Mikes gonna be back on TV this month,Fox Sports 1 I belive or something like that.He actually defended the Jets the other day to a lot of callers
should be interesting how he deals with a national audience. big new step for fatso, lets hope his knee gives out.
Haha this douche is on there trying to talk college basketball. He just said s.f Austin twice. The poor guy who is on with emphasizes Stephen f Austin when he starts talking about it. Hilarious
He is oh FS1 and then goes to FS2 at some point during the day. Who the hell gets FS2. No biggie to me, I don't watch/listen
and according to fatso fs is trying to compete with espn, but they cant expect to compete, daytime simulcasts are not where things are won. its in the sports affiliations. and if ever fs overtakes espn it will be fatty saying he paved the way. fucking blowhard.
Hes a complete idiot, he finally "realized" today that ALOT of people watch his TV show. Hes been under the impression that most people listen to him on the radio and that the TV audience was much smaller. How stupid....
it doesnt matter how many times people tell him he is a complete tool he is just oblivious to it. full on sociopath.
Sociopath is overused. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sociopath Now as much Francesa drives me crazy at times he doesn't fit that definition.
yes, but maybe not. psychopath: a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc. mike francesser is the most antisocial person on the radio. he doesnt enjoy conversation. he berates and belittles people all day. he might as well be talking to himself because that is all that he hears or cares about is himself. while i agree its overused and its loosely related here i still feel the man is a bit of a sociopath. the only thing that doesnt fit is that he isnt violent, but ill bet he kicks the shit out of his dog when he gets home every night for not telling him how great he is.
Does he have a wife and kids that he cares about? That's all you need to knock yourself off the sociopath definition. People who are really hard to work with, verbally abusive, belittling, just generally nasty folks in the office, don't fit if they have friends and family that they treat well. They're definitely disturbed in some way well defined in the DSM IV but sociopath is not the term you'd use. Sociopath has a very strict definition and Francesa doesn't meet it. Not meaning to over argue the point but if you think somebody is an asshat it's just easier to say that and be correct from your point of view.
I think it is more a case of antisocial behavior. Many sociopaths re charming and attract other people. It is their deeds that are antisocial.
I must be the only Jet fan who likes listening to Fat Mikey,I don't really like him as a person but like hearing what he has to say "ok"
The idea that a radio broadcaster that one does not like is a sociopath is laughable. Being smug does not qualify one to be a sociopath