in the giants post game tuck and other giant players said they played really well but they played dumb which is why they lost. tuck went on francesa's show and basically repeated the same thing. imagine if the jets said they played well in a game they lost by 19? HAHA! fatty is soft on the giants. he didn't even mention that yet he gets on rex or jet players for anything they say.
the giants players are idiots. they all say they played well but beat themselves and didn't give the titans any respect. I have alot more respect for brady coming out and just saying they sucked and got beat then i do for tuck, eli, and bradhsaw all to basically say were better and beat them, but we beat ourselves and give no respect to the titans. The giants are passive aggressive classless idiots. If i was the titans i'd be pissed at the way the giants gave them no credit for winning
the Giants have been getting a free pass for years. What would have been said about the Jets if they experienced the following: 1. Fighting on sidelines while blowing a play-off game (1997) 2. Blowing a 24 point lead in play-offs ( 2002) 3. Plaxico 4. Antron Rolle whining on the radio among others...
also- ---"classy" Giants fans throwing snowballs onto the field and knocking out a Chargers assistant coach ---Lawrence Taylor ---Tiki Barber ---Shaun Williams yelling a sentence that included the word "motherfucker" while being introduced in Super Bowl 35
Hi Mike first time long time. I want to talk about this latest example of an out of control athlete. This guy was pampered all though his athletic career and has been given multiple chances to turn his life around. I'm tired of having to explain to my kids why another of their heroes has let them down and doesn't face the same kind of punshment as a regular Joe would for the same offense. Fatty: yeah da jets sent da wrong message by playn Edwards -- Braylon? Um I was talking about Lawrence Taylor. He'd lose his shit.
Incarcerated Bob mentioned it and mike played the "I don't rememba what I said but if it happens to the Giants in tha fuuuta I'll be as hard as them as I'm beeein on da Jets."
In any loss in the last 35 games, including playoffs, the Jets haven't lost by more than 17 points...
I din't recall on points 3 & 4 but Francesa killed the Giants for the '97 and '02 playoff losses and he used to destroy guys like Strahan, Shockey, etc...
Rolle wasn't whining- he was calling his teammates out for playing like shit and without any passion. I commend him for doing so, though going to the airwaves was probably not the best way to go about doing it.
Absolutely correct. Francessa and Russo spent hours together ripping Strahan and Shockey for their "antics" and they would always call those Giant teams out for coming up small defensively in big games. And I particularly remember the backlash after the 2002 playoff loss in San Francisco being rather harsh. Check this website out. This fatcesa and all the blowhards have no idea. According to these statistics. There have been 517 players arrested in the past 10 years. that averages to about 16 players per team. The Jets had 8 players during this period. The Giants had 11. New England 12, Miami 25, even what some consider a model franchise like Green Bay had 12. We have a great track record. Since Rex took over we have had 1 arrest. The Giants in the same period of time had 7 players arrested.
The first one that comes up for Miami is: =============================================== 5/26/2010 Phillip Merling Miami DE Arrested, charged with aggravated battery on pregnant girlfriend. =============================================== And people are giving the Jets shit??
I'm sure that rule won't stop him from bringing up Hard Knocks and Edwards when he wants to revisit his Thug Narrative later this season.
Where are you seeing that? Rex was officially hired January 19, 2009. The most recent arrest for a Giant was Plaxico in 2008 according to that site.