what can bowles do (with more talent then rex had to boot) that rex hasnt already done here. Rex has had us as the best, or at least a top 3 defense here. he got us to the AFC championship game twice on the back of our defense and the D was so good it was able to overcome some of the worst qb play in the league. bowles would need to have the #1 defense and maybe get to a superbowl to claim he has done more as a defensive genius then rex did here.
there is no way mauldin is a "flier who will compete for a spot on the roster" he is a guy todd bowles and mac fell in love with and will likely end up starting from day 1.
hard to make the "big stop" when you have to make it 7 or 8 times cause your offense is terrible. rex's defense kept us in games we should have lost by 21+ we had the worst qb play in football and turnoved it over at an alarming rate. so many tunrovers for tuchdowns allowed, so many tunrovers in our own end.
It has nothing to do with ranking the defense, that's all Rex cared about . What good is having a top 3 or 5 defense if we're not in the playoffs? Imo the league has caught up with Rex and I feel that we have an opportunity under Bowles to see what he can do with guys, Coples always comes to mind, who really haven't reached their potential under Rex or even shown that much growth. I also think Davis hasn't flourished the way he should . I'm just excited to see what the team will look like under the new regime . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The offense was terrible because Rex sucked as a HC and never bothered to make any improvements on that side of the ball. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i think rounds 4/5 goes Tackle/Gaurd or Gaurd/Tackle i dont think we will take a running back today. i dont think its a need, i dont think its a posiiton that is valued. i think they are happy with our group and are fine suplimenting that group in UDFA. and they are smart to do so
rex got us to 2 AFC championship games. we played in 6 playoff games under rex. not sure how thats "not being in the playoffs" couples played what, 2 years under rex? what about all the guys who shined under rex? did richardson reach his potential? do wilkerson show growth? Davis became our best LB while being a 3rd round selection was it? not sure he hasnt flourished. rex made us an elite defense. unless bowles gets us to a SB on the back of our defense, he really cant make rex "look bad" rex didint get "figure out" either. there is just only so far you are going to go with sanchez/smith and no skill players
what improvements are you going to make when you have the worst QB in football. they did what they could, try and tell sanchez to never throw the ball. that doesnt really work. rex the coach was great. rex the guy with input on personel moves sucked, i agree
Let him be Rex's problem, he's not going to be worth the headaches. I made this comparison in February, IMO, Petty reminds me of Geno Smith, with worse mobility. I really think there's too much talent left on the board to waste a pick on Hundley or Petty. Unless Geno magically improves (I doubt this happen), we're most likely going to have to trade up for a QB next season .
Rex inherited a pretty good team from Mangini, it wasn't all his doing getting us to the playoffs his 1st 2 seasons. The more he was allowed to put his mark on this team and thus, ignore the offense, the worse we got . This is just my opinion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
what exactly did mangni do with that team? rex got us to back to back championship games, and beat tom brady AND peyton manning on the road in the playoffs. he had us as a top 3 defense.
WOW--Goodell just took a great big shit on NYC! Chicago made the draft Bigger and Better than ever before? Holy fuck. _
Mangini is a good coach, it's his personality that did him in. I think if he could change that aspect of his personality he'd be a pretty good coach of given another shot . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mangini did nothing with a HOF QB at the helm. Rex took that team, improved it, and played in 6 playoff games with Sanchez at the helm. yet you are here pumping up Mangini while taking shots at Rex. it's unbelievable. hopefully Bowles gets a couple years before the unnecessary bashing sets in..
I'm not pumping up anyone I'm just giving my own opinion . You're entitled to yours . Rex sucked as a HC , that's how I feel. Every year the offense lost good players and replaced them with mediocre ones while we drafted Kyle Wilson & Milliner and other crap players . I'm tired of talking about Rex's 1st 2 years success , this is a NOW league . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk