The Seattle Seahawks select Luke Marquardt, OT, Azusa Pacific The Atlanta Falcons are now OTC! I have both picks.
The Atlanta Falcons select Ryan Jensen, OG, Colorado State-Pueblo The Detroit Lions (PP10) are now OTC! Will PM next GM
The Detroit Lions select Vinston Painter, OT, Virginia Tech The San Francisco 49ers are now OTC! PM Sent
The Tennessee Titans select Dan Giordano, DE, Cincinatti The Atlanta Falcons (Jetfanmack) are now OTC! pm sent
The Miami Dolphins select Kenny Tate, OLB, Maryland The Cincinnati Bengals are OTC! PM will e sent shortly
The San Francisco 49ers select Tanner Hawkinson, OT, Kansas The New York Giants are OTC ! Will PM GM now
With the 254 and Final pick in the 2013 TGG 7 Round Mock Draft...The Indianapolis Colts select Leon Sandcastle DB, Primetime U That concludes the 2013 TGG 7 Round Mock Draft. Everyone drive home safely