I can see how it must suck to read that stupid thing that you said. I'll speak to management and see if anything can be done about the situation.
Isn't the #28Martin bashing getting old? it's in almost every thread, the lockout is over- can we just talk football here please?
The problem is everything he says football related about the Jets is retarded and deserves bashing. I mean Revis was awful last year? Come on.. he's asking for it.
He says dumb things in almost every thread. I would ask him to stop posting because as long as he spews his dumb shit around there will be 5 other people ready to tell him what they think about it.
Hey, I'm the victim here. I was only commenting on another poster's Francessa impersonation, and here comes #28Martin to inject himself into the situation.
This shit is gay today, The yankee postgame isnt going till end till after 5, so you'll get like an hour and half of him on YES. Hopefully the Mets game can end soon. He chose the worst day to go to Jets camp.
It's the bottom of the 9th. Mets would have to rally, and even given their recent success at doing so it's pretty unlikely. It'll start on time.
It is a bad day but it's better for me as I will get to listen to more on the way home than I would have.
they said they're going to replay the interviews YES misses on YES after the show. watching tank do these interviews is a must see. listening isn't enough.
Did Mike say that the interviews were coming up at 5? I was doing something else and didnt know if i heard right
Revis was awful alot of last season. Sorry but he was. He got better as the season went on, when he wasn't hurt and by the end was back to playing his normal great self.... Sorry if some of you don't watch the games and just want to pretend you actually know more then you do.... And some of you who throw the insults, it's almost comical when you make points about the team.