2011 Fatcesa thread (Jets related only) - Revis owns fatty on 10/21/2011

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, Mar 15, 2011.

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  1. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    "I watched all da epahsodes of blu bludz, like I watched all da footbawls games dis weekend! Tell me wat epahsode you were in, and I'll try ta use my infahnit wisdum ta see if I can rahmembuh ya"
  2. inSANITy

    inSANITy Banned

    Mar 14, 2006
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    Do people not read the newspaper/watch espn?
  3. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    No question! Big yeeah faw Cawwwmeller, Stoduhmiyah, and Dan Tony.
  4. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    i'm in the office, this thread carries me through the day in california, cracks me up.
  5. inSANITy

    inSANITy Banned

    Mar 14, 2006
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    Lawl at Dan Tony
  6. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Cawwwmeller! LOLOL
  7. vajet69

    vajet69 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Dis was Abdul Salaams old helmit. Fits like a gluv.
  8. inSANITy

    inSANITy Banned

    Mar 14, 2006
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    "Hes not pro the terra rists like sum people ahh"

    ^^^^ What THE ??? DUPP
  9. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    How ya gonna put da service teams in da big east especially fuh basketbawl when dey got da height reshtrickshinz. What ah ya gonna have Air Force from Cuhlurahdo Springs in da Big East? Why don't ya go to Cuhlurahdo Springs and den stop back at da Jackson Howl and do a little skee-in. Now ya got TCU from Fort Worth in da Big East. Whats next Mahntana?

    C'mon its ridiculas
  10. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    Cakes is a fan of Caawmeller
  11. inSANITy

    inSANITy Banned

    Mar 14, 2006
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    CAwmeller is a Jetski
  12. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    As much as Francesser is horrible, this thread is pure gold and because of it, Francesser needs to stick around.
  13. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    we shall certainly find out this year what kind of jet ski Caawmeller is.
  14. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Don't yuh deah queestin mah sawces!

    Blast from the past from last summer:


    Francesa makes mis-state-ment on LT case

    Mike Francesa, pants on fire: Professor Fran-say-so, Thursday, again was caught big-timing an audience he figured wasn't bright enough to know; he again trapped himself in his own device by trying to promote his bogus Mr. Inside Big Shot image.

    With Lawrence Taylor charged with rape, Francesa, sounding as if J. Edgar Hoover was on hold, said he's already on the case, working the phones. Yup, he'd spoken with "law enforcement people in New Jersey" who thus far only could provide him "very sketchy" details.

    But when told that Taylor had been arrested and jailed in The Town of Ramapo, N.Y. -- not Ramapo, N.J. -- Francesa started to tap dance. Repeating, "I thought it was in New Jersey," didn't explain his reliance on his Jersey "law enforcement" contacts to provide him the nuts.

    No doubt this also lands on the "Mike's Mysteriously Missing Show Tapes" list.


    WFAN's Mike Francesa felt the need to insert himself into the Lawrence Taylor story. Francesa told the story of Jersey 'sources' who filled him in on a few blanks that you, little listeners, were not permitted to know.

    Then? Francesa created some 'Law Enforcement people in New Jersey' who were only able to provide Mike with some sketchy info. Sketchy indeed.

    Interesting. You think the New Jersey Law Enforcement sources would have let Mike know that officials found the condom, or that Taylor paid $300 for the girl, or, at least, that LT was Suffern in a NY facility? Nope, they all stayed tight lipped about the wrong state call and just let poor Mike hang like this morning's laundry.

    The last 10 seconds go a little like this, "I thought he was in New Jersey. Oh, I thought he was in New Jersey. I thought this happened in New Jersey. I thought he was in New Jersey when this happened....I KNEW he was in Suffern but I didn't know if it happened in Suffern or New Jersey."

    In other words - it went just like a little kid caught in a lie.

    The best thing about both of these stories? Mike Francesa is exposed as a liar and you can never, ever trust anything he tells you. Remember when he called Chris Carlin a 'clown' on air and hung up on him for quoting 'sources' and then not naming them in regards to Jim Calhoun? Francesa has been proven not only a clown - he's a downright liar with zero journalistic integrity. Hell, the New York Times might be interested in hiring him.

    And in this case? "Mike's Mysteriously Missing Show Tapes" list will not expand.
  15. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Its pretty sad that he ignored the Knicks for a good 10 years and is now riding their dick because they are decent again. Hes a fucking frontrunner. I heard when Bill Parcells coached the Jets he was a Jets fan and their are pictures of him with Jets clothes on.
  16. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Da Mick was bettuh dan Willie Mays. No questin!


    The Suffocating Insecurities of Mike Francesa
    by Greg Prince on 24 February 2010 7:47 pm

    Pity Mike Francesa. He’s a very insecure man. Today he interviewed James Hirsch, the author of the wonderful Willie Mays: The Life, The Legend, and turned the conversation as well as the remainder of his show into a referendum (with his vote the only one that counts) on Mickey Mantle being better or more clutch or more forthcoming or a nicer person than Willie Mays. Even in begrudgingly acknowledging Mays’ unsurpassed all-around greatness, Francesa had to keep injecting Mantle, Mantle and more Mantle into the program.

    I found this fascinating, not for the content, but for what it reveals yet again about Francesa, New York’s most listened-to sports talk host and highest-profile über Yankees fan. He couldn’t stand the idea that his childhood idol Mantle wasn’t being celebrated. The book, mind you, covers Mays’ entire life and career. It’s not a comparison of centerfielders at whom New Yorkers and baseball fans were fortunate enough to marvel during the same era. Mantle is not disrespected in this book. He’s just one character in a sweeping biography. Hirsch wrote about Mays, not Mantle. There are plenty of books about Mantle. This simply isn’t one of them.

    Not good enough for Francesa, who immediately told Hirsch — because it mattered to Francesa — that he’s “pro-Mickey Mantle” and, therefore, “anti-Willie Mays”.

    This is a delineation a six-year-old makes.

    It also fits the pattern of Francesa endlessly dismissing the Mets, the Jets and just about anything that isn’t the Yankees or that he can’t somehow connect to the Yankees. The football Giants, since they used to play in Yankee Stadium (and employ a coach who once served under his onetime BFF Bill Parcells), seem exempt from such condescension. I noticed on his performance art showcase that aired on Channel 4 the Sunday night after the Jets clinched their playoff spot that Francesa had to lead with an observation on how badly the Giants had played that afternoon, but we’ll get to them later…oh yeah, the Jets made the playoffs.

    This was obviously the fault of the Jets for rhyming with Mets, which automatically devalues them to Francesa, the six-year-old who can’t stand attention being paid to anything that doesn’t smack of pinstripes.

    Willie Mays? An all-time great? The subject of a new book, which is why you have on the guest you have on? So what? WAAAH! I WANNA TALK ABOUT MICKEY MANTLE! HE WAS MY FAVORITE PLAYER WHEN I WAS LITTLE! Reminded me of another misguided listening adventure many years ago when I tuned in to hear Francesa and his erstwhile brain-free partner speak to actor and Mets fan Tim Robbins. First thing Francesa said to Robbins was, hey, we should get you together with Chazz Palminteri, he’s an actor and a big Yankees fan!

    Robbins was too polite to ask what I would have in that situation:

    “What the fuck does Chazz Palminteri have to do with me at this moment?”

    I don’t recall the impetus for Tim Robbins appearing, but I do know it wasn’t Subway Series Smack Talk or anything like that. Alas, Robbins was a Mets fan, and that couldn’t be taken at face value. Francesa had to make it about the Yankees, because that’s what a preternaturally insecure, hopelessly childish Yankees fan does.

    Perhaps you’ve encountered examples of such behavior in your own life, off the air.
  17. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Waitasekent Sawx! Jus' waitasekent will ya puhleez!! Sawx! Sawx! Whataya tawkin bout frontrunnah?! I wuz in da buildin faw Frasier!! I cawl it like I see it...when da knicks ah good I'll tell ya, when dare bad, I tell ya! And what's dis I hear dat yoor buyin fawr hundred dollahs shooz?! Are you outta yoor mind?! Dat's outragis!!!

    back afta dis
    #1117 LoyalJetsFan, Sep 21, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2011
  18. vajet69

    vajet69 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    The hockey maven has just spoken. He watched about two games in his whole fat life and he's going to tell you how valuable Messier was.
  19. vajet69

    vajet69 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Enjoyed both your posts. I love stuff like that. It reinforces my respect for the Fat one. This just in Chazz Palminteri changed his phone number and Mike was never little.
  20. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I don't know why but that was hilarious.
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