Doris Burke's question to Paul George: "What do you expect out of Miami in Game 3?" George didn't even correct her. He probably figured he was being chivalrous. No one who picked Indiana is going to change their mind after Game 1. Did you pick them? I just saw you say you were rooting for them (so am I).
Yeah, I can't find the post at the moment but a while back I called Indiana in the finals against OKC. I might be wrong about OKC now because of the Ibaka injury.
Russell being hurt so much this year was in ways a blessing in disguise, because Reggie got experience he needed. Now we need him like we did before. It's not for the same reason, but I'm sure he'll get more playing time, and we need him to play to his potential. I've been starting to trust Steven Adams more, and more lately, but still he is a rookie. I'm not expecting to win game 1, or 2, but I'm excited. If we can take one of them, my hopes will officially be up relatively high again.
Well Indiana can beat Miami, I never really doubted that. I just dont think they actually will beat em, but more power to em if they do. Id much rather play Indiana than Miami if the Spurs can reach the finals.
They aren't contenders, but they can take down Miami. Makes total sense. I myself attempt to predict all outcomes to ensure that I'm always correct as well. I'm predicting that a dominant, top-2 seed from the East will win the series in no more than 7 games. As they say, it doesn't matter how many times you're wrong so long as you're right at least once in a while (especially if your contradictory predictions make it such that you're guaranteed to be right in some way or another :O ).
Cops lie, they like to limit their exposure to (and comprehension of) intelligence, and they discern right (their way) from wrong (reality and facts and science); they're downtrodden spiteful lowlife bullies who ardently abuse their position of power to help with the inferiority complex
You'd rather face the inconsistent Pacers, rather than the 2 time defending champion Heat? Wow what a bold statement. Are you sure you feel that way Soxxx?