Sam's gotta get better under pressure, but the Jets must do a better job of surrounding this kid with talent.
I just don't understand what game some of you are watching. He's been bootlegging and rolling him out with pressure in his face there too. What do you want him to do? 20 step drop?
Lord knows we were so deep in skill level at every position, that the only position left to draft for was blocking TE who sees the field about 7 plays a game (sarcasm). F—k you Mike Maccagnan.
He's 22. He is much better than anything we've had recently. He needs to grow. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
I must have missed the bootleg and rollout on that 3rd & Long. That pretty much looked like hari-kari by running a play from the pocket behind the world's worst O-Line on 3rd & Long.