Listen to the interview... the PR keeps him from cursing Francesa out... it sounded as if the PR was carrying Revis out of the room to keep him from telling Francesa to f*ck himself.
Revis was being disrespected under the guise of Mike " joking" and I am glad he gave it back more than he took. My only regret is that someone told him to hang up. Wish he had stayed on the phone and owned Mike. By hanging him up it looks like the kitchen was too hot for him....
LOL the initial look on Francesa'a face when he realizes Revis hung up is awesome. Followed by the "Waitasekit."
Revis - Dis is a game, brutha! Whattaya talking about? You have no clue! LOL. HAHHAHA We need a transcript!
LOL at Fatty sputtering, backpedaling, saying that he doesn't want any Jets on his show. Wish granted, asshole1!!!
If it was any player on any other team he would have let it go and said 'youah have ya opinion i have mine let's move on'