I have some great Sauer photos, but I have to upload them. Will post later. Sauer had incredible vertical leap. Great job, matt.
One of my earliest memroies of being a Jet fan, he was right up there behind Namath. Those Charger uniforms are gorgeous.
I know the top one is Barkum, but why should I care about a Steeler beating a Jets defender? What am I missing? We had some great football names on the Jets back in the day (it always come up without fail). Clark Gaines, Burgess Owens, Freeman McNeil, and that's just for starters. Don't quote me on this, but it was either Owens OR Barkum, pretty sure it was in '81 Jets vs Miami @ Shea. Some Miami puke intercepted a pass and was in full stride and one of them flat out took the ball out of his hands - not even stripped him, just took the ball - and scored a TD. I wish I be could certain on it if it was Burgess or Jerome, but let me tell you, the place went bananas. I had a really bad headcold and felt like garbage, so that's part of the culprit on being unclear. If anyone remembers for sure, it would probably be matt. I'm quite sure I got some of my lines crossed on it. I hope someone else who was there remembers the play and can straighten it out for me. I was a big Barkum fan - my Grandfather's name in English was Jerome . : )
The photo is ruined by the GREEN PANTS! Who dressed him! I have a Moss jersey! It's a cheap knockoff! So what, sue me! I liked Moss, it just used to drive me nuts with the running East/West instead of running North! Kanye West, North West, I don't know! Signed, -Mrs. championjets69
It's not exactly a phobia! It's more like an allergy! If you want to get technical it's called Pants Prasinophobia! It's in the DSMV! What a bunch of idiots! Now look up Prasinophobia and give me a speech how we try to overcome such a thing with exposure therapy yet still love to touch a hot stove! Signed, -Mrs. championjets69