Especially if they lost 38-0 after losing the first two..... Staht writing da ahwbituawry faw Rex, it's ovah.
Especially if they lost 38-0 after losing the first two..... Staht writin da ahwbituawry faw Rex, it's ovah.
That isn't necessarily true, we don't know if w/ playoff pressure NYG wins in week 17 and again if NYG would have beaten Gb then GB doesn't make the playoffs.
Im talking about one play. One play changed everything. If that play doesnt happen the Packers miss the playoffs.
Mad funny, Mike was like IDC if the Giants hate me, they aint the only team in this town that hates me.
Mike would make a bad trial lawyer. Carl never says "quit" and it's obvious Carl's issue with Mike was that he used the word quit, and attributed it to Carl when talking to Eli. While Carl implied the word "quit" he never actually said it, and Mike being who he is in this business should know that it's a forbidden word in sports. Mike is proving nothing here. What a dope. And he's even more pompous than I thought.
Mikes wrong in the end. Carl didnt say "quit". Just man up and move on. Carls a bitch for going to the DailyNews to, thats a pathetic move imo. Both look like clowns.
Nothing is better then Francesca on the attack. I'm just glad the person on the receiving end of his wrath is somebody who is not affiliated with one of the teams I root for.
Now Mike is letting the callers chime in on this dispute? This is unreal, its egotistic, the fact that hes making a story about himself is to much. Its supposed to be a Sports station, not a personal feud problem.
all i know atheletes are ultra sensitive to the word quit. it takes on a whole different theme when u introduce that into the attacks. U can say almost anything esle but that.
Exactly. I am surprised Mike is going on the offensive. The stuff about his producer forgetting not to tell Mike carl called for him seems like BS.
Francesa is probably the most uninformed of all those affiliated with NY sports media. It's truly stunning how little this clown knows.
Haha he just said, "Maybe the Giants are dumb enough to buy it..." regarding Banks' comments and the 'Q' word. Not the best choice of words from Francesa there.
Based on some comments Carl Banks made about the Giants 38-0 drubbing, francesca had said that Carl said the Giants quit. Carl took exception to francesca using the q-word which he had not used. francesca is now on the air trashing Carl for complaining about what francesca had said. He's upset because Carl didn't call him. But Carl did call WFAN and the guy who answered the phone never gave francesca the message. francesca is still blaming Carl for not calling him personally. francesca is way out of line here. I agree with the poster above who said you can say just about anything but be careful about using the q-word. francesca doesn't get it.