Drunk driving is a serious thing but it's a mistake a lot of good people make. In no way does drunk driving make you a thug or a troublemaker it just means you made a stupid decision that puts everyone around you in danger.It should be taken seriously. We should be thankful no one was hurt and the team should do what they can to make sure he understands how lucky he was things weren't worse and that he doesn't do it again. Suspending him in my opinion doesn't do that. Franseca is a holier than thou prick. I'm sure if it was one of his buddies who got a DUI (and I'm sure he has friends that have had them or at the very least drove whern maybe they shouldn't have) he's supporting the guy saying he made a mistake but he's a good guy.
He is an asshole, but he is probably the most listened to sports talk guy in the most powerful city in America. He's fueling the fire that is leading to one media outlet after another - anyone watch ESPN lately? - starting to buy into his narrative that we are a thug team. That's why I've enjoyed this thread so much; the truth is a powerful disinfectant, as in: - The Giants have had more players arrested than the Jets. - The Yankees did little to nothing about A-Roid and all the rest of that sordid chapter. Don't underestimate his influence, though. The more people that know that he's flat out lying about the "classy Giants" and the "thug Jets" the better.
I hate that fat, arrogant prick. I used to listen when Russo was on the show. Now, I'd be afraid of falling asleep behind the wheel.
I have listened to that douche a little this week.....I swear I hear him drooling when he mentions Darrelle's HAMstwings....
I hope Jet fans call all day every day and ask: 1) Lets compare Jets and Giant arrests 2) How come no Jets come to your show LOL.. and just TWIST HIS ASS!!!!!! GAME SET MATCH FATCESSA.
Holy fuck this is epic right now. Mike francessa is going complete bonkers. This is the most craziest he has ever gone. Hes blowing up completely. Ahahahahahaa
What's he saying? Maybe he'll finally die of that heart attack and someone competent will replace him.
OMG I hope someones recorded this, he is going nuts on Peter Schwartz. Now he wants to scream at the NFL Union Chief AHAHHAHAHA So EPIC
Chubby is completely wrong. The NFL PA told the Jets they cannot DEACTIVATE the player. They can dress him and not play him, but they cannot deactivate him.
Mike Tannenbaum told Peter Schwartz that they HAVE TO PLAY Braylon Edwards according to the rules. Obviously Mike Tannenbaum is clearly wrong, and fatty is right, but its still HILARIOUS. AHAHAHAAA Heres a quote "THIS is uttertly utterly ridicolous that the Jets are saying they can't not play a player" Mike Tannenbaum said he has no choice, Braylon has to play according to the Rules.
NFLPA tells the coaches who plays and who doesnt plays according to Mike Tannenbaum. Fatty exploded when he heard that.