2013 week 9 - New Orleans @ N.Y. Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by mezzavo, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    kudos....but many said the jets would be licking their chops going up against the bengals OL and looked what happened.

    with thomas and sproles catching the short passes - u will neutralize whatever blitz rex can dial up - and we dont have the perimeter speed outside the numbers to contain.

    we may treat this like the NE passing game - at least in years past - more zone and pick ur blitz spots cause brees will rip u a new one.
  2. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I heard something that Brees has the best numbers against the blitz of any QB the last couple years. I don't think Rex will be dialing up many blitzes. Lets hope the d-line can get pressure on its own.

    If I'm rex, I put Cromartie on Jimmy Graham. New England showed the way to neutralize him, when they put Talib on him. He kills safeties and linebackers, but a corner that physical enough to hang with him will give him troubles. Cromartie is a lot like Talib.
    For some reason Buffalo didn't stick to this script and tried covering him with their LBs and safeties, instead of putting Gilmore on him.

    Buffalo put a lot of energy on stopping Sproles and it worked, but they got torched elsewhere. If I'm Rex, I wouldn't worry so much about Sproles. Let them have the short stuff, run a middle zone and hopefully Davis and Allen can be quick enough to not let him do too much damage.

    The matchup I'm most worried about is Stills the WR vs. whatever terrible corner we put on him. I don't want to see a repeat of last week where the no.2. WR goes off. I don't like that matchup at all.
  3. No Fly Zone

    No Fly Zone Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    A game plan of Cro on Colston and putting designated safety help on Stills could be effective, Colston is the type of receiver that Cro can shut down and designating safety help on Stills could prevent the long balls he caught against the Bills. That leaves Wilson on Sproles and Davis / Allen on Graham. They will get theirs but with pressure on Brees and shutting down their run game they could let Sproles get his on 3rd and long and still stop him short of a 1st down. The key to me is forcing those 3rd and 7+ downs where Brees will have to check down and that will largely come from pressure up front. No pressure no game, if they get pressure I think they have a shot in this game. Graham to me is the concern but it depends on how healthy he is. Buffalo did sack Brees 4x so I see the Jets getting pressure on him.
    #83 No Fly Zone, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2013
  4. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'd rather be a realistic fan than some green glassed.........

    Let's deal with stark reality. The Saints match up EXCEPTIONALLY well with us. Add to that the Bengals just gave the blue print on how to hammer us. Oh, and let's not forget that the Saints 3rd/4th receivers are better than what we field at number 1. I'm not in the slightest deluded to think that we have much of a shot in hell. I will watch...until half time at least to see what it looks like. I watched every snap of the Bills/Saints game last week and that team looked "off" and they STILL rang up 35 points. No, I have little faith...if they at the very least looked competitive against Cincy I might think differently...but what I saw on Sunday was a straight out heartless and listless performance from men who are paid to play the game. Coach my ass...if millionaires need a coach to "pump" them up then they need a new profession. That was disgusting and I see no reason why it doesn't continue this weekend against a FAR superior team.
  5. Mitch_Dumstein

    Aug 28, 2013
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    There are at least 40 new Sky is Falling threads started since Sunday by SOJF "realists" like yourself who were certain the Jets wouldn't win 4 games the entire season and that they would be " smoked" by FAR superior teams like the Bucs, Bills, Falcons and Pats (at Met Life) too.

    With ALL those new threads to go to, couldn't you leave this one tiny little thread unsullied so Jet fans can discuss this Sunday's game somewhere?
  6. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 TGG.com Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Thats a bit unfair. Mezz makes some good points. Many folks didn't have us winning more than 4 games, and who knows we still might not.
    Some of those Ws came by way of a nice slice of luck as well rather than skill and gameplanning.
    We are fortunate to be in rebuild mode and still reasonably competitive.

    Trying to have an 'unsullied' thread is like discussing the Jets recent demise without mentioning Sanchez.
  7. Mitch_Dumstein

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I have to respectfully disagree, gusto...

    There are dozens of threads started since Sunday by and for the "we're gonna get smoked" SOJF "self proclaimed realists". There is exactly ONE thread that seeks to move on to this week's game without jumping off bridges, firing everybody, declaring dozens of busts and marching on Florham Park with burning torches

    Jet fans are not really asking for a lot.... ONE thread, that's all
  8. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 TGG.com Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Ha ha, I understand you point, I was where you are now pre Atlanta game.
    It really pissed me off how so early on in the season so many were writing this game and us off.
    I was fairly confident going into that game that we would win if we could maintain our game on both sides of the ball, we did and won because of it.

    NO.....wow! I love Brees and think he's one heck of a player. Had we played NO before Cinc I would have given us a chance, but Cinci really exposed all our weaknesses and someone like Payton will rip our D to shreds, I'm afraid, sorry to be a Debbie about this but thats what I believe.

    The other 'little' battle is our Marty against Rexs' Bro Rob. He really has that D firing and will make it very hard for us to get any sort of rhythm going.

    Of course I hope I'm wrong about this. :jets:
  9. RubenDias

    RubenDias Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2013
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    The Jets will play good, even tho they might lose they will show up for sure on defense.
  10. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    This will have to be like the Falcons game but even better performance from the offense. Defense has to step up too, but I don't know. Hopefully the Jets show up and are not blown out.
  11. WhySoSerious488

    WhySoSerious488 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Line has ballooned to -7 for the Saints and will probably see -8 by gametime. Not saying the Jets can't be competitive, but what gambler in his right mind would lay money on the Jets right now? Saints are a flat-out better team. They have to play poorly for us to compete. It's possible, but not likely.

    Best case scenario is probably like when we hosted the Texans last season after getting drubbed by the Niners. We played a lot better, the Texans played poorly, and we took a 6 point defeat. Considering the opponent, that wouldn't be a bad outcome for us this week. I don't think I need to walk you through what a bad outcome looks like when you play Brees....
  12. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    NEWSFLASH --- having enough sense to know we're probably heading for an ass-whipping on Sunday is not the same as "the sky is falling". The Saints are a MUCH better football team than we are. That's just reality.

    Everyone is hoping for a win ... but thinking we have a good shot is just plain delusional. That's why you have to bet $250 on the Saints to win $100.
    #92 truthbtold, Oct 30, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
  13. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 TGG.com Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Saturday and this thread has slipped all the way to page 2, guess most people are resigned that we are going to lose this one.
    Just want to say, Buffalo put up 17 points on them in their house.

    Who knows, every dog has its day :wink:
  14. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    I was about to post pretty much the same thing.

    All week, I've been in darksider mode that we will get crushed 41-20. However now that time has passed, and I've thought about the statistics, I think we have a chance, and am a little disappointed that I'm only on page 2 with this.

    The media has for once made a great point with us, that Geno will determine how we play overall. If he's good, we win. If he sucks, we lose. Besides that however, there are many factors in this game. Our run D can stop anybody. So that conversation is done. Our pass game can stop ok QB's. Against good QB? It's left, and right. Usually we falter. Even when Revis was here, we had a weakness in the secondary. I don't care about the "#2 pass def" last year. Everybody who knows their NFL, knows that finger waving KW, and our Bell/other Landry secondary was average. Crom is not the same this year, but if we can get him locked down under 8 million per year for the foreseeable future, we need to get it done. I really hope we don't cut him. It's already a big weakness.


    Our pass d will be in for a rough day against their passing offense.

    Our run d will shut down their run o.

    Our pass o will be moderate with only Nelson, Hill, and Kerley available.

    Our run o will be above average against their d. This is my primary hope for the game.

    Overall, I think we have a chance, and will end the game within 6-14 points, but don't have a ton of confidence that our W/L cycle will repeat.
  15. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 TGG.com Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Cumberland is listed as questionable and only had limited practice Friday.
    Reuland is ahead of Sudfeld on the DC, but I would like to see what the rookie can do.
    Geno loves his TEs, so hope one of those guys has great game.

    Alex Green (3rd string RB) hasn't practised all week. So we're back to Ivory and Powell.

    Not sure if Salas and Campbell are active?

    Yep, 3 things will win this for us,
    - A good rush attack
    - Geno doesn't make too many mistakes
    - Our D gets in Brees' face all day

    Maybe Criibs runs one back today as well :grin:
  16. VORHead

    VORHead New Member

    Oct 28, 2013
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    I expect a very tough game. I think the Saints pull it out because Brees will have enough options to overcome what is likely to be a dismal running game. Plus the Saints, under Payton, have a very good record in November.
  17. pdxdrew

    pdxdrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I am going to pick us to win because no one is picking us to even show up.

  18. Mitch_Dumstein

    Aug 28, 2013
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  19. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    The biggest surprise would be if we were to actually win this game. No one seems to think the Jets can contain their big play passing offense. Or believe our offense can compete with them and stay in the game. We got crushed last week and most good teams even though they lose don't get blown out that way and by that much. But obviously to be able to go out and hit people week after week is physical (injuries) and mental (motivation, etc.) We can see that on a week by week basis teams can come out flat after playing great ie the Fins beating Cincy after we got killed by them. Take away those two pick 6s and you still have a 26 point win by them. As for a prediction: Saints 28 Jets 14.
  20. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    the key to this game will be containing sproles. they know we will stuff their run game so I anticipate a lot of wheel routes, designed screens, and the like.

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