2011 Fatcesa thread (Jets related only) - Revis owns fatty on 10/21/2011

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, Mar 15, 2011.

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  1. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    More like :

    It's easier for Francesa to be magnanimous so long as the Jets are not in the playoffs while the Giants are and are now in the SB.

    Watch him go back to messing with the Jets once they get back to the Playoffs with an 11-5(or better) record next year. A FAT Leopard never changes his spots...
  2. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Francessa is not being nice, he's being condescending
  3. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    I'd love to see someone call his show and say the Giants and their fans need a dose of humble pie and how arrogant they are, I wonder how fast he'd dismissively wave his hand.
  4. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    I think he'd have a stroke 'cause that would be the most exercise he's had to do. :wink:
  5. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    and i would like to see him spit up his diet fking coke
  6. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Normally, the fat douche leaves the Super Bowl after his Sunday show. I guess he's staying so he can suck off Coughlin and Mara after the game. You know he was a Giant fan until his daddy left and then he was a Pats fan, Jets fan and then a Dolphin. Meanwhile, they don't talk to each other anymore. Another person Mike hates, the list just grows. Belicheat and that nut basketball coach that is buddy with Parcells also hates Mike so he hates them
  7. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    Kelly Clawwwwkson is singing da anthem. Madonner has da halftime show. Dat's duh lineup folks.
  8. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    i turn him on for the first time all day like 2:30 and his first words are

    The Krafts feel bad and hate playin the Giants becawse they ah so classy. They ah classy poeple. They're not like the Jets.
  9. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Well I guess he can forget about any more Jets interviews now. He doesn't seriously think that anyone from the Jets Brass isnt' listening, does he?

    He must not want to interview any more Jets players then next season....FUCK HIM!
  10. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    he didn't exactly call the jets classless but what he meant was that people don't love beating the giants because they are so classy, they're not like the jets who everyone wants to beat.
  11. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    You are kidding right? I have not listened to that jerk off in years..so today im driving and put him on. Here is what I heard

    Let any talk that this is a two town team stop...this is giant land.

    This is Giants stadium..the Jets will never be able to take this town over.

    Real owners...classy owners.

    and it never stopped...and you want to know something? He is right. Thats what happens when you are loud mouth bullies. You take the pie to the face from a guy that admits he has no true NFL team he roots for..except for today...when any Giant coach..player...former player...announcer...and most importantly fan...is allowed to shoot off all over his face...because he is loving it.

    Have no idea why i felt i needed to hear that punishment.
  12. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    lol the Giants players do more trash talking than the Jets players.

    He must not want any Jet fans to listen to him for the next two months either, at least until baseball season where the Yankee/Jet fans will tune him back on reluctantly.

    This is NOT Giants Stadium as much as Francesa wants to keep saying it is, the Jets were tenants in the last one, partners in this one.
    #3732 NYJFan10, Feb 7, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2012
  13. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Jets are hated in large part because of the hatred he stirs up

    He is the QB of the Hate the Jets, Dump on Rex team (O'Connor, Cimini, Serby, are captains)
  14. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Giants behavior during this run was anything but classy. Players mouthed off and guaranteed victories. Coughlin attributed a Hail Mary catch to his great coaching, and admitted they took runs at a player with a history of head injuries. Umeniyora "forgets" about media day. Team owner admits they didn't want to cut Cruz because they were afraid the Jets would get him. And that's just off the top of my head.

    And yet, the media gave them a free pass throughout,laughing off the chirping and practically elevating Coughlin to sainthood.

    The NFL is a league where unwarranted praise gets heaped on you when your up and you get kicked repeatedly when your down. NY Sports media is like that too. Jets did nothing worse than those things, cited above that Giants did. But the media doesn't see it that way. Can you imagine the outrage if Rex, at a press conference, ever said anything like "he" designed something as dependent upon the bounce of the ball as a Hail Mary.

    But you are right. We have to shut up and take it
  15. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Saying its really Giants Stadium is shit spewed by jackass Francessa
    Only another colossal a-hole (like Mike Lupica for instance) would try to make that stick

    If Jets win SB , the media will refer to it as "Jet Life" stadium
  16. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    I keep hearing the quote about Coughlin taking credit for the Hail Mary...what 'exactly' did he say? Not paraphrased, the actual quote in the actual context cause I find it hard to believe.
  17. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I hear you but even as a Jet fan, I mean...there is nothing on the wall recently? How the hell..before the biggest game of the year...against a team that had just been dominated by the Redskins...how the hell does your head coach spend the friggin entire week saying that this is now a Jet town?

    Who is really that dumb? Did Rex think he had that much of a juggernaut to back him up?

    Maybe Im getting to old for this shit. What happened to not waking up the dead. If I were the Giants...I would order one extra ring for Rex. Seriously. I LOVE THE GUY...but how stupid can a coach be?

    What was the incentive? I will never get why Rex did what he did that week...NEVER. I cant imagine ever respecting the guy the way I used to.

    If ever...EVER..there were a week to shut the frig up..it was that week. Every single star was aligned from the week before to shut the f up. I will never ever understand it.

    The reason Im so pissed off about it today, more than ever, is I cant believe all of the crap that is Giants every where you go.
  18. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Ticka tape parade today and den ova to Giants Stadium for maw celebrating
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I was driving back from Phila this afternoon and turned it on and I couldn't believe my ears. His nose is so far up Mara and Tisch's ass it's pathetic.

    "I mean, dis is unbeweavable, faw our of five soupabowls? Do you know how hod dat is to do? And such a classy auganization. Vewy, vewy classy auganization. Heah dey ahh 7-7 and dey pull it out! Duz anybody wealize how hod dat is to do?"

    Then a Giants fan calls in and reminds him of the Victor Cruz catch in the Christmas Eve game against the Jets, and he's off again:

    "Yaw right, dat catch faw 99 yods was da toining point of da season. When da Jets let Cruz catch dat 99-yod catch, dat was da back bweaka. And it was da toinawound faw both awganizations... da Giants and da Jets. Da Giants went one way and da Jets went da otha."

    So then the caller suggests that Rex Ryan fueled the game for the Giants by saying they were going to win, so Fatso takes off on another rant:

    "Oh yeah, I tink yaw white about dat. No kwestion. (chuckle) Wex Wyan was da bulletin bawd mateweal da Giants needed to toin da season awound. (Ha-ha). You might say dat da Giants owe da Jets somethin' faw havin' Wex say doze tings, because dat toined da season awound faw da Giants and dey went places, weah da Jets went da otha way. (laughing now).

    I mean this guy is relentless. It never stops with him. I just figured he'd be talking football or the Giants in general, but no. He's got to use it as a platform to slam the Jets under the guise of praising the Giants.

    Inferences and more than subtle hints Francesa wanted to pass on in the rant:

    1) The Giants are "classy" and the Jets are not. The Giants have won 4-5 superbowls and the Jets have not.

    2) The Giants stuck together and pulled the season out after .500, and the Jets fell on their faces because of the Victor Cruz "backbreaker" catch that turned both teams in opposite directions.

    3) Rex's bragging helped the Giants to go to the superbowl and hurt the Jets because it only pisssed off the Giants players on Christmas Eve.

    4) The Giants own NY and the Jets, of course, do not.
  20. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Someone is going to have to refresh my memory. I remember Rex sticking by the quotes in his book, saying he believes the Jets were the better team. I don't remember him saying anything else. If you say that Rex was the motivating factor for the Giants, then why weren't they 16-0.? The quotes were made well before the season

    As for the Giants motivation in the Jets game, did Cruz go 99 yards because he was motivated by his hatred of Rex and the Jets, or because the Jets missed tackles and Eric Smith can't function a a safety.

    And for all this other bullshit, remember that Schottenheimer called 60+ pass plays in the Jets game, when we were running the ball effectively. When the Jets had the ball on the 50, with 5:48 left in the 4th qtr, with momentum, was it the Giants going over Rex' quotes in the huddle that stopped the Jets, or Schotty's poor play-calling that did us in?

    I defy anyone to point to a play in that game that demonstrates that the Giants were so fired up from Rex' talking. I remember the Jets coming out very hot, and the game turning on the Cruz play, which was a fluke.

    Yes the Giants got on a roll, and its great press to blame it on Rex. Jet fans need to be quiet and let it slide by. Rex has to be quiet and let things slide, but Jets fans shouldn't buy into the hype.

    If you like Rex, support him. Don't blame him for the Giants run
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