2010 Mike Fatcesa Thread (Jets related only) Admits he is anti-Jets on 8/10/10

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Mar 16, 2010.

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  1. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    You're making Francesa sound like Foghorn Leghorn when you use "ah" as a substitute for "I".
  2. yankeeswin84

    yankeeswin84 New Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    hahaha this is classic!
  3. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    When will it evah stop wit dis organization? Let's see if I can count it out lawd, Mink let me know if I missed anything.
    First dey had da show on da HBO wit dem cursin. I mean come on it's family televsion, my son Jake err Jack, loves da guy he's now calling me a slapdick faggot. Thanks Rex

    Den dey had da Braylon Edwids driving drunk and he coulda kilt sahmbady. I talked to that poor woman who was paralyzed by da drunk driva and she told me da drunk drivin is bad so there's all da vilad...validoi...proof ya need.

    Den dey raped that Mexican woman in da locka room, classy stuff from dese guys.

    Den da kid on the sideline tripped da Miami Dolphins playa and now Rex said he didn't kno about it? Come on Rex, who ya follin wit dat udda nonsense. You told da kid to do it stop lying. You and Sandy Alduhsan, couple a hacks.

    Now Rex is making pornography on da youtube? Unbelieveable.

    Back afta dis
  4. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    dis organization is ATROCIOUS. it begins wit da top, and down to da bottum.

    dere is obviously moar to dis story. VICTAH GET PETA SCHWARTZ ON DA LINE.

  5. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    This story must be killing Francesa. You know he wants to kill Rex on this but he doesn't really have anything outside of "He's a public figyuh-head!!".

    He is probably hoping for more to come from the whole "swinging" thing to really jump on it.

    I don't think we'll hear much from him on this other than an occasional "snide remawk" here and there.
  6. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Could you imagine if Francessa comes out and says

    "Hey now there's one thing that Rex and I agree on, I love feet!!!"
  7. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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  8. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    that is some funny shit right there
  9. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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  10. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    I call it like I hear it...
  11. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    LOLOL!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
  12. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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  13. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Did Joe and Evan get any Jets to come on today during Fatty's show?? That would be epic. Tank would be ready to hulk smash.
  14. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    He did last week. When he was out Joe and Evan filled in and they had Cotchery on.
  15. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    From Gregg Easterbrook on ESPN.com's TMQ: I wish he would call up Fatso to talk about the well-coached classy Giants.

    After being down 31-10 on the road at Jersey/A with 8:17 remaining, the Eagles won. This comeback ranks with Buffalo's comeback from 35-3 against the old Houston Oilers in 1993. That comeback took an entire half; Philadelphia's warp-speed comeback happened in eight minutes. Maybe, just maybe, you've seen the highlights, so let's go straight to the things that made TMQ jump out of his chair: DeSean Jackson and the Giants' coaching.

    Jackson is electrifying. But when he broke into the clear for the touchdown that would make this the first NFL game won by a punt return on the final play, he began waving the ball in the air at the G-Men 30-yard line even though he had already lost a fumble earlier in the quarter. Stop showboating! Dance after you score, not before. If Jackson loses the ball while showboating in the playoffs -- and once in high school and once in the NFL, Jackson has lost the ball while showboating on a long play -- he's going to look like an idiot.

    As for the Giants' coaching: Has any coaching staff ever had a worse quarter? Ahead 31-10 with eight minutes remaining against the top big-play combination the NFL -- Michael Vick and Jackson -- if the Giants had gone to backed-off shell coverage and forced the Nesharim to nickel-and-dime their way down the field, the clock would have run out on any comeback. Instead, Giants defensive coordinator Perry Fewell ordered furious blitzing, and coach Tom Coughlin did not overrule him.

    With the Eagles trailing 31-10, first-and-10 on their 35 with 7:43 remaining, Fewell called a safety blitz, resulting in a 65-yard touchdown pass to Brent Celek. On the play, deep safety Kenny Phillips whiffed so badly that he air tackled. The morning of the game, The New York Times ran an article lavishly praising the Giants' secondary -- guess those players read the article. "We're never out of position," Phillips was quoted as boasting. On a first-half touchdown pass to Jeremy Maclin, the Giants were so out of position that no one covered Maclin. But the main point: Why safety blitz with a three-touchdown lead and less than eight minutes? Unless the plan was to humiliate the Eagles and then boast to the New York media. Humiliating an opponent is totally irrelevant; keep your focus on winning.

    [+] EnlargeAP Photo/Charles Krupa
    "Oh, you better watch out."

    Vick's two big scrambles in the fourth quarter, for 35 and 33 yards, came against blitzes. Yes, the Giants sacked Vick twice in the first half on blitzes, but early in the contest, this tactic caught the Eagles by surprise. At halftime, they adjusted. Calling blitzes when protecting a late lead was like sending Vick an engraved invitation to make big plays rather than forcing him to nickel-and-dime: "Dear Mr. Vick, please do us the honor of sprinting toward our end zone." Leading 31-24, the Giants had Philadelphia facing third-and-10 on its 12-yard line with 2:50 remaining and the Eagles out of timeouts. Play coverage! Giants coaches called a preposterous seven-man blitz, and Vick simply ran outside around the blitz for 33 yards. This was the worst defensive call TMQ has ever seen. Jersey/A has a highly rated passing defense. Make Vick try to throw against a shell; don't megablitz and offer a free long gain.

    Then there was the onside. Philadelphia had pulled within 31-17 and was kicking off with 7:28 remaining. This is an obvious onside kick situation. Not only did the Giants fail to deploy their hands team -- it was worse. The Giants had only five players on the receiving front and lined them up 15 yards off the ball. The onside needs to go only 10 yards, which is where the receivers almost always place their front line. Yet the Giants put their front line 15 yards off the ball, and as the onside bounced, no one from Jersey/A was even attempting to field the kick. It was worse! The five Giants players who lined up 15 yards off began to retreat as the Philadelphia kicker approached the ball.

    This goes beyond awful to atrocious -- a middle school team wouldn't make such a boneheaded blunder. And Jersey/A has not one but two special-teams specialists: Tom Quinn, whose title is not special-teams coach but "special teams coordinator," and Tom McGaughey, whose title is "assistant special teams coordinator." Two special-teams "coordinators" and neither of them knew to position their charges for an onside kick when the opponent trails by two touchdowns late? What do the Giants' two special-teams coaches do all day?

    In the news conference after the debacle, Coughlin first said, "We didn't put our hands team in there, no. There were still seven and a half minutes to go and they were down two scores, so we didn't think it was necessary to do that at that time." For a moment, that seemed like a refreshing case of the coach taking the blame. But then Coughlin said, "All people up front, again, were told to watch out for the onside kick." Does anyone seriously believe that all five special-teamers up front decided on their own to defy orders and line up too deep, then retreat, rather than watch for an onside kick? Coughlin obviously was trying to shift blame from the coaches to the players, especially special-teamers, who are expendable.

    Then the punt. The reason no one had ever won an NFL game on a final-play punt return is that when teams must punt on the final play of a half, they punt out of bounds. But this wasn't necessarily the final play; 12 seconds remained as the Giants lined up at their 29. It's hard to punt for both distance and direction. If it were easy, every punter would always punt long and out of bounds. Monday night, when Minnesota punted out of bounds to avoid Devin Hester, the deliberate out-of-bounds punts averaged 30 yards. Matt Dodge was trying for a long, out-of-bounds punt and botched it. As he waited in punt formation for officials to signal the ready-to-play, Dodge heard the referee announce he was putting 2 seconds back on the clock and knew that meant the kick had to have some distance. Suppose he punted a 25-yarder out of bounds, giving Philadelphia possession at midfield, and Vick hit one sidelines completion, then Philadelphia launched the winning field goal on the final snap. Today, Giants faithful would be lamenting: Why didn't that punter boom it down the middle?

    [+] EnlargeGrant Halverson/Getty Images
    "You better not cry."

    So the punter botched the play, but he wasn't the only one. The front half of the Giants' coverage team overran Jackson. He's the league's fastest player; the only thing that can go wrong is a long return. Yet the Giants overran him and didn't have a "safe punt" called, on which two guys hang back deep. What do those two Jersey/A special-teams coaches do all day?

    As Jackson entered the end zone, Coughlin ran onto the field to scream at Dodge. OK, he had made a mistake. He was hardly the only Giants player or coach to make a bad mistake during the meltdown. But he's a rookie punter, the most expendable guy on the roster -- so Coughlin screamed at him at center field to make sure everyone got the message that the rookie punter, not any highly paid coach, was to blame.

    What a disgusting low point -- not that the Giants were outperformed; it's a 60-minute contest, and the Eagles owned the final eight minutes. The disgusting low was that the coaches screwed up and the head coach publicly shifted blame to the team's lowest-status member rather than take responsibility like a man.
  16. vajet69

    vajet69 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    They had Cotchery on today. At the end of the show Joe said he had to mention something. He called out Fatty for saying yesterday that Who ever fills in for him should do a good job. Joe said "come on he doesn't know we are filling in for him. He can't even give us any credit". Evan played the good cop but said "I don't even think he knows my name . He keeps calling me KID". LOL
    #4896 vajet69, Dec 21, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2010
  17. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Glad they called out that douche. Fatty must be a real treat around the studio, waddling around like he's some kind of god and failing to learn the names of the talent that precedes him on air.
  18. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    ^^JWWS, thanks for posting that - great read. If Fatty was fair minded, he would have said at least half those things on his Monday show. Instead, we got some criticism for the onsides kick and then "Tom's a human being. I can't blame him for dat" etc.....
  19. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Coughlin should get eaten alive. What he did was pathetic on so many levels.

    Luckily fatty found his escape and has the week off.

    Imagine if the Packers win? Fatty will call out sick all next week. Hell he might as well call out till february because he will only be able to talk about the Jets, which means no interviews or anything.

    If the Jets were to ever make the Super Bowl, fatcessa would be in trouble for those 2 weeks leading to the superbowl.
  20. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Tomorrow I'd say it's 50-50 if fatty calls in to his own show

    -Evan: Mike I think you're making too big a deal about this foot thing with Rex. It's a private matter between two consenting adults. It isn't like the Braylon DWI which was a alleged crime and something that put others in danger.

    Joe: Yo Mike bro, all the love, but I gotta agree --

    Fatty: waitasekent!!! Kid ya lawst!

    Evan: My name's Evan.

    Fatty: Listen Ernie. Yah outta ya mind saying dat dis is a private mattah! Dey filmed dat one video in da car in public! Tanny's kids cooda been playin in dat neebahood!! And dis action by Rex and his wife waz rekless to da core!! Did you watch it wit yah eyes open awh shut?! She's as much of a mennace as Braylon!! Her feet weren't on da pedals! My law enfawcement sawces tell me dats a misdamena. And she wasnt wearin shooes! Dats illegal too! Ah dah NFLs gotta take action!
    On dis one! Dey can't keep turnin a blind eye to dis stuff!
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