2010 Mike Fatcesa Thread (Jets related only) Admits he is anti-Jets on 8/10/10

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Mar 16, 2010.

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  1. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    We have a Yankees offseason thread too which needs some life. Hope to see you there.
  2. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    So I have a friend who actually works on Fatcessas show and he tells me that he used to be a huge jets fan and was really close with Tanny until Rex came along.

    And that alot of Fattys raging towards the Jets has to do with the Rexxy Jets era and presumably rex.

    I never listened to the fat fuck much, but was he like this in the past ? Or does there seem to be any truth to what I heard
  3. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    Francesa rooted for the Jets when Parcells was there. He roots for whatever team Parcells coaches.

    he's right about the Rex stuff. i never noticed any jet hatred by francesa in the past. once rex came along and started talking trash he hates the jets.
  4. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Douche bag at his best.


    The Emperor’s Same Old New Clothes: Every day Mike Francesa breaks fresh ground for public pomposity and dishonesty. That’s not easily done. But there’s no one like him. Anywhere.

    Wednesday, his buddy-buddy guest was Gov. David Paterson. Ahh, the perfect opportunity for Fran-say-so, who openly admonishes his WFAN inferiors for failure to practice credible, forthright, accountable journalism, to have played the 2008 tape when Francesa and Chris Russo attacked Paterson in a lengthy spew.

    They crushed Paterson, denigrated him as “a loser” and “a joke.” How, they asked, does such a poor excuse for a person ascend to such a position?

    Chad Rachman/New York Post
    WHAT A JOKE: When WFAN mouthpiece Mike Francesa (right) had Gov. David Paterson as a guest on Wednesday, Francesa avoided addressing his 2008 comments, when he called Paterson “a loser” and “a joke.”
    Francesa, before or after swapping pillow talk with Paterson, might have played for him that tape on Wednesday. The least he could do was quote from it. Fat chance.

    What’s that? Another of those Francesa tapes that FAN seems to have misplaced; the dog ate it? No problem. It’s right there on BobsBlitz.com, a site that pays special attention to Francesa because he provides a rich, daily assortment of nationally transmitted know-it-all arrogance, rude dismissals of callers (especially those who know better than he), self-serving contradictions, relentless interruptions of guests and untruths he imperiously states as facts.

    Another site, mikefrancesa.com, carefully has tracked his NFL picks, this season. And while no just-for-kicks picker should take himself so seriously that he would misrepresent his record, Francesa on Wednesday, claimed to be 17-14, nothing-special, but not bad.

    But again, who cares? Apparently, Francesa.

    With video and audio to back it, the site has Francesa at 14-15-5 — or even less than nothing special.

    Yesterday, Francesa “hosted” new Hofstra hoops coach Mo Casera. But instead of allowing listeners to get to know Casera, Francesa granted Casera the opportunity to learn how much he, Front Row Francesa, knows basketball.

    He not only repeatedly interrupted Casera, he told him what to think, how to think, and provided sage coaching counsel — while dropping names to let him know how many big shot pals he has in the game. He even explained Hofstra, the school, to Casera.

    Self-aggrandizements that none of us would have the gall to whisper in private, Francesa says on the air — without even shifting in his throne or raising his scepter.

    Every day in every way, the same message: He’s a big shot, and you’re not. They even named a fish after him: the Perch. And a bird: the Giant Crow. The best hand is named in Francesa’s honor: the Royal Flush. And, of course, a holiday: Christmas

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/more...governor_3mvv86gYmVH8y2Cz0pReLP#ixzz173OREOJV
  5. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Governor David Paterson was once the target of Mike Francesa's mocking. Vicious, political and financial mocking by WFAN's then Mike and the Mad Dog show. Francesa called Patterson a joke because he only donated 'some old clothes' to charity one year. Chris Mad Dog Russo was very excited over the Guv's cheating on his wife.

    And yet - there was the outgoing Gov breaking bread with Mike yesterday with not one mention of the past mockery. Francesa actually may have been quitely mocking Paterson when he joked that Paterson turned down his offer to replace former co-host Russo when he left at the end of 2008.

    MikeFrancesa.com weighed in with us on the visit:

    Mike Francesa, the ultimate hypocrite, behind somebody's back he is a big mouth critic, but when interviewing that person, Francesa hides like the coward that he is. YouTube video from 2008 reveals Mike Francesa ripping Governor Paterson for only giving $150 in charity when he and his wife made over $300,000; further Mad Dog calls him a loser and a joke for cheating on his wife as Francesa agrees.

    Now in 2010, Francesa has Governor Paterson on yesterday as a co-host and suddenly Governor Paterson is an extraordinary man. Mike glosses over his personal life saying that nobody is prepared for that type of scrutiny when one is thrust into the spotlight.

    Mad Dog asked in 2008, 'how it is possible for this stooge to rise to become governor of New York state' and Francesa replies, "I don't know." Francesa then stated that Paterson had admitted to doing everything in the history of mankind now (meaning negative personal stuff).

    And yet, yesterday, there Patterson was sitting with the hypocrite. There are only two possible reasons why.

    A) His staff also is much worse than the people he worked with in Albany 25-years ago ("The caliber of people I worked with 25 years ago in Albany is far superior to those that are there now," Dave said).


    B) He so badly needs a job that he just didn't care. And that's just sad because he is an excellent speaker. Much better than his co-host yesterday in New York.
  6. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Let's be honest, the biggest problem with WFAN's Mike Francesa is that he is a fraud. What other big, self-absorbed blow-hard cares enough about silly, for fun NFL picks on a Football Friday to lie about them the next week?

    Recall? Mike picks the Bills -3

    Bills win 14-12, resulting in a loss for Mike. But he lies the following Football Friday...sneaking above .500

    Way back when Imus was still on WFAN he came right out and said that people had told him that Francesa used to edit his broadcasts so that his picks were correct.

    If you are going to lie about something so trivial as football picks - you are going to lie about other things as well. Like the New Jersey Officials with whom you consulted...about Lawrence Taylor's New York rape charge.

    BobsBlitz.com ~ Mike Francesa Caught Lying About Sources On-Air

    He lies about football picks, he's caught making up sources in a rape case, and all along, who is there enabling? Mark Chernoff, V/P Sports Programming CBS Radio, V/P Programming CBS Radio New York, WFAN Operations Manager. Mark's response to Mike making up sources in regards to LT? "Mike was corrected on the location. Not sure what the big deal is about that. Also, there’s often confusion between Ramapo, NY and Ramapo, NJ...right next to each other."

    When pushed that the problem wasn't his reporting of the crime's location but rather his lie that he spoke to New Jersey police officials about a NY crime that he thought took place in NJ, Chernoff added, "He spoke to law authorities."

    No he didn't.

    Mark's response to our post with Francesa's bet switching? "You should listen to the program rather than read blogs to get a perspective."

    Imus and the actual tape of Mike lying not good enough sources either, we guess.

    If you had that kind of boss, maybe you'd lie and make up stories too.

    But your boss is probably not afraid of you.
  7. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    ^^ Oh man, I can only hope that these articles and sites go viral and eventually lead to his demise.
  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Click on the links to watch the video's on all 3
  9. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    wow....thats some juicy stuff.

  10. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Vendetta much? Shit was intense.
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Someone's finally nailing the arrogant bastard.
  12. talisaynon

    talisaynon Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2008
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    Mike francesa is the only thing i believe in this world.

    No ones ever going to take him down. F the haters.
  13. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    joe and evan get rex ryan today at 10:45

    I thought Francesa said he doesn't get jet guests anymore because 1050 wants all the interviews with the station that broadcasts the jet games, lmao.

    even the Jets themselves have felt Fatty has been extremely unfair.
  14. Sanpetejets

    Sanpetejets Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Rex on with joe and evan... so much for his exclusive deal with 1050. Chubby did it to himself. I hope no Jet ever goes on his show again.
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Hey Leon, if you read the posts, the Jets problem is with Fatcesa, not WFAN. Do you believe what that guy says. Are you kidding me???? Do some howework pal. The Jets have not been on your daddy's show since 2009
  16. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Funny how MF always rambles along how the Jets made a business decision to send their guys on the air only to ESPN because they carry the broadcasts.

    Guess who was on Joe & Evan this morning on WFAN? Yep, El Hombre Rex Ryan

    Edit: I see other people mentioned this already. That Post article was such a huge takedown, IMO this is the beginning of the end for that fat fuck. He's going to keep getting marginalized by not just the media, but by teams other than the Jets and eventually he's just going to get dumped out the back door after WFAN loses the next sweeps by a landslide
    #3476 GordonGecko, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  17. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Beat me to it. Wonder how the higher ups at the FAN feel about the fact that their flagship show's host can't get the coach of his home city's best team in the leadup the biggest regular season game of the year. Wanna know why it's gotten to this?


    Good work Fatty. Your hate is taking you right to the position of an also ran in NY radio.

  18. The Mak

    The Mak New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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  19. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    Dey on are on da MOOON compahhed to where you are in da NFL!''

    Bing boom boom boom bing boom touchdown!
  20. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Don't worry, MF is about to get his
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