Sirius does a good job w/ NFL station & Schien. It's refreshing to hear some intelligent football analysis.
I thought dat Jack was going to be a Ninjer for halloween dis yeeeeah, but he just told me he was going to be Rex Ryan. Deah god, not dis again. I had to avoid explaining da whole foot fetish thing da first time but not dis again!
Da Redskins thawt dey had it awwllll wrapped up with da Robbit Griffin Da 3rd to Santaner Moss touchdown. But den Victah Cruz did da salser dance 30 sekkindz latah!
Everything is great in fatcesser land these days. Giants are winning, Jets are losing and Rex hasn't been talking much. This thread has been dead because of it.
All is fine except Da Picks Rekkid, which he's since stopped bringing up. If he was having a good year he'd remember to remind us of how well he's picking the games. What's funny is when Francesa handwaves callers for talking about point spreads on the air. We don't tawkkk about point spreads on dis show, okay, get outta heah. When I mush teams every Friday at 5:30 and awllll of da bookies tune in to adjust theyuh spreads doesn't count. Dat doesn't count!!
francesa has a terrible record so these days he picks every game on the schedule in hopes of having a big time week. what a sore loser, lol. if he were like 12-3 would he ever pick all the games in one week with the chance of having an awful week and moving to 500? no chance. but who cahez about da picks?
Dare wah a legion of footy pajamer fans in duh 90s. Steeliz fans, Cowboys fans, Nineizzzzz fans, Giants fans. Doze folks were mostly awwll in New England. Now dare all Pats fans.
Caller: Hey Mike, what is a footy pajamer fan? Francesa: A footy pajamer fan is when you wah a kid watchin a game and you became a fan of da team just so you could stay up late watchin da game, okay. It's kind of like when I was helpin Pawwcells win doze championships with da Giants. I was a pajamer coach. I was a pajamer coach with Da Jets too. Den I became a Jet hatah when dey cut me awff aftah da rant. I have lots of championships! REX RYAN HAS ZERO!
Da Jets fanbase was built by da Giants fans, okay. Giants fans who couldn't get tickets to da Giants games went to da Jets game and became Jets fans.
Nobody can beat Alabamer, NOBODY! Dey awrr fawteen point favorites ovah any team, okay. Waitasekent... why did da odds of Flawwrider winning da SEC just improve?
I told awwllll of you guys knockin me about LT dat he was innocent. I was right!! I cawllled it. He was trying to help da 16 yeeeah old hookah! Now Braylin Edwiddddz drivin Tank Dupp deserves da death penalty, okay.
I just herd someone tell me mike called a 30 year old cowboy fan a " feety pajama fan".. Ahaaaaaaa... priceless..
Awr you lawst? Awr you totally lawst?!?! A feety pajama? Get outtah heah with dat nonsense. It's cawwlled a footy pajamer! Get wid da program, NewYawwkEveryTing!