game can really affect how fast the game moves for you. No amount of training or working out on your own can emulate an NFL game or off-season workouts and regiments dictated by the franchises. He's gotten the ball in space and he's been slow. He's gotten the ball from under center and shotgun and he's looked slow. I'd be thrilled with a second and fourth for him. He's heading into his runningback purgatory years anyway and it was a bad signing. He was a great player behind a great run blocking offensive line with Pouncey and DeCastro clearing the way. His versatility is useless if he can't run the rock. Today was our best rushing day of the season (and it still sucked but that's besides the point) and he stayed home while the two veteran minimum guys ran the rock. That says a lot.
A bad signing for the Jets in retrospect. Dumping him even for one pick would probably be for the best....