I can''t listen to either Francesca and Kay. both hates the jets. kay just keeps it more subtle but make no doubt the man is an arrogant douche that try to belittle the jets and mets whenever possible.
this belongs in the Fatcesa thread, too I went into dis bar ova da weekend and it had pickchas of Tom Brady in da urinals. Dat's outrageous! Deese Jets fans are outta dare minds. Dey get it from da team. Here's Mink wit da flash.
Whatter ya tawkin about?!?!? Dat wuz da same stain from the Meatball Pahm last week!! Dere's no new stains!!! youse Jetz fan ah outta yer mind wit dis stuff, imagining stainz on ma jacket. ya know what?! Get lawst, ya lawst!
<long sigh only fat people can do> Matty Ice wuz let down by his receivahs yesterday! Dis guy iz fallin down, da otha guy can't run da right route, I mean it wuz a joke!! Doze pix wuzent his fawlt!!! If ya tink dat, ya lawst.
I love how he thinks an NFC team could beat "anyone" right now. Lets get real, the Jets, Steelers and Packers will all destroy the Packers. The NFC sucks. The NFC winner would have gone 7-9 in the AFC this year at best (2-14 if you include the Seahawks)
Bob just made a brilliant call. The Jets should blitz Revis early to make Brady have to take Revis into account..
Mike says 'oh who cayz about pix? dey fa fun!' But when he's right 'i told ya! that's wat happens when u go tah bill pahcell's school'