Good thing I have the next pick too Let's just say Casey wasn't the only player at USC that caught the Panthers' eye...
hahaa edited in there CB, not sure if you saw that. Wright is interesting prospect, very up and down but had a good year last season. Ron Rivera should utilize his skills very well, especially his solid instincts and zone coverage play.
Wait isnt it the Seahawks pick? Not sure if it was a typo or team mix up, just edit that. Edit: Saw you edited it so Im hoping you have the Hawks board before things get a bit mixed up.
I posted the pick I wanted for BUF but I wasn't sure if the SEA pick was official so edited it out. I got a list from CodeGreen early in morning/late last night but he said he was going to be available after 1:30 so I am not sure what to do.
I edited for my mistake(mixed up the boards) and also because Code's PM said he'd be available, so I didn't really know what else to do. My bad guys...
Whoa haha im confused. I almost just made my Bengals pick right there, good thing I didnt. So wait is one of you making the pick or waiting for him?
I think he will make the pick. He was on at 3:30ish...... Though we have a list if he doesn't get to the 2 hr mark so rather than have someone pick for him, one of us will just pick right off the board he gave us.
Got ya, yeah I guess just wait till close to the 2 hr time limit before making the pick, Im sure he'll be on by then.
No.........I'm naming the player at the top Of Codegreen's board...that's his pick. Guys, if we have a board we use trumps waiting on someone who says I'll be back to make the pick and they're not here.
Up my bad, havent seen Codes board and he wasnt picked with the pick that was edited and hadnt been picked so I got confused.
Ah shit he was I typed CTRL+F and typed "Lehigh" and saw nothing. He was listed as his school being Temple lol Let me repick again, sorry.