"George done for the first half, and Evan Turner makes his first appearance for the season" Breen must mean the game. Miami closing in now.
Wow Indiana had a chance to bury Mimai after their bench/Scola built a lead. Then it felt like they threw away 5-6 straight possessions. Rashard Lewis on David West and West got one shot I think the whole time.
Yes it's a game of runs. But a run doesn't have to stop if you play good basketball. Up 15 with your bench coming off the court and Rashard Lewis guarding David West. That's a time to bump the lead. Instead Indiana self destructed offensively and it was on first pass turnovers, not even Miami's aggressive D causing it. Terrible end of the quarter for them. Magic hasn't been part of ESPN/ABC studio the whole year I think
This NBA playoffs/ Maleficent is one of the stranger cross overs they promoted. At least the Avengers/X Men ones made a little bit more sense.
Gotta please the sponsors. Has nothing to do with how relevant it is to the sport. NFL AM has been doing this weak crap with every blockbuster movie for the past two weeks. They get paid to look like idiots.
See the avengers would been good for this year cuz the Spurs are going to be the real life avengers. They aren't a work of fiction.
This is some terrible basketball in this game lol This is the kind of thing the Spurs would feast on.
It's definitely a lot of sloppy crap, but that was also true for the first three games of the Spurs series against Dallas, they aren't exempt. They look focused right now, but whenever calls are inconsistent, they end up playing like victims, I hate it. I think they can beat the Thunder, still not sure about Miami, but I'm optimistic.
3pt shots have been called for easy fouls all playoffs, Butler gets obviously fouled making one and no call, the same thing immediately happens on the other end, foul on Butler. What a joke. It's not just bad refs. That's a shill argument.
Well it's Disney right? Disney produced or has rights or whatever to these movies and owns ESPN/ABC. So these cross promotions don't have to take place, they choose for it to though.
Heh Paul George throws his body in every different direction and gets that call on Wade. JVG just said tech on Bosh right before it cut to the commerical/promotions.
There are six companies that own the lions share of the media in this country. Hard to believe that they don't cooperate during huge ratings events.
Oh I bet they do. But this is a Disney movie on a Disney broadcast so it's not like they are actually crossing over with someone else. All in house, a big house.