You of all people shouldn't be calling anyone a troll. You have spent every waking moment on this forum for the past few months begging for attention, and failing most of the time. But let's get past that. Jordan's net worth hasn't been relegated to endorsements, and as of 2013 he was netting 80m from endorsements, as a whole, not just Nike. You just don't get it. Jordan will be a toothless old man fighting against his children for money rights when Lebron is entering his fifties, in a world that will make marketing enterprise in this era seem like Lincoln logs. You have zero foresight.
This argument is useless. If anyone on this fuckin planet thinks an athlete can make $1 billion look like "pocket change", then there is a far bigger problem to talk about.
You don't see it because you hope he ends up playing for the Knicks. You don't want to see it. Yes, he is a smart guy, business savvy and knows when to say the right things sometimes. He also acts like an entitled child, gives the green light to douchey stuff like the Lebron App, and most of the time he is on the court is play acting. That's the stuff at the core, not the pressers, not the rehearsed commercials, he is a basketball player and acts like a dildo when his essence is on display. Go ahead and pretend you don't see it. Don't matter.
That's funny, begging for attention. A toothless old man with an NBA franchise while Lebron is getting divorced and playing until he's 40 trying to win his 3rd or 4th championship. You think it's all about sneaker sales and investing in headphone companies. No one has any idea what Jordan's been doing in his business ventures. Yup, you have foresight. _
Jordan by some accounts is already a billionaire. Who knows, maybe he has $2B. He'll have more than that when he sells the Hornets. Lebron would have to be worth $10B to make that look like pocket change. That's a lot of sneakers. Unless Lebron has much better business partners and savvy than the most savvy ex-professional athlete ever. Sometimes folks say stuff with conviction with nothing to back it up other than "you just wait and see" and suggest some eventuality is "likely". Yeah, we will. _
Spurs are 2-1 this series with Parker and Duncan starting. They're starting again tonight. Look for a Spurs win again
We're having a debate about something that can't be proven until 20 years from now. You're trying to make a joke about me having a "wait and see" outlook. Stop acting like a retard.
That replay angle was great. You could see Diaw using his peripheral vision/corner of his eye to see Parker and hit him with a no look pass
You're acting as if your hopeful foresight some how has some validity. Stop acting like a pompous ass. Nothing can be proven for 20 years. Jordan is miles ahead right now, but conceivably Lebron could catch and surpass him. Just as conceivably he might never catch him. However, to dismissively suggest based on absolutely nothing that Lebron's money will make Jordan's money look lke pocket change is, I will submit for your consideration, a tad pompous. As an aside, the use of the term retard is a bit distasteful. Idiot, moron, douche, a-hole, imbecile, dickhead, asshat--all fine. _