I have to agree ... ur not talking shit ... ur just wrong. You're minimizing 3 of our 4 wins. if the Dolphins and Jags are on our schedule, then all we can (and should) do is beat them convincingly. that's what we did. I'm willing to bet that the Cowboys and Chargers will both be in the playoffs this year. The Ravens and Pats are the two best home teams in the league since 2003. of course we didn't want to lose those games, but just about every other team in the league would have dropped those two as well. our only "bad" loss was to the Raiders. I thought we were a top 10 team coming into the season, and I think the same thing today.
yeah, the Chargers couldn't score at all in the second half but if they had a sense of urgency that all of a sudden would have changed. that's not troll logic, that's head up your ass logic.
I'll admit that I was wrong about that. I only saw that final moments of the game, but I watched a replay and they couldn't score.
it's gonna be tough on these Buffalo asshat bandwagon jumpers when by week 11 or so they are out of all contention for the postseason and back in their customary spot in the armpit of New York State and the toilet of the NFL
Anybody else feel we should get rid of the playoffs in the NFL and base the Superbowl on the two highest teams in the Power Rankings?
Heh. I agree with this sentiment. Power rankings are of little interest to me. I do get the impression there's a general dislike for the Jets among sports talking heads. I have a theory about that that is concededly a bit subtle, but here it is. I think many of them are egomaniacs. They want the focus to be on them. Ryan puts the focus on him. Some of the Jet players also are outspoken, but that's not uncommon around the league. I think they subconsciously think Ryan changes up the rules in a way they don't like, since it takes away the focus from them and what they think. Well, whatever the reason, the only good I see coming out of power rankings is when they help motivate the Jets by making them feel underappreciated. but even that is probably not much of a factor, since I don't get the impression many of them pay much attention to the talking heads.
Be patient. The Jets haven't played you yet. Afterward we will lend you a tissue to wipe your snotty nose. :smile:
The Jets have beat the Cowboys and the Chargers who were good, and the Dolphins and Jags who are bad. The Dolphins clearly suck. We can say the Jags suck, but the Jags just beat the Ravens (whom the Jets lost to). The Jets were in the Raiders and Patriots games. The Pats are probably the best team in the AFC. The only time the Jets really got their asses kicked was in the Ravens game when they were missing Mangold. The Jets aren't a top 5 team at this point, but they surely should be in the top 15.
The Bills have yet to play one goddamn decent game on defense. Not one. How do you get in the playoffs with these disgusting defensive stats? PTS 24.5 (23rd) YDS 420.5 (31st) PASS YDS 284.8 (30th) RUSH YDS 135.7 (30th) Yeah, they have offense..but it's pass happy as shit. And the Jets tend to make pass happy teams look very bad. Plus, the weather is starting to turn in the Northeast. Is Fitzpatrick gonna continue this run of good luck chucking the ball? Likely not.
I've been saying the same thing! You don't win more games than you lose in the NFL playing defense like that. You simply don't. Eventually you have to actually stop somebody ... or at least slow them down. The Bills are an 8-8 team at best. I really can't wait to expose them in two weeks. I hear alot of people on here acting like the Bills will be a tough game. I expect to beat them by at least 10 points in their building, and even worse in ours. And BTW ... you forgot to mention their grand total of 4 sacks in 6 games ... which, of course is dead last in the league.
would be no different than the BCS, and if it is good enough for the NCAA it should be good enough for the NFL.
The BCS is a corrupt system based on old school alliances and power conferences colluding with one another to horde all the bowl money. It has nothing to do with actual competition. The fact that you don't see a Div 1 college football playoff is one of the most disgusting scenario's in all of sports. If the NFL turned to a similar system I would boycott the fucking league.
we'll miss you, because that is certainly the direction the NFL is heading. I hope not, otherwise we might not qualify for one of the non-Super Bowl playoff games.
If these rankings are so stupid, why are you and your fellow Jets fans so up in arms about them? :metal:
The thing that annoys me most about these power rankings is that they are so quick to drop us lower, but extremely reluctant to drop teams they just recently raised. Like the Bills, they shoot them into the top 10 and won't remove them. And the 49ers.. ranked #3? we have been ranked 3, like once ever in all the seasons that espn has done these power rankings. Ironically the highest we have ever ranked was the week after we beat the 10-0 titans in 2008, we were #2 after that.