Chris brought it up on Sirius today with Steve Torres. They didn't exactly rub it in but they were giving it the WTF? it deserved. EDIT-found a bit of a transcript (h/t - NYDaily News) from Chris' show. I didn't hear this part: "Yeah, Mike fell asleep....Mike came on at 1 o'clock and essentially said, ‘I closed my eyes but I didn't fall asleep.' Now, listen, I think Mike can say what he wants—and, listen I shouldn't even say this—but Mike fell asleep," Russo told Mario From Minnesota, a caller to his Sirius/XM "Mad Dog Radio" show. "We've gotta be fair. I mean, Mike nodded off. He probably would've been better off just saying, ‘I nodded off, my error.' It can happen. Listen, he's been doing that show forever so it can happen," Russo said. "I don't think Sweeny took offense to it but Mike did nod off, no question about it." The coverup is always worse than the crime. Hilarious how Francesa makes all sorts of excuses (e.g. long day on the air Sunday, sick kid, didn't sleep all night, wife didn't want him to go into town cause he was so tired etc) and then after setting up every reason in the world for nodding off, refuses to own it. If he'd just said "folks, I have to admit I nodded off yesterday, I was very tired and i just fell alseep for about 10 seconds and if you saw it on YES you can tell I was clueless as to my surroundings for a few more. I'll try not to ever let it happen again". That's all he would have had to say. Instead dood makes it 50 times worse. And then today getting mad at callers and saying don't judge 25 years of broadcasting by 12 seconds......wait Mike you said it didn't happen! Oh what a tangled web we weave......
Maybe Tank has that special Diet Coke, the kind custom made for rich famous people with the Thorazine drip.
Maybe they can rename the show again ? " Mikes out ,out cold out cold " I am sure someone can come up with a catchy jingle :beer:
here's the reply, requested by his wife or she wouldn't talk with him anymore according to Mike-
"Doped up!, Doped up!", sorry lost my head there. He still says he did not fall asleep in this but it says he says he did fall asleep in the caption, Mike will not cop to it. Falling asleep at least.
theres a lot of stuff you can give the fat man shit for but hell, im miserable if i dont get enough sleep or pull an all nighter. i've dozed off in class. i can sort of understand if he was dragging and just closed his eyes. granted he makes a couple mil so he should suck it up but i get it
As Russo and his guy (Steve Torre) himself said, Fatty made it worse by trying to deny he did it instead of owning up to it. It's almost always the attempted cover-up that gets you in more trouble than the actual action, especially in a video world. He never can admit he's wrong though, so people want to pound on him even more. Mushnick must be licking his chops at this one, I'm sure he'll have a hatchet job ready in the Post.
what a fucking douchebag. he really has convinced himself that he is important. i hope they ride him for the rest of his life for this one.
Get youah own show den you can tawwwkk! We couldn't find youah ratings with a microscope. New Yawks Numbah One!
Mike couldn't carry the scooters jockstrap. I'm a mets fan, and never missed a Yankmes game when the Scooter was in the booth. It's a line drive right to the center fielder (cut to the CF running madly towards the fence)....well, not really... And the slice of of the best broadcasters ever.
Not really. I was on a conference call, a few weeks back, and someone not on mute was snoring...:rofl2: It happens. Shouldn't happen to guy that works the afternoon shift....