Nahhh... What I really want to hear is the tape when you went ballastic towards the Giants over Mckenzie's DUI.....
Someones gotta call and say: "Hey Mike, first time-long time. I can speak to Braylon's arrest because I myself have been involved in a DUI that left a young girl permanently disabled. What has to be said though is in regard to Braylon's decision-making. He should have never tinted the windows because he wouldn't have been caught, his car made him a target for police. I have to commend Braylon on his excellent driving though for not hurting anyone and his ability to overcome adversity both on and off the field. He had a great game and he shaved off his trademark beard to attest to his sins. I wish more of us could be like Braylon Edwards, whadda ya say Mike?"
I feel the same way. I don't listen to him but troll the thread to keep up. $50 sound fair? I will PM you my paypal info and once I confirm funds I will call into Fatcessa... :breakdance:
There's no guarantee that you'd be able to get on the air, so the money would be wasted. How about you make the call, and if I hear it on the air, I'll send you $20. Deal?
Remember, the Jets refused to give him special access during the playoffs, something that enraged him. He has made it his mission to run this management team out of town, so when the team succeeds while his beloved Giants crash and burn, his world comes crashing down around him. That, and he's a bloated gasbag, and always has been.
I tried to listen for the first time in months he was trying to be fair and pretended not to want to spend too much time on Edwards.... but of course, along came one of those plant callers -- some old bag -- who praised him for his attacks on Edwards and said that the Jets should more or less be put up against a wall and shot for playing him Fatso, of course, let her drone on for 10 minutes slobbering in agreement at everything she read from her script. that was enough for me Back on the DO NOT LISTEN list
Earlier, someone called him out on his reverence for Parcells/Sparano and how he never criticized them for allowing Ronnie Brown to play, without addressing it to this day. He blew it off, saying his job is to cover NY area sports. (this is why someone needs to nail him with McKenzie's incident)
Someone asked him about McKenzie and he brushed it off as something he doesn't really remember, and that it doesn't matter what other teams do. The focus is on the Jets.
i can't believe you guys listen to this fat fuck at all fortunately, no way for me to listen to him and his crap anymore. and even if i did, i'd have my sirius radio on the entire time
Well if Francesa can call the loss to the Colts as a throw away game, Then the DUI case on McKenzie is also a throw away DUI. Protect the Giants, dump on the Jets.
i never listen to him. i stoppe a long time ago. i have no problem with him being a giant fan and coveri8ng the jets too, but he needs to provide an impartial opinion. he can't have on blue colored glasses and tehn report on both teams it makes him sound like an idoit. fans are allowed to be delusional and answer with their heart and hope to questions, sports writers, sport show hosts, analysts, etc all have to be impatial the best they can. and franchesca doesn't even try
I don't mind the favorable bias he shows for some NY teams. That's understandable in the NY market. But most other cities only have one team, and provincialism extends to that team. Is there any other local sports guy in the country who is so biased against teams in his own market as Francesa is against some of the NY teams?