Damn man, I dont even post on here like that and you annoy the shit out of me. Who cares if you find him boring?
Nantz: "I've never understood the absurdity of all the self-aggrandizing. Now you've cost your team 15 yards on the kick." Simms: "I've got to say this: there's a time to celebrate ... that was it."
Yes. They're obviously waiting for this Yankee post game to go off so they can play as much of this stuff on YES.
Haha..Plax looks totally miserable to have to be talking to that fat fuck. He won't even look at him.
Anyone else feel that Mike's ass-licking of Revis is sort of tongue in cheek? (sorry for those visuals) I feel the same way when he talks about the Mets after they go on a roll - he doesn't mean it. That said, Francesa at Jets camp is WAY better than Michael Kay's show. I don't care how he feels about us, it's better interviews.
I will never forgive Jim Nantz for trying to crap on that moment. Go fellate Rory McElruckle or whoever is good at golf these days, ya shitbag.
Apparently there are alot of good young quarterbacks in the league (For anyone who didnt watch. He said it literally 20 minutes in less than 3 minutes) Francesca loves to hear himself talk. He speaks more than the person he interviews.
It's so funny how he rambles on about the same thing even when the guy is in the middle of answering it.
The talking over the guest is annoying but he asks good questions and is a much better interview than Kay.